

Monday, November 4, 2024

Una Carta a Mamá Mary

 Una carta a Mamá Mary en la víspera del comienzo de la consagración mariana

4 de noviembre de 2024

Querida mamá Mary,

Estoy muy emocionada. Mañana comienzo un retiro de 33 días para consagrarme a tu Hijo Jesús a través de ti. Esta será mi segunda consagración. Hice la primera, el año pasado, por mi cuenta. Esta, la haré como parte de un grupo. Hay más de 100 de nosotros haciendo este retiro juntos, y sé que va a ser genial.

La consagración tendrá lugar el 8 de diciembre, la celebración de tu Inmaculada Concepción. Este día tiene un significado especial para mí porque ese es el nombre de la escuela a la que asistí cuando vivía en Madrid. Siempre teníamos una celebración especial para conmemorar ese día. También marcaba el comienzo de la temporada navideña. Siempre poníamos el árbol de Navidad y el Nacimiento en este día. Por lo tanto, siento que hacer la consagración en este día en particular será muy especial.

Esta noche, estoy leyendo la introducción del libro que usaremos: “Consagración a María: 33 Días hacia un Glorioso Amanecer” del padre Michael E. Gaitley. A pesar de que hice la consagración el año pasado, siento que necesito un nuevo comienzo. Así que tengo muchas ganas de completar este retiro espiritual con mis compañeros peregrinos. Seremos “un gran escuadrón de bravos y valientes soldados de Dios y de María, de uno y otro sexo, para combatir al mundo, al demonio y a la naturaleza corrompida en los tiempos, más que nunca peligrosos, que van a venir” St. Luis de Montfort.

Qué apropiado que estemos comenzando nuestro viaje de 33 días hacia la consagración el día de las elecciones en Estados Unidos. Estamos en un punto de inflexión en nuestro país. Necesitamos rezar más que nunca, porque estamos viviendo “en tiempos peligrosos”. Pero “donde abundó el pecado, sobreabundó la gracia”, St. Pablo en su carta a los Romanos (Rom 5:20). Por lo tanto, debemos orar por esa gracia, y consagrarnos a Jesús a través de ti es definitivamente un buen comienzo.

Mamá Mary, igual que St. Juan Pablo II, quiero entregarme totalmente a ti (Totus Tuus). Estoy lista para ser transformada. Al igual que le dijiste “Sí” a Dios durante la Anunciación, hoy te digo “Sí”. Te doy libremente mi permiso para transformarme desde dentro. “Hoy, en este momento, te doy permiso total para realizar tu obra en mí, junto con tu Esposo, el Espíritu Santo.”

Así que Mama Mary, “pongámonos a trabajar”.

Tu hija en Cristo.

A Letter to Mama Mary

 A Letter to Mama Mary on the Eve of the Start of the Marian Consecration

November 4, 2024

Dear Mama Mary,

I am so excited. Tomorrow, I start a 33-day retreat to consecrate myself to your Son Jesus through you. This will be my second consecration. I did the first one, last year, on my own. This one, I will do it as part of a group. There’s over 100 of us doing this retreat together, and I just know it’s going to be great.

The consecration will take place on December 8th, your feast day of the Immaculate Conception. This day has a special meaning for me because that is the name of the school that I attended when I lived in Madrid. We always had a special celebration to commemorate the feast day. It would also mark the start of the Christmas season. We would always put up the Christmas tree and the Nativity on this day. Therefore, I feel that doing the consecration on this particular day will be extra special.

Tonight, I’m reading the introduction on the book we will be using: “33 Days to Morning Glory” by Father Michael E. Gaitley. Even though I did the consecration last year, I feel like I need a fresh start. So I am very much looking forward to completing this spiritual journey with my fellow pilgrims. We will be “a great squadron of brave and valiant soldiers of Jesus and Mary, of both sexes, to combat the world, the devil, and corrupted nature, in those more than ever perilous times which are about to come” St. Louis de Montfort.

How appropriate that we are starting our 33-day journey to consecration on Election Day. We are at a turning point in our country. We need to pray more than ever before, because we are living “in perilous times.” But “where sin abounds grace abounds all the more,” St. Paul in his letter to the Romans (Rom 5:20). Therefore, we must pray for that grace, and consecrating ourselves to Jesus through you is definitely a good beginning.

Mama Mary, just like St. John Paul II, I want to give myself totally to you (Totus Tuus). I am so ready to be transformed. Just like you said “Yes” to God during the Annunciation, I say “Yes” to you today. I give you my full permission to transform me from within. “I freely choose to give you my full permission to do your work in me, with your Spouse, the Holy Spirit.”

So Mama Mary, “let’s get to work.”

Your daughter in Christ.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Lord, I Want to See You

“To receive in faith the gift of his Eucharist is to receive the Lord himself.” CCC 1336

I got a bit sidetracked with my blog posts, and I have not been writing about this year’s theme which is the Eucharist. I have been meditating about the Eucharist. I have been reading about the Eucharist. I have been receiving the Eucharist a few times each week. I’m even taking a class titled “The Eucharist: The Heart of the Christian Life.” But I have not been writing about it.

As I was doing my homework this week, a sentence in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) caught my eye: “To receive in faith the gift of his Eucharist is to receive the Lord himself” CCC 1336. One of the things that I have been struggling with is why is God more present within me when I receive the Eucharist than when I don’t. After all, God lives within me, all the time, not just when I receive the Eucharist. We were not able to receive the Eucharist during the pandemic, yet, God was still present within us and all around us. So what is the difference?

Yes, God is present within us all the time, but when we receive the Eucharist, we enter into His heart. And that is when our transformation begins. The Eucharist begins to transform us from within. Just like babies need food to grow, we need the Eucharist to grow in the Christian life. When we receive the Eucharist, we are so united to Christ that we can live in the world as His Body. When we enter into God’s heart through the Eucharist, the life of Jesus becomes interwoven with ours. We receive His entire life, human and divine. Therefore, the Eucharist helps us to become holy because we are in complete communion with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

St. Augustine said it best: “When you eat food you turn it into yourself. But when you consume this food (the Eucharist) you are transformed into it.” When we receive the Eucharist, we receive the life of Jesus. By entering into His own life, we begin to change from within. 

A large percentage of Catholics do not believe that the Eucharist contains the real presence of Jesus in body and blood. They think that it’s just a symbol. It is truly a mystery that is hard to comprehend, and it has been a cause of much division in the Church throughout the ages, thus the reason why there are so many different denominations within the Christian Church. But if we truly believe that Jesus came, and that He was able to perform miracles by simply saying a word, then why would it be so different that He truly could turn bread and wine into His Body and Blood. When Jesus speaks, miracles happen. When He told Lazarus who was dead in a tomb to come out, a miracle took place and Lazarus was resurrected. Therefore when He holds a piece of bread and He says “this is my body,” a miracle takes place and that piece of bread turns into His Body through the creative power of His voice. He also turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana, so He can definitely turn wine into His blood. 

Under the appearance of bread and wine, He performs a miracle so that we can consume His Body and Blood in an unbloody manner. We are not literally taking human flesh and blood, but we consume the substantial reality which is truly His flesh and blood. It is a miraculous gift that Jesus has given us, bread from heaven, that we can actually consume in a pleasant way. I for one I’m very happy that I get to consume His body and blood within a pristine white host.

When Jesus instituted the Eucharist during the Last Supper, He said “Do this in memory of me.” He gave the authority to His disciples to perform the same miracle by saying the same words He taught them at the Last Supper, and thus through apostolic succession, we can now receive this miraculous gift from our priests who act in persona Christi (in the person of Christ) when they celebrate mass. The disciples and their successors have been breaking bread and transforming it into the Eucharist for over 2,000 years since the Last Supper. 

When we receive the Eucharist we not only become one with Christ but also with one another as members of His body. It brings us into union with other Christians. Paul realized this when he said that by persecuting Christians, he was persecuting Christ himself. 

I believe in miracles, and even though I cannot see the host turning into flesh and blood with my eyes, I believe with the eyes of faith. At every mass, I pray: “Lord, I want to see You with the eyes of my heart. Help me to always believe that You are truly present body, blood, soul and divinity in the Blessed Eucharist. And if I ever doubt, please help my unbelief.”

Copyright © 2024 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

A letter to our son and his fiancée on their Wedding Day

Dear Keely and Alex:

The day is finally here.  It’s been five years since you met. You survived a long-distance relationship, a pandemic, a move from Kentucky to Miami (Keely) and then from Miami to Charlotte (together). And through it all, we have seen your love for each other grow. 


As you begin your “Marriage Journey,” we want to share some words of wisdom that we have learned during our own 40-year journey:


1. When we got married, everyone would tell us never to go to bed angry. We learned that sometimes it’s better to go to bed angry than to beat each other. Sometimes you need to sleep it off and talk about it the next day when the tempers have cooled off. 

2. A popular phrase is “love is never having to say you’re sorry.” You will need to say “I’m sorry” many times. Hopefully neither one of you is afraid to say it because love means being able to say “I’m sorry” over and over again.

3. Choose your battles. It’s best not to fight over the little things, like who’s going to walk the dogs.

4. Celebrate each anniversary as if it’s your first one. Make it a point of always doing something special on the 6th of October. 

5. Send each other love messages. Your generation doesn’t write on paper much anymore, but occasionally, surprise each other with an actual paper card. We have 40 years of cards and letters stored inside a box. Just recently, we took them all out and read a few from when we started dating. We had to laugh at how tacky we sounded, but we were young and in love. You will appreciate reading those cards in the future.

6. Go on an impromptu date in the middle of the day. You can go on a lunch date, or just meet at a park and share a sandwich together.

7. Say “I love you” to each other at least once a day. And never stop saying it. Even if it’s at night, right before you go to sleep.

8. Surprise each other with gifts “just because.” It doesn’t need to be anything big or fancy. Picking up Keely’s favorite dessert on your way home or getting Alex a book he’s been meaning to read is enough to let each other know that you care.

9. Hopefully one day you will have children. Always remember that the two of you are the roots of the tree and the children are just the branches. The tree cannot survive without the roots. Your children will be happier if you are happy, and you have solid, strong roots. Yes, they will demand your full attention, but don’t take each other for granted. Let them know that mom and dad also need “alone” time.

10. Keep the word “divorce” out of your marriage. Every argument, every disagreement, has a solution, but when you bring “divorce” into the argument as an option, it will become the solution. There is always another path, one that leads to reconciliation.

11. Never sleep in separate rooms even if you are so angry at each other that you don’t feel like sharing a bed. If you get in that habit, eventually you will end up living separately within the same home. Many nights we have gone to bed angry, and we don’t even want to look at each other. But we still share our bed. The following morning, the problem didn’t seem as big as it did the night before.

12. Allow the child in you to come out once in a while, or a lot. If you love doing puzzles, buy yourselves a 1,000-piece puzzle and put it in the middle of the living room table. Your children are going to love the child in you, so sit with them on the floor to play and let the inner child have its way.

13. Always put the other one first. And both of you must be on board because if only one of you does this, eventually resentment and competition will creep into your marriage. But if both of you care more for each other than you do for yourselves, then your love for each other will grow more each day. 

14. Honesty is the best policy. If you start keeping things from each other, soon you will lose trust, which is one of the main ingredients for a successful marriage. It’s very difficult to regain trust once it’s gone. 

15. Put money aside for a rainy day, or even more, save for a hurricane. You never know when life can throw you a curve ball and you may be without a job. They say it’s good to have six months of your salary saved up. I say, if possible, have one year of your salary saved up.

16. By the same token, do not allow your jobs or your material possessions to become the god in your lives. Take time to enjoy life. And not all that is good costs money. If you enjoy the mountains, take a day off and go for a hike. If you enjoy the outdoors, spend a day at the park. If you enjoy the water, go down by the river and have yourselves a picnic. And find time to rest. There is no need to be always on the go. Take time to read a book, watch a movie or enjoy a TV show. If your job starts to take up every minute of your day, where you find yourselves just working and sleeping, stop and plan a different route. Yes, work is important because it opens doors to many things, but you cannot live to work, you have to work to live.

17. Communication is one of the main ingredients to a happy marriage. Keep the lines of communication between you always open. If something bothers you, don’t wait until the kettle boils over. It’s best to vent over little things than wait until they become a major storm.

18. Do not live your marriage in isolation. We humans were created to live in community. Build friendships and cherish them. Find a group where you can do activities together or simply to talk. This will be especially important when you become parents. You will need a whole community behind you to lend you a hand whether it is for advice, babysitting or just for some adult conversation. And you, in return, will be there for them as well.

19. Make room for God in your lives. I know that right now you are young, and you feel that you have the world in your hands. But life can turn upside down from one minute to the next. Don’t keep God inside a drawer only to remember Him when the going gets tough. Your journey will be a lot easier if you allow Him to walk with you every step of the way, not only when the going gets tough.

20. You are not alone on this journey, so whenever you have a question or need some advice, don’t hesitate to grab the phone and make a call. You can call us at any time, day or night. We will always be here for you, and even if we give you a hard time once in a while, we are your biggest cheerleaders because we want you to succeed and have a long-lasting marriage.


May God bless you today and always, and may He always walk by your side even when you feel that you don’t need Him. May He bless you with children, and may you never take each other for granted. Enjoy the marriage journey, and may it be a journey of unending love, sprinkled with unexpected surprises, lots of rainbows, plenty of sunshine, filled with joy, incredible adventures, and plenty of romance. 


May you live happily ever after. 


With love,

Mom and Dad

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Let the Pilgrimage Begin

 “Tourists want everything to go exactly as they have planned. Tourists get upset if there are delays… Pilgrims look for signs. If delayed, they ask, ‘What is God trying to say to me?’” Matthew Kelly in “33 Days to Eucharistic Glory.”

Fifteen years ago, I dreamed of going to Greece for our 25th wedding anniversary. We couldn’t make it then, but now, for our 40th anniversary, my dream is finally becoming a reality. 

I love to travel, but for some unknown reason, I have been particularly anxious about this trip. On Sunday, on my way to church, God sent me a sign that everything would be alright. The most beautiful double rainbow appeared in the sky. Rainbows have always had a special meaning for me. And they have always shown up at moments when I’m feeling worried or troubled. I have always felt that it’s God’s way to communicate with me. It’s how He lets me know to let go and allow Him to take control. 

As I knelt in the pew before mass began, I remembered my Eucharistic consecration that I did during Lent. There was a particular meditation that posed the question: “Are you a pilgrim or a tourist?” At that moment, I realized I had two choices: I could take this trip to Greece as a tourist or as a pilgrim. 

If I choose to visit Greece as a tourist, and something goes wrong with my carefully planned itinerary, I will probably get very upset. But if I decide to visit Greece as a pilgrim, I will see changes in plans as signs from God that He wants me to alter my plans. 

I decided right then and there that I would visit Greece as a pilgrim. Yes, I would try to follow my carefully planned itinerary, but I would be flexible and open to changes, trying to see God’s message in every situation.

Little did I know that He would send me the first test within minutes. As we stood to listen to the Gospel reading, my husband told me: “I don’t feel good, I think I’m going to faint.” We were able to get to the car without him passing out, but the entire drive home I was wondering: “Is this the reason I’ve been feeling so anxious? Is this God’s way of telling me that we shouldn’t go on this trip?”

I went back to mass by myself in the afternoon. I prayed to God, “Lord, I am placing this trip in your hands. You know how long I’ve been wanting to go to Greece, but if this is not the right time then hold us back. It’s not the first time nor will it be the last that I’ve had to cancel a trip last minute. Yes, I will be disappointed, but this morning I made the decision that I would treat this trip as a pilgrimage, therefore, I’m giving You full control. You are in charge. If You want us to go, then heal Rafe of whatever it is that has him feeling sick. If whatever he has is serious, then reveal it to us before we get on that plane tomorrow. I love You, Jesus, and I trust You completely.”

It turns out that what my husband had was indigestion. We just landed in Athens. Let the pilgrimage begin. 

Copyright © 2024 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

I Thirst

"The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth. Each moment that you spend with Jesus will deepen your union with Him and make your soul everlastingly more glorious and beautiful in Heaven, and will help bring about everlasting peace on earth." - Mother Teresa

Today, I was thirsting for the Eucharist. I had to go to Hallandale, and I remembered that the parish over there, St. Matthew, has mass on Saturdays at 9 am. I had to rush, but I arrived with three minutes to spare. There was a sign on the church door that said that mass was being held at the parish hall. I made my way there, only to find that all the doors were closed. There were two other people in the same situation. We waited until 9:05, but when no priest showed up, we figured there was no mass. I was truly disappointed.

The Eucharist is supposed to be the topic of my blog this year, but the last time I wrote about the Eucharist was almost three months ago when Father Mike was ordained. This summer, I have not written much. I have been juggling a remodeling, a wedding, a few trips, and wrapping some work that I was not able to finish by the time I closed my business. It’s been overwhelming, and I have pushed writing to the back burner.

I have also not taken the time to go visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. I would stop sometimes on my way home from the office. But now that I don’t have an office to go to, I have lost my way to the Blessed Sacrament. It takes real planning to fit it into my schedule, and I have not made the effort. And like St. Mother Teresa says: “The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament… will help bring about everlasting peace on earth." No wonder I have been feeling so overwhelmed. I have lost the peace that I find when I spend a few minutes in the Blessed Sacrament.

During the past few Sundays, the readings have been all about the Eucharist. John chapter 6 is known as “The Bread of Life Discourse,” and we have been listening to it for five weeks. This weekend is the conclusion, and it is not a concept that is easy to understand. Jesus lost a lot of his disciples when He said “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day” John 6:54. This is something that you either believe or you don’t. And those that believe, remain faithful, but many who don’t believe are no longer part of the Catholic Church.                    

I recently asked my daughter if she believed that the Eucharist was truly the Body and Blood of Christ. She told me that it was something that she just didn’t understand. I certainly didn’t understand it when I was thirty years old, but now, thirty years later, even though it’s still a mystery that it’s hard to comprehend, I do believe. Just like Peter understood that Jesus had “the words of eternal life” John 6: 68, I believe that just like we need food to nourish our bodies, we need the Eucharist to nourish our souls. And when I don’t receive it often, my soul thirsts.

Since I couldn’t go to 9 am mass, I went to the Vigil mass at St. Augustine. This mass counts for Sunday mass so I don’t need to go tomorrow, but actually, I would have preferred to have received the Eucharist two days in a road. 

There was a story in the bulletin that I would like to share here:

“A group of Christians were gathered for a secret prayer meeting in Communist Russia… Suddenly the door was broken down by the boot of a soldier… with a gun in his hand. They all feared the worst when he said, ‘If there are any of you who don’t really believe in Jesus, get out now while you have a chance.’ There was a rush to the door and in the end only a small group remained. The soldier closed the door and stood in front of those who remained, gun still in hand. Finally, a smile appeared on his face, and as he turned to leave the room he whispered ‘Actually, I believe in Jesus too. And believe me, you’re much better off without those others!”

This made me think. If I were to find myself in a situation like that, in which group would I be? Would I have rushed to the door or would I have remained in the room? 

Those who believe, don’t leave. Am I truly a believer? Or when push comes to shove, will I be like those disciples who “returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied Jesus?” John 6:66.

I thirst for You, Jesus. Please help me to always believe.

Copyright © 2024 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.