I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Shine Bright like a Diamond

“Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

As I headed to Church of the Little Flower, the song “Diamonds” by Rihanna started playing on the radio. As I listened to the words, “we’ll never die, we’re like diamonds in the sky,” I could not help but think what an appropriate description this was for my friend Mary.

I met Mary when my children started attending St. Theresa School. My oldest, Rafi, was in the same grade as her second daughter, Sammy. I don’t recall the exact moment that I met her, but I do recall that I always looked up to her because she exuded confidence. I was shy and introverted, while Mary was the complete opposite. I’m not sure how she discovered that I was an accountant like she was, so I was in complete awe when she approached me to see if I could give her a hand with the accounting for their construction company. By this time, Mary was expecting her fourth child, which turned out to be twins. I only helped her for a little while because she was “super woman,” and soon, she was juggling five kids and a business as if it was the easiest thing in the world.

After that, our paths kept crossing and our friendship grew. This friendship peaked when I attended an Emmaus retreat, and she was the main leader. I later found out that she had brought Emmaus to Little Flower. If I admired her before, now my admiration towards her took a completely different level. She led that Emmaus with such humility, that she was a true inspiration of what it meant to serve. I kept asking myself, how can she handle a home, five kids, a business, her involvement in the Church and at her kids’ schools, and still find time to serve at Emmaus. It took me a while to discover the answer, but I eventually did. Her secret weapon was Jesus Christ. “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13. Mary took this verse into her life, and she lived by those words.

When years later, I was asked to help bring Emmaus to Belen Jesuit, my first reaction was “I don’t have time.” I’m handling a home, three kids, a business... and then I thought of Mary. If she could do it, I could do it too because Jesus Christ would provide the tools. I never told Mary, and now I regret it because I honestly thought we had more time. But I know that she knows because I know where she is.

Mary lived her life, not for herself but to serve others. She served her Church. She served her friends. She served her family. She adored her husband and her five children, but she found time to help her community without neglecting them. The last time that I saw Mary was very appropriately at the Nico’s Promise fundraiser. Even though she was undergoing treatment, she was glowing with joy and happiness doing what she loved to do, serve. She was shining bright like a diamond. As I listened to the song, I realized that’s what Mary did. She shined bright like a diamond. She spread the light of God wherever she went and to whomever she met. I witnessed this both at the funeral home, and at her resurrection mass. Both where overflowing with people that had crossed her path at some point. And the conversations around me all revolved about the same topic, how Mary had touched them in multiple ways. Church of the Little Flower looked like it was Easter Sunday. And it was, because we were celebrating Mary’s Easter.

She leaves behind a beautiful family that right now are crying in pain and disbelief. Ana, her sister-in-law, told me that it never even crossed her mind that Mary would not return from Boston because she was such a fighter. Claudia and Maria wrote on their Facebook pages about their relationship with Mary. It made me think that they began as sisters-in-law, but somewhere along the way, they had dropped the “in-law” and become true sisters. Her brother Fernando, spoke beautiful words at her wake, words from the heart that only a little brother who adored his sister could have spoken. I could see Mary smiling at him from heaven. Numerous friends have shared testimonies through social media. The amount of friends that Mary had are too many to count. They are like stars in the sky, shining as a testimony to the life that Mary led.

Stephanie, Sammy, Kyle, Joseph, and JP, I know that the pain in your heart surpasses all understanding. I have no words that can alleviate this pain. All I can say is to hold on to Jesus Christ like your mom taught you. She will live on in your heart forever. And have no doubt in your mind that she is in heaven, because she prepared for the moment that she would be face to face with God all of her life.

Jose, you have lost your best friend, your soulmate, your partner, your wife... She brought you to Jesus, and He will help you continue this journey on earth until you meet Mary again in heaven. Mary will also send you many signs, to let you know that she is by your side in spirit, and one day, you will dance again with her.

Thank you for everything you taught me, Mary. If I can live my remaining time here on earth doing just one fraction of what you were able to accomplish, then hopefully at the end of my journey, God will open the doors to paradise so I can meet you once again in heaven.

Mary shined bright like a diamond while she carried her mission here on earth. May all of us that had the privilege to come in contact with her life, follow her example and live by her legacy. When we look up to the sky, we will know that she is now shining her light from heaven, because she is one of God’s shiniest diamonds. Rest In Peace, my friend.