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I'm a little pencil

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Let the Pilgrimage Begin

 “Tourists want everything to go exactly as they have planned. Tourists get upset if there are delays… Pilgrims look for signs. If delayed, they ask, ‘What is God trying to say to me?’” Matthew Kelly in “33 Days to Eucharistic Glory.”

Fifteen years ago, I dreamed of going to Greece for our 25th wedding anniversary. We couldn’t make it then, but now, for our 40th anniversary, my dream is finally becoming a reality. 

I love to travel, but for some unknown reason, I have been particularly anxious about this trip. On Sunday, on my way to church, God sent me a sign that everything would be alright. The most beautiful double rainbow appeared in the sky. Rainbows have always had a special meaning for me. And they have always shown up at moments when I’m feeling worried or troubled. I have always felt that it’s God’s way to communicate with me. It’s how He lets me know to let go and allow Him to take control. 

As I knelt in the pew before mass began, I remembered my Eucharistic consecration that I did during Lent. There was a particular meditation that posed the question: “Are you a pilgrim or a tourist?” At that moment, I realized I had two choices: I could take this trip to Greece as a tourist or as a pilgrim. 

If I choose to visit Greece as a tourist, and something goes wrong with my carefully planned itinerary, I will probably get very upset. But if I decide to visit Greece as a pilgrim, I will see changes in plans as signs from God that He wants me to alter my plans. 

I decided right then and there that I would visit Greece as a pilgrim. Yes, I would try to follow my carefully planned itinerary, but I would be flexible and open to changes, trying to see God’s message in every situation.

Little did I know that He would send me the first test within minutes. As we stood to listen to the Gospel reading, my husband told me: “I don’t feel good, I think I’m going to faint.” We were able to get to the car without him passing out, but the entire drive home I was wondering: “Is this the reason I’ve been feeling so anxious? Is this God’s way of telling me that we shouldn’t go on this trip?”

I went back to mass by myself in the afternoon. I prayed to God, “Lord, I am placing this trip in your hands. You know how long I’ve been wanting to go to Greece, but if this is not the right time then hold us back. It’s not the first time nor will it be the last that I’ve had to cancel a trip last minute. Yes, I will be disappointed, but this morning I made the decision that I would treat this trip as a pilgrimage, therefore, I’m giving You full control. You are in charge. If You want us to go, then heal Rafe of whatever it is that has him feeling sick. If whatever he has is serious, then reveal it to us before we get on that plane tomorrow. I love You, Jesus, and I trust You completely.”

It turns out that what my husband had was indigestion. We just landed in Athens. Let the pilgrimage begin. 

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