I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Thursday, January 15, 2015

No More Excuses

Dear sisters in Christ:

As I sit here at the ICU at Mount Sinai Hospital, while my father recovers from yet another surgery, I've decided to do what I enjoy the most and usually don't have the time to do.  Actually, it's not really about time, it's more about inspiration or the desire to write.  I spent the morning reading magazines about the European royals and socialites, playing Solitaire and scrolling through Facebook.  I could have been writing yet I chose to do pointless tasks.

"If only I had the time for it..." is a typical sentence all of us utter at some point.  But how we use our time or waste our time is really up to us.  Personally, I use that sentence a lot but yet I find time to watch "Madame Secretary" and "Blue Bloods" every week, I find time to play "Word Chums" every night, I check Facebook not constantly but definitely daily and a number of other wasteful activities that take away time from doing what I should be doing but simply have no desire of doing.

And what should I be doing? Every day I pray, God help me hear your voice. What should I be doing? What do you want from me? And everyday I hear His answer loud and clear: "Write. I want you to write. Spread my message." And as soon as I hear Him, I answer immediately: "Why do you keep asking me the same thing? Don't you see I don't have time?" But I do have time and I do keep a journal. But He wants more from me and I keep shutting my ears to his request. Maybe is fear to share my inner thoughts. Or fear to make a commitment. And therefore I keep using the "time"excuse.

What is God asking of you? Do you hear His voice? You are not going to hear His voice with your ears, but if you make "time" for Him, you will hear his voice within your heart. You may hear Him while you read the Bible or you may hear Him while you pray or You may hear Him at mass or You may even hear him in an email you receive.  Trust me.  If He wants something from you, He will let you know loud and clear.  The question is: "how are you going to answer Him?"  Are you going to answer "NO" using the "lack of time" excuse or maybe the "I'm not capable of doing that" excuse? Or are you going to answer "YES God, I will do your will"? 

This last answer is pretty scary, I'm still struggling with it.  But I know someone who can give us the courage to answer "YES."  She gave the most important YES ever given in human history.  “I am the handmaid of the Lord.  Be it done to me according to thy word.” (Luke 1:38)  Mother Mary's YES to God can help us put our fears aside.  Mary doesn't come up with excuses.  I'm sure she was busy. Yet, she didn't say: "God, I don't have time right now for a baby." Mary has no doubts.  She doesn't say: "I'm not capable of being the mother of your Son."  I'm sure she was terrified but the angel told her, "Do not be afraid," and she listened. She placed herself completely at God's mercy and He led the way.

So it's time to put all the excuses aside, listen to God's voice and answer YES to whatever it is He's asking of us.  In my case, it's "writing" so sorry ladies, get ready to be bombarded.  I may create a "blog" or who knows what, I'm not there yet. He will lead the way.  But with you as my witnesses, I'm ready to allow God to change my life the way He changed Mary's life.  Why should I be afraid if He's the one in charge? If I follow Mary's example and abandon myself in His hands, He will inspire me with His thoughts and His messages.  So I ask you to hold me accountable.  If you don't hear from me by the end of this month (I'll start with baby steps), reprimand me because I'm not obeying God and it has nothing to do with lack of time.

When God comes knocking in our hearts, we must always answer YES.

Blessings to all of you and I hope you are encouraged to allow God to change your life.


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