I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My Recipe to a Happy Meal

"If things go well, let’s rejoice, blessing God, who makes them prosper. And if they go wrong? Let’s rejoice, blessing God, who allows us to share the sweetness of his cross." The Way by St. Josemaria Escriva ch 31 par 658.

I feel that in general I am a truly happy person. It takes a lot to bring me down. I am human so obviously, I get upset. You can ask my husband just how upset I get when I'm hungry. And I also feel pain and I cry when the storms of life threaten to break me down, but most of the time, I am content with life. I have been meditating about this and I have come up with my own personal recipe to happiness. Of course, this is a work in progress. Through the years I have added new ingredients and I have tried new techniques. I know the dish won't be perfect until I finish my journey here on earth, but for now, it tastes pretty good. Here are the twenty main ingredients that in my case are indispensable to my happy meal:

1-Every new day should be the happiest day of your life.

2-The past is gone, the future is not here yet so the time to be happy is now.

3-Enjoy every season of your life. Just like there is beauty in the spring flowers, in the warmth of the summer, in the trees as they drop their leaves and in the whiteness of the snow, there is joy and happiness in every stage of your life. Don't try to stop the clock from ticking, rejoice for every new year that God gives you.

4-Have an attitude of happiness. Happiness doesn't depend on what happens around you, happiness depends on your attitude towards what happens around you. Like Martha Washington said: "The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not our circumstances."

5-When you are happy, don't keep it inside. Share your joy and happiness with others. Just like one candle can light many other candles, happiness is contagious and increases when you share it.

6-Dance and sing every time you have the opportunity. Who cares if you are not a good singer or a good dancer? Life is too short. Go out there and enjoy it.

7-Don't try to be perfect. Do the best you can and leave the rest to God.

8-Dream big but be happy with whatever you accomplish, even if it seems insignificant. A huge building is constructed one brick at a time.

9-Don't search for happiness in faraway places when happiness lies at your feet.

10-Always have faith because without it your life will be too difficult. If you are not sure whether there is a God, look around you. You just need to look at His magnificent creation and you will believe.

11-Don't search for happiness in possessions. The things that bring true happiness are free: the smile of a baby, the splendor of the rainbow, the warmth of the sun, the beauty of the ocean, the fragrance of a flower, the hug of a loved one... Rejoice in the gift of God's creation.

12-Be on the lookout for a miracle. God gives you miracles every day. If you don't notice them you need to look a little harder.

13-Smile even when you feel like crying. But once in a while, it's good to cry. It cleanses the soul.

14-Trust that no matter how dark today looks, there will be a brighter tomorrow.

15-Never lose hope even when it looks like the situation is hopeless.

16-When you are in the midst of the storm, pray and ask others to pray with you and for you. We are not on this journey alone. Find a community that cares and allow them to help you carry the burden. And when you are in the peaceful valley, remember to say a prayer of thanksgiving.

17-When you are traveling through the peaceful valleys of your life, cherish them. Yes, the storm will come again but if you are always living in fear of the storm, you will miss out on the beauty of the sunshine that is lighting your days at the present moment.

18-Be kind to all the persons that you encounter on your journey.

19-Love. Love. Love. Love with all your heart. Love your family, love your friends, love your neighbors, love yourself but most importantly, love God.

20-Put God first and love will always reside in your heart, peace will always be in your mind, joy will always surround your soul and happiness will always shine in your life. When God is at the core of your existence, there is no room for sadness.

I hope you find your own ingredients to create your own happy meal but feel free to borrow any from my list if you feel they could enhance your flavor.

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