I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, October 30, 2015

Christmas Journey: Angelic Comfort

"Angels around us, angels beside us, angels within us. Angels are watching over you when times are good or stressed. Their wings wrap gently around you, whispering you are loved and blessed." 
Author Unknown

This week, we lost a dear member of our family, tia Calila. She was one of my father-in-law's seven sisters. I met her 34 years ago when she and her husband Jose were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. Rafael, who was my boyfriend at the time, took me with him to the celebration. I remember that I was very nervous because I was about to meet his very large family. What I remember most about that day was tia Calila's smile and that she made me feel very welcome. I knew that I wanted to be part of the Romero family because I saw how happy they were. I was impressed by their unity and contagious joy. Little did I know then how close I would become with tia Calila's daughters, Cuqui and Lourdes.  I now tell my hubby, they are your cousins by blood but I have adopted them as mine.

I went to see tia Calila on Tuesday morning. She had been suffering from Alzheimer's for a few years. When I saw her, memories of my grandmother came rushing to me. My grandmother had also suffered from Alzheimer's and the day she was called to heaven, she looked just like tia Calila looked on Tuesday morning. Somehow, I knew in my heart that the end was near. I sat with Cuqui by her side, talking about her. Tia Calila had an incredible memory. She was an encyclopedia of poems and songs. Her favorite poems were those of Jose Marti. Even after she was diagnosed, when she no longer recognized us, she still recited her favorite poems and sang her favorite songs.

For a few minutes, I sat alone with tia Calila. I prayed for her and I talked to her. I told her not to be afraid, that papa Matias, mama Candita, her brothers and sisters would be waiting for her. I told her that the angels would lead her to them. I had no doubt that tia Calila would go straight to heaven. She was a woman of incredible faith, an amazing wife, mother and grandmother who had spent her life serving and teaching others. Like my father-in-law and many others in the Romero family, she was an accountant who worked for many years at the family lumber. She belonged to the first generation of working wives and mothers, and she leaves behind an incredible legacy in her daughters, grandchildren and one beautiful great-grandson.

When I left her house, I called my hubby and I told him, "your tia is going to heaven today." A few minutes later, Cuqui called me to tell me that her mom had passed. I told her that even though I knew it was very hard, that she had to have peace in her heart that now tia Calila was resting with the Lord.

In the Garden of Gethsemane, when Jesus was in agony, He was comforted and assisted by an angel (Luke 22: 43). Jesus himself taught us to go to the angels when we need to be comforted. When we develop a close relationship with the angels, we should feel their presence. I felt that angels were present around tia Calila's bed on Tuesday. I did not see them, I did not hear them, but in my heart, I knew that they were there, waiting to take her home. 

We should not be afraid to speak with the angels. St. John did in the Book of Revelation, and the prophets did in the Old Testament. We may do this silently,  in our souls. We are spiritual beings as the angels are, and we can communicate with them through the ways of prayer. As we become familiar with them, we will be more attuned to their promptings as we go about our everyday life.

Yesterday, at tia Calila's Resurrection Mass at St. Agatha, I noticed there were two angels in the altar, one on each side of the cross, guarding Jesus. If Jesus, who is God, who created the angels and gave them whatever powers they have, allows angels to guard Him, how much more should we allow the angels to guard and comfort us.

One of the songs played at the Mass was tia Calila's favorite song, "Bendito, Bendito, Bendito sea Dios, los ángeles cantan y alaban a dios..."  (Blessed, Blessed, Blessed is God, the angels sing and glorify God...). Today the angels rejoice because they have a new member in heaven. And in the meantime, they comfort the family members that remain here on earth, cherishing the memories and the peace of knowing that one day, we will all reunite in heaven.


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