I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Journey into the Boot: Capri Bella

Tuesday, August 9th

We woke up at the crack of dawn, to catch the first shuttle that would take us from the hotel to Amalfi, to catch the first boat that would take us from Amalfi to Capri.

Even after all that rush, rush, rush, it was not enough to avoid the crowds at the Grotta Azzure. We got to the famous Grotta at 11 am. It was packed with boats. We had to wait a whole hour to be able to enter. There must have been at least one hundred persons in our boat. When our turn finally came, we had to transfer to small dinghy boats that could accommodate just four persons. Jumping from our large boat into the dinghy was an adventure unto itself. Happily, I made it without ending up in the cold water. We then had to lower our heads and keep our arms inside the boat, as we squeezed through the small opening that would take us into the grotto. And then, voila!!! The most beautiful bright blue that I have ever seen. Was it worth all the trouble? Probably not. Would I do it again? Probably not. But I'm glad I got to see it once in my lifetime.

By the time everyone made it into and out of the grotto, it was already 12:30. Our boat then took us for a tour around the island of Capri. It was absolutely beautiful. It's hard for me to imagine that there are people that don't believe in God. When I see a place like the island of Capri, that has so much natural beauty, I have no choice but to believe that there is a God. It's simply impossible that so much beauty came out of a random Big Bang. There simply has to be a Creator that is much bigger than us behind it all.

By the time we got back to the Marina, we just had two hours before we had to board our boat back to Amalfi. This basically just gave us enough time to eat. I was a little disappointed because I wanted to visit Ana Capri, on the other side of the island, and I would have liked to have seen more than just the marina of Capri. I guess it's a good excuse to return.

At night, we were so exhausted from waking up early and from being on a boat bouncing back and forth, that we decided just to eat at the hotel restaurant. No complaints. Both food and views were amazing.

Buona notte.

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