I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Thoughts on “Jesus Revealed: Encountering Christ in His Biblical Names” by Anna Summerlin-Gonzalez

We just finished a Bible study at my parish that was beyond amazing. Over the course of 18 weeks, we uncovered all the names by which Jesus is mentioned in the Bible. My dear friend Anna who joined the study for the first time this year wrote a beautiful summary from her heart. She read it on the last day, and she gave me permission to share it on my blog. I hope you all enjoy it, and that it will inspire you to read the Bible and learn more about Our Lord and Savior.

I leave this study with a renewed vigor, a lighter step, and a positive outlook in life. Knowing that God is my All and Savior, Keeper of my Faith, and Caretaker of my Sorrows has made my destination crystal clear.

The emptiness and desolation that overcomes us at different intervals in our lives, is the straying away from the true path that we should always follow which is God’s way. His illuminating steps guide us for He is the beginning before the beginning of time, Foreshadower of eternal life, and Keeper of all time. He is our lighthouse, signaling to us His beacon of light. He is our anchor. He is our tidal wave of total happiness and fulfillment.

We live for Him! Oh what a great joy to awaken in the early dawn and gaze in wonder at what was dark become light. The sheer joy of another daybreak is a new opportunity for doing good, for doing what we are all called to do. Deep within, we all have a calling to do good, but to stoke that inner fire, and in order for it to be set ablaze, enormous amounts of energy, both natural and soul searching, must take place.

To be an essential part of the True Vine, we must become a bud, and then a sapling, and ultimately, a true branch capable of handling the sheer weight of life and its burdens. We all require the assistance of the Good Shepherd in our daily lives to be led not astray but in a straight path. We are defended by the Lion of the Tribe of Judah in this jungle that we call earth.

In this jungle is the True Lamb of God who allowed Himself to be humiliated, ridiculed, abused, and ultimately crucified for us. He became the Firstborn of the Dead in order to give us eternal life with Him and in Him for He is Heaven itself. This King of kings was called by His Father to sacrifice His life, and to become part of us so that we may be allowed to enter God’s family and kingdom through the following of His Word, The Word.

Who shall I say that You are in my life? I am who I AM. That powerful statement was spoken by the Son of God and the Son of Man who became Savior of the world. He was the Precious Cornerstone of all time that became the Bridegroom between His Father, God, and we, the people. He is our sustenance and Bread of Life that nourishes our bodies and our souls. In our darkest moments of despair, there is the Dawn from On High prodding us to become more dependent on Him, and less in ourselves. He is our Pioneer and Perfector of the Faith, and ultimately, we recognize Him as the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega, our First and Last thought of each and everyday.

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