I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

A Lenten Journey with Mary: From Bethlehem to Jerusalem-Day 2

“And when eight days had passed, before His circumcision, His name was then called Jesus, the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb.” Luke 2:21

All the shepherds that came to meet our Baby asked us “what is His name?” In our Jewish tradition, the name is more than a name. The name is the person. We have learned, from generation to generation, that every child that comes into the world is not just a child. Every child inherits the promises given by God to our Father Abraham. And that is why, the name given to each child is very important because it carries all the traditions of his ancestors.

The name of our Child had been given to me by the angel before He was even conceived in my womb. His name is Jesus, or Yeshua, which means to deliver or to rescue. That name has accompanied me from the very moment that my life was forever altered. It had also been revealed to Joseph when the angel appeared to him in his dream and told him: “You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” (1)

The circumcision ceremony was simple, just as I had anticipated. I could see on the priest’s face that the rudeness of our dwelling astonished and somewhat disconcerted him, but I welcomed him with grace and humility, and soon, he did not pay attention to his surroundings. He was also surprised when Joseph told him that I wanted to save the Baby’s blood on a white linen cloth, but of course, the priest did not know that this was God’s sacred blood. 

I held my Baby Boy in my arms while the priest performed the rite. I could not hold back the pain when my Son’s blood was spilled for the first time. True to His human nature, my divine Infant shed tears as any other child, and I felt the pain in my heart as if the knife had cut me instead of Him. But I kept repeating His name within me, sure that He had a great mission to accomplish and many would repeat His name for generations to come: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

In the meantime, the priest asked us what name we wished to give to our Child in Circumcision; by divine interference, both Joseph and I answered at the same time: “JESUS is His name.” The priest replied: “The parents are unanimously agreed, and great is the Name which they give to the Child”; and thereupon he inscribed it in the tablet or register of names of the rest of the children.

It did not matter to us that we did not have a big celebration. But just like every previous day, a group of shepherds appeared in the cave, just as the priest was cleansing his hands after the ceremony. Joseph had gotten some wine for the occasion. We shared it with the shepherds. They were so simple and clumsy, that one of them spilled all the wine over his beard. “This is a sign of joy,” Joseph said while laughing hysterically. “This Baby Boy is always going to be associated with wine.”

We also had another group of guests during the ceremony, but it seemed that only I could see them. The cave filled up with angels when the priest began to perform the circumcision. They had palms in their hands and crowns upon their heads and emitted a greater splendor than many suns. The holy angels divided into two choirs in the cave, keeping their gaze fixed upon the King and Lord being held in my arms. I distinguished the angel Gabriel amongst them. He held in his hands the most holy name of JESUS, written in large letters on something like a card of incomparable beauty and splendor.

The angel Gabriel approached me, as I held my Baby Son, and he said these words to me: “Lady, this is the name of your Son, which was written in the mind of God from all eternity as the signal of salvation for the whole human race; establishing Him at the same time on the throne of David. He shall reign upon it, chastise His enemies and triumph over them, making them His footstool and passing judgment upon them; He shall raise His friends to the glory of His right hand. But all this is to happen at the cost of suffering and blood; and even now He is to shed it in receiving this name, since it is that of the Saviour and Redeemer; it shall be the beginning of His sufferings in obedience to the Will of His eternal Father. We all are come as ministering spirits of the Most High. We are to accompany Him and minister to Him until He shall ascend triumphantly to the celestial Jerusalem and open the portals of Heaven.” I listened to his words filled with heavenly joy and admiration, and I pondered them in silence within my heart. 

It is now evening, and my Baby Boy is sweetly sleeping on the manger. I applied to the wound caused by the knife an ointment that Joseph was able to obtain from a mother whose child was circumcised a week ago. The ointment seemed to alleviate the pain. 

I now rest next to Joseph, while tears of joy run down my face as I recall all the joyful moments of this day.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Repeating her Son’s name, brought comfort to Mary’s heart when she felt pain. What do I do when I feel pain within my heart? Do I call out to Jesus or do I try to find comfort in the world?

  1. Matthew 1:21
Copyright © 2020 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.
Resources from the following books are being used on this journey:
1.The Mystical City of God: A Popular Abridgement of the Divine History and Live of the Virgin Mother of God by Venerable Mary of Agreda
2. The World’s First Love: Mary, Mother of God by Fulton J. Sheen
3. Las Palabras Calladas: Diario de Maria de Nazaret by Pedro Miguel Lamet
4. My Soul Magnifies the Lord: A Scriptural Journey with Mary by Jeanne Kun

All Bible references are from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) unless otherwise specified.