I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Saturday, October 9, 2021

God’s Time is Always on Time

“Grandmothers are voices of the past and role models of the present. Grandmothers open the doors to the future.” – Helen Ketchum

I became a mom at 26. My mother became a mom at 20 and a grandmother at 46. I was pretty certain that I would not be in my 40s when I became a grandma, but I was hoping that it would happen during my 50s. And it will. My son Rafi and daughter-in-love Emily, are about to become parents, which means that I’m about to join the grandmothers’ club. I am beyond excited. 

I found out that I was going to become a grandmother on Mother’s Day. No words could ever accurately explain the emotions I felt. I was ecstatic. When I opened the picture frame they sent me, and I saw the photo of the ultrasound, I screamed out of pure joy. Seeing that perfect baby in Emily’s womb was just precious. She was already fourteen weeks when they told me, so they already knew it was a boy. And I have loved him from that very moment.

According to his mommy, Benedict is an active little boy. He is constantly moving. I already had a dream about him, but I have to wait to see if Benedict will even resemble the little boy I saw in my dream. Honestly, I could not care less. All I pray for is that he is a healthy baby boy. While I wait for his birth, I dream about sitting on the floor playing with him, reading him books, taking him for strolls around the park, and watching him discover the world around him. Even though he will be in New York, I will be available with my bags packed, ready to hop on a plane to go visit him at a moment’s notice.

I will be readily available if the parents need my help, but I will try not to provide them with unsolicited parenting advice. I remember the first time that Rafi had a fever. It happened on his first Easter. Everyone in the family was telling me what to do. I know they meant well, but I got so frustrated that I told them that Rafi had a doctor, and I would only listen to his advice. Rafael remembers that he was outside talking to the men in the family, when all the women came marching out of our house. We look back now and laugh about it because it looked like I had kicked them all out. I guess in a way I did when I told them to stop giving me unrequested advice. Now, it’s my turn to remember that Rafi and Emily need to figure out parenthood by themselves. This is their child, not mine. My job will be simply to cuddle and spoil him. And I will only help out if they request it.

I can’t wait to see my baby boy with his own baby boy. His world is about to change in ways that he cannot even yet imagine. This little person is going to rock his heart, and expand his life. I have no doubt that he will be a great dad, just like I know that Emily will be an amazing mom because she has been the best wife that I could have ever wished for my son.

I have been dreaming of becoming a grandmother since I turned 50. That was nine years ago, but God’s time is always on time, and He made sure that I would reach my dream before my 60th birthday. I am looking forward to the next decade of my life surrounded by little ones that I’ll be allowed to love, cuddle, and spoil. And it will all begin with baby Benedict who will soon be joining our family.

Please keep Emily and Benedict in your prayers for a safe and healthy delivery.

Copyright © 2021 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

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