I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Monday, January 31, 2022

Hope Against Hope

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” Dale Carnegie 

If these past two years have taught us anything is to hope against hope. What does that mean exactly? To hope against hope means not to lose hope even when it seems impossible that what you are hoping for will actually happen. 

Here’s a recent example that I personally experienced. I received a jury duty notice. I was hoping against all hope that I would not have to go to the courthouse. I knew it was a long shot, and that the best I could hope for was to go and not get selected. But I still hoped against hope that I would be dismissed without having to show up. And it happened. On Friday I was told that I had to check my email every day after 5 pm to see if I had to report the following day. On Monday, I received a text message that I was dismissed. Yay!!!

We are called to hope against hope when we get tested. When we are experiencing difficult times or we find ourselves in the midst of suffering, we have to hold on to our hope. Hope is the ultimate medicine. When hope dies, it’s like someone stabbed you in the heart. It feels as if you are drowning. That’s why we must never give up on hope, even when it all just seems hopeless. 

The best solution for me when I feel that my hope is starting to dwindle is prayer. Prayer is like coffee for my soul. I pray and I get a shot of hope. This shot of hope to my soul is critical to my life because without it, I know I would succumb to sadness and depression. Hope helps me to believe in a brighter future. 

When you feel your soul empty, turn to prayer. Ask God to fill your soul with hope. We are all God’s beloved sons and daughters, and He will replenish our soul with hope. God knows that hope is good and essential for the soul.

Hope is like a cup of coffee that needs to be constantly refilled. We need to replenish our soul with hope over and over again. And when it all seems hopeless, we need to hope against hope, especially when it seems impossible that what we are hoping for will actually happen. 

Copyright © 2022 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

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