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I'm a little pencil

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Do the Storms Ever Stop?

“The greater your storm, the brighter your rainbow.” – Anonymous

I recently watched the second season of Sweet Magnolias, a Netflix series. It’s about three southern women that grew up together in a small town called Serenity. The town is anything but serene. There is always some drama going on. On one of the episodes, Helen, the town attorney, asks her friend Maddie, “Do the storms ever stop?”

That question stayed with me. “Do the storms ever stop?” And the answer is “No, the storms never stop.” Do you know anyone that has such a perfect life that has never gone through a storm? I’m sure the answer is no. Even my four-month-old grandson has already gone through a few storms of his own. If he could talk he would tell you about his three vaccinations on his chubby little legs when he turned two and four months. His crying told his mom and dad that he was not happy experiencing that storm. Three shots at once? Poor little baby boy. Abi was not happy either. 

The bottom line is that here on earth, the storms will never stop. But our attitude towards them can make a huge difference on how we navigate them. Just recently, my son Alex and his girlfriend Keely were caught in a pretty serious storm. After a week of headaches and a few misdiagnosis, a CT scan revealed that Keely had a large blood clot on her brain. As scary as the situation was, we did not lose hope. We turned to God, the Greatest Physician, and we prayed for Keely’s blood clot to dissolve, for Alex to stay strong for her in the midst of the storm and for Keely not to lose hope. I also asked all my prayer warriors to pray. I have no doubt that being showered with all these prayers is what kept them calm and hopeful through the storm. And even though it is not over, I have no doubt that the Great Physician continues to work on dissolving that blood clot. 

Jesus is the source of my strength and hope during every storm that I’ve had to navigate in my life. He has always jumped inside my boat and He has helped me to remain steadfast in my faith and has not allowed my hope to diminish. Even when I have found myself in a situation that seemed hopeless at first, He has not allowed me to succumb to despair. He has always been my guide through the storm, my light in the darkness and my hope in the midst of hopelessness. 

Yes, the storms never stop, but as Maddie responded to Helen in “Sweet Magnolias,” neither do the rainbows. So if you find yourself in the midst of a storm right now, don’t lose hope in the good things to come because after every storm there is always a rainbow, no matter how long it takes to show up. 

Copyright © 2022 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

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