I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Monday, January 2, 2023

2023: Surrender and Trust

 “Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.” Matthew 6:34

Hope was the theme for my 2022 blog posts. As we ended the year, I was praying and meditating about which theme to choose for 2023. I have been debating between two words: surrender and trust. One day, I think that my theme should be trust. Trust that everything will happen according to God’s plan. Trust God in all things. Place my trust in God because He has my best interest at heart. Then, I change my mind, and I think that I should go with surrender. Surrender because I am not in control, God is. Surrender all my life to God. Surrender because God knows best. 

Today, it finally hit me. Why do I have to choose just one word? After all, trust and surrender go hand in hand. If I trust God, I should surrender everything to Him. Every time I plan something, He laughs and changes all my plans anyway. Why then should I waste my time planning my life minute by minute? Might as well let go and let God. He knows much better than me what I need. 

Therefore, It’s been decided. Surrender and trust will be my theme for this year. My writings will revolve around those two words. 

I hope you have a year filled with trust in the Lord, and that you trust Him enough to surrender all to Him. 

Copyright © 2023 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

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