I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Pray it Once and then just Trust

“Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayers.” Saint Padre Pio

I have a special prayer request that has gone unanswered for many years. I pray for it every single day, and yet, it seems that God has gone deaf. I’m not praying for anything out of this world. It’s not even a prayer for myself. It’s an intercessory prayer for someone else. And yet, God is totally ignoring me.

I recently read that when we want something from God, to pray for it just once and then just trust Him. In this book, the person was praying to find a husband. Her friend told her to write down everything that she was looking for in a husband, to offer her request up to God just one time, and then to leave it in His hands. I thought that it would take a huge amount of trust for me to be able to do that. Pray it once and then just trust? The nagger within me has been having a very hard time reconciling with that. I feel that unless I nag God every day, He’s going to forget about what I’m asking.

This is dumb, of course. God doesn’t forget anything. I know that if He has not answered me is because the person I’m praying for is not ready to receive what I’m asking. God needs to get the soil ready first so that the weeds of the world won’t choke the seeds that He needs to plant. Honestly, I think the seeds have already been planted, but the weeds have taken over. I believe God is working on removing them, but He’s taking so long that I’m beginning to grow a bit desperate. Nagging Him has not helped, so maybe if I leave Him alone, He will be able to work a bit faster. 

In the book that I read, the lady ends up finding the husband that she was praying for. She prayed, she trusted, and God came through for her. I have to trust that He will also come through for me, no matter how long it will take. But should I stop praying all together? I think I’ll pray for it one more time, and then, I’ll just trust that He won’t forget.

Copyright © 2023 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

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