I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Monday, April 17, 2023

Trust your Heart

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

How many times have I heard the phrase “Trust your heart”? Way too many to count. Whenever I’m faced with a tough decision, people tell me “trust your heart.” When I have to select between two different choices, I’m told to “trust my heart.” But what exactly does this mean?

“Trust your heart” means listening to your soul. If you have two paths in front of you, visualize yourself taking just one of them. Do you feel uplifted when you see yourself selecting this option? Or do you feel nervous and insecure? Do the same thing with the other path. If one makes you feel excited and the other one causes you to panic, you have your answer. Your heart is already telling you which path to follow.

Many times, though, both paths may cause you anxiety. What do you do then? This is exactly where I am right now. I have to make an important decision, and both choices are creating a lot of nervous energy within me. I keep asking myself, “what am I afraid of?”

The only way to find the right answer is by placing my trust in God. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” Prov 3:5, is a phrase I like much more than “trust your heart.” I have more confidence in God than in my heart. I know I can trust God. I know that He will help me choose the right path. When I place my full trust in Him, I don’t need to figure things out on my own. I don’t need to be anxious. I don’t need to fear.

The greatest obstacle in trusting the Lord with all my heart is that many times I want to make my own choices and decisions without consulting with God. Even though I know in my heart what He is telling me to do, I still want to do it my way, and I have a hard time surrendering my will to Him.

When I finally surrender and I decide to trust God with all my heart, great things start to happen. My soul begins to feel joyful because I know that God is faithful. If I look back on my life, I can find times when I trusted God and He delivered. My heart rejoices because God cares deeply about me and my situation. He promises that He will help me choose what is good for me, even if it’s not always what I want.

Once I place my full trust in God, then I can trust my heart. God lives within my heart. He is always with me. And because He is with me inside my heart, I can trust my heart. The voice within my heart telling me which path to choose is the voice of God. And His voice can be trusted. 

If you are in the midst of anxiety or you are at the threshold of making an important decision, join me in prayer:

“Lord, you know the fear and anxiety that I feel today. Pour out a spirit of belief over me, so I can choose to trust You. Even though I feel worried, I will choose to trust You. Help me to identify the fear and anxiety that has taken a hold of my heart so I can place it at the foot of your cross. I know You have the power to save me from my troubles now. Thank You for being with me. You are my strength and my hope. I will worship You today even if I cannot quite understand what You are doing. Thank You for putting your trust within my heart. Amen.”

Copyright © 2023 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

  1. All of us face fear every day of our lives. There are phases in your life where fear is a common emotion and it takes a toll on our physical strength as well as our soul.
    BUT the famous saying , “Let go and let God “, comes into play at this time. You say you TRUST in the Lord and then YOU DO IT!! You close your eyes as when you were a small child , PRAY with the maximum intensity of your mind and heart so that it is transferred to your soul and it will help you feel God’s comforting words and embrace that say, “I AM here for you always . Place your trust and faith in me. You don’t see me but you feel me inside of you. “ After this say a Hail Mary to aid you in your journey. Our Blessed Mother helps us more than we know . Remember to tell the evil one to go back to his home and leave you alone. Then say another Hail Mary. You will feel and see the light within you “. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
