I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, December 31, 2023

24 Resolutions for 2024

The last time I wrote New Year’s resolutions was at the start of 2020. I did pretty good the first two months but when the pandemic hit us in March, my resolutions went out the window. I will attempt this one more time. I will pick up some of the ones I made that year, and add a few new ones:

  1. I will forgive all who have hurt me in the past. Life is too short for anger and grudges.
  2. I will apologize to those I have hurt in the past. Life is too short for hurt feelings.
  3. I will do my best to help those in need. 
  4. I will spread love, kindness and compassion instead of gossip, resentment or prejudice.
  5. I will remove negativity from my life, including those persons that complain constantly. Negativity spreads so I will attempt to surround myself with positive people and positive thoughts.
  6. I will give more compliments and less complaints.
  7. I will attempt to be more patient with bad drivers, rude retail clerks, restaurant waiters with poor manners, slow customer service phone operators, and especially, with my family.
  8. I will commit to sending a hand-written note to twelve different persons... one per month. It may be a “thank you,” “get-well”, “encouragement” or “just because” kind of note.
  9. I will spend less time on social media and more time face-to-face with those that truly matter.
  10.  I will commute productively by spending that daily hour in the car either praying, listening to a positive podcast or reaching out to someone that I have not spoken to in a while.
  11. I will be less perfectionist and more “go with the flow.” Life is not perfect so I don’t need to be either.
  12. I will delegate tasks that others can do for me. I can do anything but I can’t do everything.
  13. I will learn to accept change with a positive mindset.
  14. I will hug my loved ones more. I am not a hugger by nature so this will require some work on my part.
  15. I will treat myself kindly by making time to relax. I don’t need to finish everything today.
  16. I will worry less about the future, stop living in the past, and simply enjoy the “now.”
  17. I will cultivate an attitude of gratitude by being more grateful for little things. And I will make time to write on my journal what I’m grateful for at least once a month.
  18. I will make a conscious effort to invite one person per month to join me for either breakfast, lunch or dinner. It may be a friend, a family member or someone new that God places in my path.
  19. I will dedicate more time to doing what I enjoy most... writing.
  20. I will get out of my comfort zone by doing something different from my usual routine… maybe dancing???
  21. I will find good books to read (spiritual and uplifting) and waste less time in pointless literature.
  22. I will stop by the Blessed Sacrament more frequently. According to Matthew Kelly, “We tend to emulate the people we spend time with. By spending time in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, we become more like Him." Hopefully, spending a few minutes each week with Him, will help me to become a better me.
  23. I will find some good movies to watch, similar to one I watched last week, “I can only imagine.”

This is what I wrote at the start of 2020: “The 20s will be an amazing decade... if I have the right attitude... no matter what the future holds.” Little did I know that the 20s would have such a rocky beginning. It’s been pretty tough. We have lost a lot of people, some very close to my heart. But it’s also been a very good decade. I became a grandma in 2021, and now, I have two beautiful grandsons that I love more than life. My daughter got married in 2023, my youngest son will get married in 2024. There will be sad times ahead, but also joyful ones. Therefore, for my final resolution:

24. I will count my joys and my blessings, and I will offer the sad times for someone that has it worst than me. I will walk into 2024, wearing a big smile, and I will keep that smile no matter what the future holds.

I surrender 2024 to You, Lord, with hope in my heart that it will turn out to be a great year. 

Copyright © 2023 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

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