I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, March 31, 2024

A Different Morning

“Mary of Magdala went and announced to the disciples, ‘I have seen the Lord.’” John 20:18

My plan was to go to St. Augustine. God’s plan today coincided with mine. We made it to St. Augustine by 6:20 am, and there was plenty of parking. 

Why did I choose to go to St. Augustine today? It’s one of the few churches that offers a Sunrise Easter Mass. There is something absolutely beautiful to celebrating a mass outside, under the moon and stars, and seeing the day turn from dark to light. We didn’t actually get to see the sunrise because we were not by the bay, but listening to the birds sing as they welcome the new morning is truly inspiring. And seeing the sky turn from a very dark blue, almost black, to a light blue is like watching an artist turn a blank canvas into a colorful masterpiece.

I love the sunrise mass too because the Easter story begins early in the morning. Many people will start their day with the Easter rabbit, egg hunts and Easter baskets. There was a time I put more effort into that than in waking up early to get to Mass. When my children were little, I hid eggs around the house and backyard, I prepared their Easter baskets and I talked to them about the Easter bunny. Beautiful stories, but Easter is so much more than that.

The Easter story begins when Mary of Magdala discovers the empty tomb. Where is Jesus? I like to think, like St. Ignatius of Loyola, that Jesus had gone to visit His Mother, our Blessed Virgin Mary, but that’s a story I have shared in the past so I won’t repeat it today. 

Today, I will focus on the other Mary. I have been watching the series “The Chosen” during Lent. Mary is the first “chosen” one that appears on the very first episode of “The Chosen.” She’s possessed by demons. It’s a very intense and dramatic episode. I almost got discouraged from watching the rest of the series, but I’m so glad I didn’t because it’s truly an amazing recount of Jesus’ life and the people He chose. 

At one point in the first episode, Mary (who was called Lilith, the name of one of the evil spirit that possessed her), even considers ending her life because she was so badly tormented by these demons. But then she looks up and sees a white dove, and she follows it. Afterwards, she encounters Jesus and He calls her Mary. She turns around because Mary is her birth name, and she remembers her father’s teaching from the book of Isaiah which says: “I have called you by name, you are mine.” Jesus casts out her evil spirits, and she begins to follow Him.

In the Bible, Mary is the first person to encounter the Risen Jesus. As Father Vigoa told us in his homily: “She becomes the apostle sent by Jesus to take the Good News to the other apostles.” What an honor she was granted. She went to the tomb expecting to find her dead Master, and instead, she encounters Him very much alive.

Easter is an invitation to all of us to be like Mary. We are invited to share the Good News. 

Today is a different morning because we have received the Good News that we will live forever. There is life beyond the cross. Whatever pain we are carrying, we must take courage because it will pass.

Today is a different morning because Jesus has conquered death. He is Risen. Alleluia!!! 

Copyright © 2024 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

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