I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Papa Joseph, lead me to your Son

 “When we receive Holy Communion, let us consider that Jesus comes to us as a little baby, and then let us pray that St. Joseph helps us welcome him, as when he held him in his arms.”— St. Joseph Marello

I did it. I finished my 33-day journey and I consecrated myself to St. Joseph. In the past year, I have consecrated myself to our Blessed Mother, to the Holy Eucharist and to St. Joseph. It’s the perfect trifecta. I am now consecrated to the entire Holy Family. An honor that I cannot take for granted.

Getting to know Papa Joseph on this journey has been truly amazing. Papa Joseph was more than a stepfather to Jesus. He was His earthly father who taught Him how to be a Good Man, a Hard Worker, an Obedient Son and who helped to prepare Him for His mission. Papa Joseph never took any credit. He always stayed in the background giving all the attention to our Blessed Mother and His Son. But what an important role he played in their life. God chose him specifically for the mission to protect and guide Jesus and Mama Mary. He protected them in Bethlehem, in Egypt, in Nazareth and in Jerusalem. He was not around physically for Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection, but I have no doubt that he was very present spiritually. I know that he has a very special place in Heaven next to his Son. And I am sure, that just like our Blessed Mother, he was assumed into heaven body and soul, which is the reason why his earthly body has never been found. 

Now that I have gotten to know Papa Joseph better, my love for the Eucharist has grown exponentially. It’s like Papa Joseph wants to lead me to His Son. There is a beautiful statue of St. Joseph at Church of the Little Flower, where I did my consecration and where I’ve been attending mass almost daily. Every time I look towards St. Joseph, I feel like he’s telling me, don’t look at me, keep your eyes on the Eucharist. 

I have also been visiting the Adoration Chapel as often as I’m able to, but I had never noticed that it had a name. This week I discovered that it’s called St. Joseph’s Adoration Chapel. I was touched to the core when I saw the name. Papa Joseph certainly wants me to adore His Son. And yes, just like in the main Church, there is a beautiful statue of St. Joseph in the chapel. But he doesn’t want me to look at him. He wants me to keep my eyes on the Eucharist. 

Papa Joseph also reminds me of my own stepfather who played such an important role in my formation, both spiritual and intellectual. Just like St. Joseph, my dad was a quiet man, very humble, who stayed away from the limelight and who adored both my mom and me. I am the woman I am today because of him. He also always knew that he was not my real father and never allowed me to forget who my real father was, even though I was separated from him for 25 years. St. Joseph also knew that God was Jesus’ real father, and he always took a step back to allow God to be the One to lead. 

In the process of consecrating myself to St. Joseph, I also got to know a pretty amazing priest. Father Donald H. Calloway is the priest that guided me and a group of fellow pilgrims on our consecration. He wrote the book: “Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of our Spiritual Father.” He also accompanies the books with videos that he recorded back in 2020 when he led a live consecration. And in addition to doing the Consecration, I read Father Calloway’s conversion story in his book “No Turning Back.” It was like reading a mini-version of St. Augustine’s conversion story. His mother was another St. Monica who never gave up in praying for her son. My favorite part of the book is when Father Calloway realizes, the first time he attended mass at the age of 20, that the “little white circle” that the priest was holding was Jesus:

“I knew immediately that this was Holy Communion — that this was the Blessed Sacrament, and I was in the presence of God. I understood God is so in love with mankind that He comes and makes Himself present in extreme humility — in what looks to be a little piece of bread. Except it’s not bread anymore. It’s a miracle. It’s Jesus!”

It is an honor to have gotten to know Papa Joseph through the eyes of Father Calloway, and to be consecrated to this humble man and to his Holy Family. Now, I know that I have another father in heaven that loves me, protects me, and guides me. Papa Joseph, lead me to your Son. 

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