I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Saturday, January 4, 2025

If I Dream It, I can Achieve it… Hopefully

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18

My resolution for this year is to persevere. But persevere in what? In order to persevere, I must first have a dream or a vision of what I want to accomplish. 

One of the most incredible abilities that God has given us is the ability to dream. I am definitely a dreamer. I am always dreaming of new projects. The project can be something like a trip that I want to take, a group that I want to join, a book that I want to write or a class that I want to sign up for.

In my dreamy mind, I can look into the future and see the project already completed. For example, I have been planning to do the “Camino de Santiago” (The Way of St. James) for several years now. I can see myself walking it and completing it. But in order to achieve it, there are a few steps that I must take. I must plan the route. I must choose the dates. I must train for it. And I must book the trip. I am yet to undertake the Camino, but I have been envisioning it for a very long time. And having a vision is one of the key elements to persevere. As a matter of fact, a person that does not have a clear vision of what they want to achieve will not be able to persevere.

One of the biggest enemies of perseverance is discouragement. When we allow discouragement to have the upper hand, then we have already failed. Joseph and Mary were definitely discouraged when they were not able to find lodging in Bethlehem. But they persevered, and they continued knocking on doors. They did not allow the obstacles to break them. Eventually, they encountered someone that pointed them toward the stable. It was not what they had originally imagined, but they bounced back and they made the best of their situation. They cleaned the stable, and prepared a place to bring their Son into the world.

What is your vision? Let that be your guiding light as you persevere through the obstacles that life places in your path. I am envisioning doing the Camino this year. I will take all the necessary steps, and persevere until I see the project through to the end. And if for whatever reason, I cannot make it this year, I will not allow discouragement to keep me from trying. There is always next year.

Copyright © 2025 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

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