I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Be Not Afraid

"Trust always in your God. He does not lose battles." The Way by St. Josemaria Escriva Ch 34 Par 733

I know a lot of people that are afraid, myself included. We are afraid of many things. We are afraid of the future. The future of our country looks pretty bleak. For the next fifteen months we are going to be bombarded with politics. Our country will be divided. The conservatives against the liberals. The democrats against the republicans. Blue against red. All issues will be brought out in the open, to be surgically analyzed and at the end, the open wounds will take time to heal but eventually they will mend. For the next fifteen months, families will be divided, friendships will be strained and we will unfriend a lot of people on Facebook. But no matter who wins, we are still blessed to live in a free country where we have the choice to cast a vote.

Others are afraid for other reasons. I know a lot of people that are dealing with health issues. Many are fighting cancer. It's an epidemic. A modern day plague. And of course this brings tremendous fear to our hearts. We are all afraid that we could be next. Or a loved one could be next. We worry about the food we eat. We turn to organic choices hoping that they have less chemicals that will prevent that scary "C" word. We are terrified because after so many years there is still not a known cause or a sure cure. And nothing is more scary than the unknown.

Many are scared because they have lost a loved one. They don't know how to go on without their spouse by their side or without the laughter of that child or without the comfort of a parent. The future is frightening. They are anxious and angry and they don't understand why this happened. They feel that God let them down. He did not answer their prayers. They are disheartened and discouraged. They feel that the battle has been lost.

Parents live in constant fear. Nothing paralyzes me more than my children's future. I worry constantly for them. At this point in my life, you would think it should be easier. My nest is officially empty. The oldest one lives in New York. He has a good job, a very loving girlfriend and he is happy. I should not worry about him. And yet, I still worry. I don't talk to him on a daily basis but if a couple of days go by that I have not heard from him, I sent him a text or an email just to make sure he is fine.  My daughter lives in town but no longer at home. Since she lives alone, I make her text me in the morning and call me at night. I know she doesn't like it but I tell her that is the only way I can breathe. And my youngest is the one that worries me the most. He's still in college, all the way in Connecticut and I feel that he's in a battlefield... Alcohol, drugs, peer pressure... I feel that he is at risk every minute and every hour of every day. Just one step from falling down a cliff. And I know most of my friends feel exactly the same way. Being awake in the middle of the night is a common ailment.

A few weeks ago I went to mass carrying my heavy bookbag of worries. The communion song was "Be not afraid." I felt that God was talking directly to me, I felt that He was telling me to trust Him, that He had a plan. He has a plan for our country, a plan for that friend that is battling cancer, a plan for that person that is mourning, a plan for each of my children, a plan for you and a plan for me. I had gone to mass at Church of the Little Flower. When I got home, my friend Susy who goes to mass at St. Kevin, heard the same song and she sent me a text: "Be not Afraid." I got goosebumps. But I knew I could trust God. He fights our battles and He always wins.

He is asking each one of us to turn our bookbags filled with worries to Him. He will take care of our country and our world. He will take care of those that are sick. He will take care of those who mourn. Those that are no longer with us are in His presence, enjoying the beauty of His kingdom. He will take care of our children. He will take care of our parents. He will take care of our spouses. He will take care of us. Trust in God. He is fighting our battles and He is always victorious.

Be not afraid.

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