I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Thursday, August 27, 2015

In Times of Peace, Praise God

"Nothing is far from God." St. Monica

Today is the feast day of St. Monica. She is the patron saint of mothers. She faithfully prayed for the conversion of her son Augustine who was a great sinner. He lived with different women, he abused alcohol and had all types of addictions. But she never gave up on him. And God rewarded her faithfulness by calling Augustine to turn his life around. He embraced Christianity and he is one of the greatest saints of the Catholic Church.

St. Monica has been my faithful companion during this last week. I turned to her to take my petitions to God when I received abnormal results for Alex's labs. The doctor ordered more tests to rule out a lot of scary diseases and all those results came back negative. I truly believe that there was some divine intervention. And now I praise God. I seeked Him in my sorrow and He answered a mother's plea.

Just like St. Monica never stopped praying for her son, we can learn from her as we pray for our own children. No matter what is troubling us regarding our children, let's ask St. Monica to intercede for them and to take our petitions to God. It could be an illness. It could be an addiction. It could be a legal issue. It could be that they are renouncing their faith. It could be that they don't want to study. Whatever it is that is troubling a mother's heart, St. Monica understands because she lived in agony because of her son Augustine. But if Augustine had such a big conversion, there is hope for all our children, as long as we don't give up and continue praying for them with a faithful heart.

St. Monica is also the patron saint of wives. Her husband Patricius was an alcoholic with a violent temper. St. Monica was often the victim of his rage. But she endured all her trials with patience, gentleness and kindness. She prayed daily for the conversion of her husband. And just like God answered her prayers regarding her son Augustine, He also answered her prayers regarding her husband. Patricius converted one year before his death and he admitted that it was her strong faith and unwavering kindness towards him that changed him.

Let's ask St. Monica to intercede for our husbands, especially if they are not walking in the faith. Of course, wives who are being abused should not rely just on prayer. They need to seek help beyond prayers. But St. Monica can take our petitions to God for those husbands that have turned their backs to God, those husbands that are abusing alcohol or other addictions, those husbands that are sick, those husbands that are unemployed, those husbands that are not being a good role model to their children, those husbands that are not loving to their wives... Whatever is troubling your marriage, ask St. Monica to help out. She understands because she lived in an unhappy marriage for many years. If her drunken and abusive husband was converted, there is hope for all our spouses, as long as we don't give up and continue praying for them with a faithful heart.

St. Monica, patron saint of mothers and wives, please take our petitions to God. Please grant us fortitude, patience and trust in the Lord. Please pray with us for our sons, daughters and spouses. And St. Monica, please pray for us. Amen.

And when God answers our prayers and we find the peace that we are seeking, let us remember to praise God.

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