I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Monday, March 2, 2020

A Lenten Journey with Mary: From Bethlehem to Jerusalem-Day 6

“And when the days for their purification according to the law of Moses were completed, they brought Him up to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord.” Luke 2:22

My purification time has been fulfilled. In our culture, after a woman gives birth, she has to purify herself for forty days if she delivers a boy and eighty days if she delivers a girl. According to the scriptures “she shall not touch any consecrated thing, nor enter the sanctuary until the days of her purification are completed.” (1) I remember having a conversation about this with my dear mother, Anna, when I was about twelve years old. She did not understand why the purification period was twice as long if a woman had a daughter. I don’t understand it either, but this is the law and we must abide by it.

After the days of purification, a woman is required to bring to the priest a yearling lamb for a holocaust offering and a pigeon or a turtledove for a sin offering. The priest will offer these sacrifices before the Lord as atonement for her and then she will be clean again. If she cannot afford a lamb, she is to offer turtledoves or pigeons for both sacrifices. We are poor so all we can afford to offer will be two pigeons. 

Mathias and Joanna are just as poor as us so they also will offer two pigeons. Originally, Mathias was going to stay behind tending his shop. He has a small store in Bethlehem that sells all kinds of trinkets. But his brother offered to look after the shop for him so he could travel with Joanna and baby Simon. We have decided to leave tomorrow at first light.

The presentation in the temple of a baby is only a requirement for the firstborn son. Ever since the time of Moses, when the angel of death took all the firstborn Egyptian boys but spared the Israelites, we have to bring our firstborn sons to the temple in thanksgiving to God. It is also to rescue them from having to serve in the Temple all their lives which is only a requirement for the sons of the tribe of Levi. But underneath it all, I also know there is a hidden reason. This law was established so that the just men of the Old Testament should perpetually sanctify and offer to the Lord their firstborn sons, in the hope that one thus presented might prove to be the Son of God and a Child of the Mother of the expected Messiah.

And yes, tomorrow, the law will be fulfilled. The Son of God will be presented to His Father. I have a feeling that it will be a very special day.

Mary and Joseph made a humble offering of two pigeons. What can I offer to God? Can I offer Him my time? Can I offer Him a special talent? Can I offer Him some of my treasures?

  1. Leviticus 12:4

Copyright © 2020 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

Resources from the following books are being used on this journey:
1. The Mystical City of God: A Popular Abridgement of the Divine History and Live of the Virgin Mother of God by Venerable Mary of
2. The World’s First Love: Mary, Mother of God by Fulton J. Sheen
3. Las Palabras Calladas: Diario de Maria de Nazaret by Pedro Miguel Lamet
4. My Soul Magnifies the Lord: A Scriptural Journey with Mary by Jeanne Kun

All Bible references are from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) unless otherwise specified.

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