I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Hope is my Blanket

“Dear God, I tried my best, but if today I lose my hope please tell me that your plans are better than my dreams. Amen.” Author Unknown

I have spent this summer focusing on myself and my future. I needed to focus on myself because I was feeling pretty hopeless. I felt like I was passing through life unnoticed. I knew that I had to take some time to myself to decide if I wanted to continue on the same path that I had been walking or if I needed to make changes. I can honestly tell you that after spending this summer reading and writing on my journal, I am no closer to having an answer to my questions.

Yet, even though I do not have a clear answer as to which path I should choose for my future, something positive has happened this summer. As I wrote down on my journal all the weird thoughts running through my head, I began to feel hopeful. Tim Muldoon, author of a number of books, including “The Ignatian Workout” says that “hope seldom arrives with trumpet blasts, but rather it creeps slowly into our consciousness like a shy visitor.” And that is exactly what happened to me. Hope became my blanket. I wrapped myself in my hope blanket, and I carried it with me wherever I went.

I have come to the realization that the destination is not as important as the journey. It doesn’t matter if I continue walking down the same path, as long as I reach God. I also realized that is not true that I’m passing through life unnoticed. God notices every single breath that I take. Even though I may think that my daily routine is insignificant, if I offer everything I do to God, it has meaning in His eyes, and I’m collecting treasures that will have value in heaven.

Things that have eternal value are the sacrifices and good deeds that we perform here on earth. We may not see the reward here but they will be rewarded in heaven. We should offer everything we do each day to God in sacrifice, from the minute we wake up when we feel like hitting the snooze bottom and going back to sleep, to offering up our daily routines to God. Every little thing we do during the day may seem insignificant, but if we do it for God, those insignificant things will be collected together and they will have value in heaven. Every second of our day should be invested in Heaven’s Savings Bank.

In conclusion, even though I have not found the answers that I was seeking, I discovered something better. I need to focus on the now and be thankful. I do not need to worry about whether I’m on the right path or not. Jesus has met me where I am on my journey, but He is not going to leave me there. He is going to guide me, and I do not need to worry if He’s going to keep me on the same path or lead me in a different direction. I just need to follow Him, with my Hope Blanket wrapped around my shoulders. 

Copyright © 2022 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

  1. amazing!!! I love charity and it’s all for God!!!
