I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Thursday, August 11, 2022

It’s the “Lack” of Hope that Kills You

“You know what the happiest animal on Earth is? It’s a goldfish. You know why? It’s got a 10-second memory.” Ted Lasso

I’ve been watching Ted Lasso on Apple TV. It has been recommended by so many friends that I finally decided to give it a go. I just finished watching season one and I loved it. On the last episode, they used a phrase that I had never heard before: “It’s the hope that kills you.” Apparently, it’s a phrase commonly used in England before a football game. They believe that if they raise their hope too high that their team will win, and then they end up losing, the blow will be more crushing than if their expectations had been low to begin with.

I, just like Ted Lasso, completely disagree with the English. I think it’s just the opposite. It’s the lack of hope that kills you. A hope-filled mind removes all the anxiety from our hearts. When I go to sleep with a sense of hope, I can sleep well and wake up fully refreshed. But when I’m feeling hopeless, I toss and turn at night, and end up getting up in the middle of the night because I cannot quiet my mind. This has been happening a lot lately, and I know that this lack of hope will eventually affect my health.

The reason why I enjoyed watching the mini series so much is because Ted Lasso believes in hope. He believes in miracles. He has this teddy-bear-like warmth, and this peaceful heart, that allows us to forget for just a little while about this cynical world we are living in. We need a bit more of the “Lasso” attitude in our world. He is kind, empathetic, forgiving, optimistic and hopeful. Every time I watch an episode, I feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Ted Lasso has pushed me into taking a better look at myself. Am I kind to others? Do I feel empathy? Am I optimistic and hopeful? How easily do I forgive? I can forgive but I have a hard time forgetting. I’m definitely not a goldfish who has a 10-second memory. That’s one quote I love from Ted Lasso: “Be a goldfish.” He claims that the goldfish is the happiest animal in the world because he can’t hold grudges or dwell on his mistakes with his short-term memory. Now, I would love to be a goldfish. I could certainly sleep much better at night if I was a goldfish.

Watching Ted Lasso makes me feel uplifted and happy. It’s a show that brings me comfort, and reminds me that I must have hope because it’s the lack of hope that kills you. There’s enough lack of hope in the world, so I’m glad that Lasso’s consistent outlook on positivity gives me hope that I can stay afloat, and become a better version of myself. And maybe, just maybe, I can start living my life like a goldfish.

Copyright © 2022 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.

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