I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lenten Journey: Be Courageous

"Be strong and of good courage; be not frightened, neither be dismayed; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

As we continue our journey towards Easter, we encounter a woman of great courage.

The Story of Rahab

The Israelites are ready to occupy the Promised Land under the command of Joshua. It is approximately 1400 years before Christ. Joshua secretly sends out two men to scout the town of Jericho. The two men arrive in Jericho and find a place to stay in the house of a harlot or prostitute.

The Bible doesn't tell us how or why they end up at the harlot's house but I'm pretty sure it was not a coincidence. It was all part of God's divine plan. Rahab, the harlot, was in God's mind as He designed the whole plan of salvation. She is one of only five women that are mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:5). Rahab, the harlot, is an ancestor of Jesus Christ.

God sees the heart and answers prayers. Rahab was willing to turn from the false gods and idols of her people. She was ready to convert to this new God who had brought great blessings upon the people of Israel. God saw that her heart was ready and He gave her the opportunity to be used as His instrument. And she did not let Him down.

God also sees our hearts and He has a plan for us. Are we going to be courageous like Rahab and allow Him to transform us? Or is this just going to be another Lent where nothing changes in our lives? Are we willing to turn from the false gods that are keeping us from fulfilling God's plan for us? The first thing we need to do is recognize what is the false god that is creating an obstacle in our relationship with God. It could be the love of money or possessions. It could be gambling or an addiction. It could be pride or the desire for power. It could be an obsession with sensual pleasures. It could be the false idea that we don't need God.

It takes courage to get out of our comfort zone, pick up the cross and follow Jesus. Rahab is a great example to follow. She has courage and thus becomes a hero.

News travels fast and the king of Jericho soon hears that there are two spies in his land. He hears that they are staying with Rahab so he sends her a message to hand over the men. She hides the men on her roof and lies to the king to protect the spies.

This is one of those times when lying is not a sin. Rahab is a traitor in the eyes of her own people, but she is a hero in the eyes of God. She lies to her pagan king but she protects the men of God and their sacred mission. Therefore, she is blessed for her courage. God grants mercy to those who respect God's will and take care of His people. 

Rahab is no fool. She tells the spies: “I know that the Lord has given you the land, and that the fear of you has fallen upon us..." (Joshua 2:9) Rahab is quick to pledge allegiance to the true God now that she knows who He is. Rahab sees the truth and turns from the pagan god to follow the truth. By doing so, Rahab saves herself, her family and is even part of the Messiah's family tree.

God has a plan for each one of us but we must pledge allegiance to the true God. In His plan we may have to suffer. In His plan we will be challenged. But God promises that He will remain by our side. We just need to be courageous. 

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