I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Monday, February 23, 2015

Lenten Journey: Be Obedient

"Noah did all that God commanded him." Genesis 6:22

We keep moving back in history towards the beginning of creation. And in this journey back in time, we encounter Noah.

The Story of Noah

Noah is a man of obedience, purity and simplicity. His biggest virtue is that he is obedient and he does what God tells him to do. Noah spent many years following God's instructions to build the ark. He filled it with all the animals as instructed by God. He then entered the ark with his wife, his three sons and their wives. Eight human beings and hundreds of animals. They must have been very busy, only eight persons tending to all these animals. And they were inside the ark for a full year. It must not have been easy.

I can imagine that the seven days waiting for the flood to come must have also been difficult. They were probably filled with tension. But Noah persevered in his faith. He trusted God and he waited. Just as we are required to do today.

We have to trust the Lord. We have to be obedient. We have to wait. For me, the waiting is the hardest part. I tend to get very impatient. When I pray to God for discernment or for a solution to a problem, I don't know how long is going to take for God to respond. I start to doubt, to question and to wonder whether He is paying attention. Eventually, I surrender to the Lord. I know that He is in control and things will happen in His time, not mine. I place my trust in the Lord and He teaches me to be patient.

When Noah enters the ark with his family and all the animals, he also had to place his trust in the Lord. God is the one who will steer them, protect them and guide them.

God is also steering us, protecting us and guiding us. All He is asking is that we trust Him and that we are obedient to His commands. As we wait, we will grow in the virtue of patience.

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