I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Lenten Journey: Get on Your Feet

"As the body apart from the spirit is dead, so faith apart from works is dead." James 2:26

Rahab believed in the one true God and she did something about it. If she had known and believed but done nothing, her faith would have been worthless and she would have died like everyone else in Jericho. Faith alone would have done her no good. It was her faith, combined with her actions, that justified her before God.

And it earned her a place in the "Faith Hall of Fame." Her name is mentioned along with Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses and many others in Hebrews chapter 11 which is considered the "Faith Chapter." "By faith Rahab the harlot did not perish with those who were disobedient, because she had given friendly welcome to the spies." (Hebrews 11:31) God chose her, a sinful woman, forgave her sins and now her name is mentioned among the group of God's champions.

If we have faith but do nothing about it, our faith is worthless. Rahab is giving us a powerful testimony. We must act. God is asking something of each one of us. If we hear His call but don't do anything about it, then our faith is pointless. God doesn't need us sitting down on the couch doing nothing. He needs men and women on their feet, with courage and trust in Him, to help Him make this world a better place.

The salvation of Rahab and her whole family is dependent on Rahab's actions. But there is a huge problem. When thousands of Israelite warriors invade Jericho, how will they locate and save Rahab and her family? The spies tell Rahab that her salvation depends on three things:

1-She must "bind a scarlet cord in the window." (Joshua 2:18).

2-She must gather her family into that room.

3-The entire plan must be kept a strict secret.

If she fails to do these three things then the Israelites are free of their vow to Rahab and she and her family will perish along with everyone else.

Rahab quickly and secretly binds the scarlet cord in her window. The scarlet cord is a symbol of the blood of Christ. We are saved by the blood of Christ just like Rahab was saved by the scarlet cord.

Rahab will eventually marry Salmon, one of the two spies she saves. He paid her back for the life he owed her by giving her his love and marrying her. Salmon was from the tribe of Judah so Rahab, the harlot, marries into one of the most important families of Israel and becomes an ancestor of our Lord. How awesome is that. And all because she placed her trust in the one true God. If God qualified a harlot and made her part of His plan of salvation, how can we doubt His plan for us. God is capable of doing great things through us, we just have to allow Him. And who knows, maybe one day our names will also be listed in the "Hall of Faith."

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