I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Help me be More Generous

"None of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions." Luke 14:33

February 12, 2008

Dear Jesus:

This message has always boggled my mind. I used to think that we could only follow You if we were poor. Now I know better. I know that You don't mean for us to sell everything we own in order to be able to follow You. What You mean is that You don't want us to be so attached to the things of this world that we forget about You.

The more You entrust to us, the more You expect from us. If we keep everything for ourselves and we don't share with those in need, then we are not your disciples. We are meant to share what we have with those less fortunate, and that applies not only to our treasure but also to our talents.

How do we do this? We need to stop our rush through life so we can listen to You. You will let us know what we need to do. You will communicate with us in the silence of our hearts. We tend to act without thinking. That is not what You want from us. That is not the reason why You gave us intelligence and common sense. We need to spend time with You daily so You can help us discern what You want us to do with our treasure and with our talents. We need to focus our lives towards a specific goal. We need to find your purpose for us.

Please Jesus, teach me to be generous with what You have entrusted to me. Here I am. I have come to do your will.

I love You, Jesus!!!

February 12, 2017

"During your lifetime you received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in agony." Luke 16:25

Dear Jesus:

What a coincidence, or more like a God-incidence, that the topic in Bible class this week was about what I wrote to You nine years ago. The topic this week was the study of the rich man and the beggar named Lazarus, who would stand at the door of his mansion waiting for any scraps of food that would be thrown out to him. The rich man was not directly evil to Lazarus, but he committed a sin of omission. It was not what he did to Lazarus. It was more what he didn't do. He did nothing. He simply ignored him.

How many times have I acted like that rich man? Just this week, You put me to the test and I failed miserably. I was not mean to that homeless man, but I could have shared the sandwich that I had just gotten at Publix with him and I didn't. Afterwards, I felt horrible. The face of that homeless man has been hunting me. And your words: "For I was hungry and you did not feed me." I felt like You would never forgive me. I don't deserve to be called your daughter. I will rot in hell, just like the rich man in your story, while the homeless man looks down at me from heaven with pity.

And today at mass I felt even worst. The readings were about the Beautitudes, but during the homily, the priest, out of the blue, grabbed the Bible and began to read the story of Lazarus and the rich man. I knew that You were talking directly to me. I felt smaller than an ant.

I'm sorry, Jesus. It's very easy to give when it doesn't hurt, but when we have to give from where it hurts, it's not that easy. I felt so ashamed. I ask for your forgiveness before going to communion, but I felt that I didn't deserve it. I had failed You.

When I got home, I started reading the Word Among Us, and this is the message that I received:

"Fix this truth in your heart today, and let it fill you with wonder. You are destined to be—and you are becoming—glorious and magnificent. You are becoming holy. Not only that, but you are going to be great and awesome in heaven—no matter how small and insignificant you may feel here on earth.!"

Thank You, Jesus, that no matter how many times I fail You, You don't stop loving me. Thank You for being so generous, so patient and so forgiving with me. Thank You that even though I feel smaller than an ant, in your eyes, I am great and awesome. Please, help me to be like You towards everyone I encounter. Help me to be loving and generous like You are towards me. Help me show those that feel small and insignificant, that they are great and awesome in Your eyes.

I love You, Jesus. Please forgive me for all the times I have lacked compassion.

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