I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Letters to Heaven: St. Monica, Intercede for Our Children

February 2, 2010

Dear St. Monica:

I was just reading about you in my Bible lesson. You are a great comfort and inspiration to me. You were born in a Christian family. You lived your mission as a wife and mother in an exemplary way. You became a widow at a very young age, yet courageously, you devoted yourself to caring for your three children.

You had one child, Augustine, who gave you a lot of headaches. He caused you a lot of suffering because of his rebellious temperament. I, like you, also have three children. And right now, one of them is causing me a lot of anguish and suffering. It's not so much that he is rebellious, is that he is very complex, and lately has had some serious health issues.

Augustine used to tell you that you gave birth to him twice. The second time required a lengthy spiritual travail of prayers and tears. I feel exactly the same way. The past nine months have been an arduous time of tears, pain, prayers and despair, mixed with fear and hope.

You were crowned with the joy of seeing your son, Augustine, not only embrace the faith and receive Baptism, but also dedicate himself without reserve to the service of Christ. I pray that all my pain and my anguish, will have the same conclusion that yours had.

St. Monica, I pray that I may imitate you. I pray that I may have an inkling of your faith. Please help me not to lose heart. Help me to persevere in my mission as wife and mother, keeping firm my trust in God. Help me not to stop praying. Help me to persevere in praying for my children. Help me to turn with confidence to our blessed Mother Mary. And please, intercede for my children.

St. Monica, I entrust my three children to you. Please keep an eye on them. Help me to be a good example, like you were, to my three children, by teaching them through my actions and my prayers.

I commend all three of my children to the Virgin Mother of God, so that like your son Augustine, they may always strive for the fullness of Truth and Love which is Christ. Let them always remember that He alone can satisfy the deepest desires of the human heart.

I love you, St. Monica!!! Please intercede for my children.

February 2, 2017

Dear St. Monica:

Thank you for being by my side all these years. I know that your prayers and intercessions for my children have been heard. We even started a mother's prayer group to pray for all our children. I come to you today asking for prayers for all the sons and daughters of all my friends, my sisters in Christ. I especially ask for prayers for those that have lost their way. You know who they are. Please intercede for all our children that they may find their way back to God.

I love you, St. Monica!!! Please intercede for our children.

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