I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Letters to Heaven: You are My Priority

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." —2 Corinthians 4:17

February 22, 2010

Dear Jesus:

This past week has been long and painful. It's been eleven days since the accident and my leg still hurts. The bruises look pretty bad and my ankle is swollen. But thank You Jesus that the ultrasound showed that there are no blood clots.

I am very thankful that my leg should recover well, and that this time of forced rest has helped me to journal, meditate and prioritize what is truly important in my life. I want to rest in You, Jesus. I love You with all my heart. Help me to make You my priority. This world has so many pressures that we tend to forget what our priority should be. Help me to find the time to pray and to remain in the path that leads me to You.

Thank You for my hubby who is always by my side. He had a tough week at work but I thank You because he has a job. There are so many people unemployed right now that just being able to work is a blessing.

Thank You for the gift of my children. Rafi is leaning towards Computer Science. He's taking two classes in that field and he really likes them. He says that when he is programming, he doesn't even feel like he's working. That's how much he enjoys it.

Chabeli continues to do well in all her classes. She got a 98 in one of her accounting exams this week. She is leaning more and more towards Accounting. I think we have another accountant in the house.

Alex has improved in all of his classes except AP History. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. AP History was my worst subject in high school. And to his credit, his teacher has been out for two weeks and they haven't done anything new because they've had substitutes.

Jesus, continue to guide all my children in their particular journeys. Help them to make wise choices, surround them with good friends, and keep them safe from harm.

Help Rafe and I to continue our journey together and to be a good example to our children. Please continue to heal my legs so that I may continue this journey through life with two healthy legs. And I offer the pain I feel for all those that have lost a leg.

I love You, Jesus!!!

February 22, 2017

Dear Jesus:

I spent this past weekend in total relaxation. We spent four days at the beach and I was truly able to disconnect and rest. Now I'm back and I cannot sleep, but I'm using this quiet time in the middle of the night to pray, meditate and talk to You.

I have learned through the years to treasure the good moments because I never know when the tide will turn. Seven years ago, I was recovering from a bad car accident. This year, I'm at peace. Tomorrow, who knows? But I have also learned not to worry about tomorrow. I'm enjoying today because "nothing is worth more than this day." Goethe

I know a lot of people that are going through difficult times right now. Please Jesus, have mercy on them all. Help them not to lose faith and to place their trust in You. Help them to make You their priority. And help me never to forget that no matter what tomorrow brings, You are my priority.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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