"The works of God are all of them good; in its own time every need is supplied." Sirach 39:16
May 14, 2011
Dear Jesus:
Here I am keeping You company in the Emmaus chapel. I want to pray for the team. May they be united as one with You to be able to spread your word to all the women that have chosen to spend this weekend with You. Send the Holy Spirit to them so they can be open to spreading your message. I also want to pray for this group of new Emmaus sisters. May they open up their hearts so they can recognize You in the breaking of the bread.
I just finished reading Sirach 38-40. Many verses call my attention but one that stood right out and screamed at me was 38:28. "His care is to finish his work, and he keeps watch till he perfects it in detail."
Jesus, I feel like You are telling me to finish my work. I feel like You are giving me your blessing, the green light to proceed. I also remember something that Father Willie told me in the Spiritual Exercises and that I read recently in a book. Pick a path and if it brings you happiness and peace, you are on the right road, but if it doesn't, then you need to try the other path. "If it pleases the Lord Almighty, he will be filled with the spirit of understanding." Sirach 39:6
Thank You for helping me to understand what it is that You want from me and for confirming it. And now, please send forth your Spirit so I can finish your work and perfect it to the last minute detail.
I love You, Jesus!!!
May 28, 2017
Dear Jesus:
Today we are celebrating your Ascension to Heaven. And in one week, we will conclude this Easter Season with the feast of Pentecost. Of the three persons of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is the one that I feel the least close to. I do pray to the Holy Spirit for inspiration and understanding, but I feel that it has many layers that I'm yet to uncover. And I'm excited to discover all of its mysteries.
I receive a daily reflection from Bishop Robert Barron, and earlier this week, he was talking about the Holy Spirit: "Jesus promises to send us the Holy Spirit, (but) we can only get it by asking for it... The Father would never refuse someone who asked for the Holy Spirit. So ask... In the Hail Mary, we say, 'Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.' What are we asking her to pray for, but the Holy Spirit!"
So today, Jesus, I ask you to send me the Holy Spirit, and to enrich me with the gifts of the Spirit. And through the intercession of our Blessed Mama Mary, I pray:
"Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ, Our Lord, Amen."
I love You, Jesus!!! Send forth your Spirit.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Friday, May 26, 2017
Letters to Heaven during the Easter Season: Lead the Way
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." —Proverbs 3:5–6
May 26, 2011
Dear Jesus:
A lot has happened since I last wrote to You. First of all, this week, Gaby was in an accident with a bb gun. He almost loses his life. I want to pray to You, Jesus, for his prompt and full recovery. I also want to pray for Felix and America. Allow them to feel your presence. May they trust You completely. Don't let their faith waver. May they find peace within their hearts in the knowledge that You are in control and You are taking care of Gaby.
Last week we went to Princeton to help Rafi move out of his dorm room. We helped him sort out all his things. He shipped two large boxes to Seattle where he will be spending his summer doing an internship with Microsoft. The rest, we placed in storage. We also took all his dirty clothing to a laundromat where they wash and fold everything for $1 per pound. He had SIXTY-FIVE pounds of dirty clothing plus the shirts and suits that we took to the dry cleaners. I don't think this kid had washed his clothing in three months.
It was good to spend a few days with him. We met Emily. I have no doubt that You hand-picked her for him. We went out one night with the two of them, and another night with them and four of his friends. Two of them we already knew, and the other two were new. One of them is a girl who will also be doing an internship in Seattle. Emily will be doing an internship with Facebook in Palo Alto.
He is now in Seattle, already working with Microsoft. He's sharing a two-bedroom apartment with a guy from Canada. And he's sharing a rental car with his roommate and the girl from Princeton. He seems happy thus far. Please, Jesus, protect him while he's in Seattle. My heart needs a little bit of dullness, no more excitement.
Chabeli is doing an internship with Deloitte. She is super happy. And Alex is applying to work at the Belen Summer Camp. Later in the summer, we are all planning to meet up with Rafi in Seattle and enjoy a family vacation.
Please give us a peaceful summer. You are in full charge of our lives. Lead the way.
I love You, Jesus!!!
May 26, 2017
Dear Jesus:
I'm at the beach. It's the start of the Memorial Day weekend and just like I did six years ago, I'm praying for dullness. My heart cannot take any more excitement.
Our family must be the masters of flight cancellations, delays and deviations. I could write a book on how many times we have gone through this drill. This week, it happened to Alex and Chabeli on the same day but on different flights. Chabeli was returning from New York on Wednesday and Alex was leaving to Europe with six friends. Alex's flight had mechanical issues and after hours of telling them "it's fixed," "no, it's not," "we are moving you to a different aircraft," they cancelled the flight. He spent ten hours at the airport and didn't go anywhere. But I'm thankful to You that the problem was discovered while still on the ground and not during flight. Now, if it's Your will, they will depart tomorrow. Unfortunately, they missed the entire Barcelona portion of their trip, and the airline is giving them a hard time about refunding them the hotel and all the attraction tickets that they had pre-booked.
Chabeli's flight was supposed to land around 7:15 but was delayed one hour, not a big deal. At 8:20, I get a text message from her: "Landed." I was just telling You, "thank You" when I get her next text: "in Tampa." Her flight was diverted because of the bad weather here in Miami. She ended up landing in Miami four hours late, but safely. Thank You, Jesus!
Alex didn't get home until 2 am so I didn't get much sleep that night. I need this weekend to rest and fully recover from a cold that apparently has gotten too attached to me because it's just lingering.
I want to pray for everyone that is traveling this long weekend, especially Alex and his gang. May they arrive safely on Sunday and with plenty of time to connect to their London flight which is scheduled for just a few hours after they land. They have been planning this trip since they graduated from high school. It's their college graduation present. Please, allow them to have a safe flight and an awesome time. Wednesday was just the dress rehearsal. Let the show go on tomorrow. And please, keep them safe in Europe.
Please give us a peaceful summer. You are in full charge of our lives. Lead the way.
I love You, Jesus!!!
May 26, 2011
Dear Jesus:
A lot has happened since I last wrote to You. First of all, this week, Gaby was in an accident with a bb gun. He almost loses his life. I want to pray to You, Jesus, for his prompt and full recovery. I also want to pray for Felix and America. Allow them to feel your presence. May they trust You completely. Don't let their faith waver. May they find peace within their hearts in the knowledge that You are in control and You are taking care of Gaby.
Last week we went to Princeton to help Rafi move out of his dorm room. We helped him sort out all his things. He shipped two large boxes to Seattle where he will be spending his summer doing an internship with Microsoft. The rest, we placed in storage. We also took all his dirty clothing to a laundromat where they wash and fold everything for $1 per pound. He had SIXTY-FIVE pounds of dirty clothing plus the shirts and suits that we took to the dry cleaners. I don't think this kid had washed his clothing in three months.
It was good to spend a few days with him. We met Emily. I have no doubt that You hand-picked her for him. We went out one night with the two of them, and another night with them and four of his friends. Two of them we already knew, and the other two were new. One of them is a girl who will also be doing an internship in Seattle. Emily will be doing an internship with Facebook in Palo Alto.
He is now in Seattle, already working with Microsoft. He's sharing a two-bedroom apartment with a guy from Canada. And he's sharing a rental car with his roommate and the girl from Princeton. He seems happy thus far. Please, Jesus, protect him while he's in Seattle. My heart needs a little bit of dullness, no more excitement.
Chabeli is doing an internship with Deloitte. She is super happy. And Alex is applying to work at the Belen Summer Camp. Later in the summer, we are all planning to meet up with Rafi in Seattle and enjoy a family vacation.
Please give us a peaceful summer. You are in full charge of our lives. Lead the way.
I love You, Jesus!!!
May 26, 2017
Dear Jesus:
I'm at the beach. It's the start of the Memorial Day weekend and just like I did six years ago, I'm praying for dullness. My heart cannot take any more excitement.
Our family must be the masters of flight cancellations, delays and deviations. I could write a book on how many times we have gone through this drill. This week, it happened to Alex and Chabeli on the same day but on different flights. Chabeli was returning from New York on Wednesday and Alex was leaving to Europe with six friends. Alex's flight had mechanical issues and after hours of telling them "it's fixed," "no, it's not," "we are moving you to a different aircraft," they cancelled the flight. He spent ten hours at the airport and didn't go anywhere. But I'm thankful to You that the problem was discovered while still on the ground and not during flight. Now, if it's Your will, they will depart tomorrow. Unfortunately, they missed the entire Barcelona portion of their trip, and the airline is giving them a hard time about refunding them the hotel and all the attraction tickets that they had pre-booked.
Chabeli's flight was supposed to land around 7:15 but was delayed one hour, not a big deal. At 8:20, I get a text message from her: "Landed." I was just telling You, "thank You" when I get her next text: "in Tampa." Her flight was diverted because of the bad weather here in Miami. She ended up landing in Miami four hours late, but safely. Thank You, Jesus!
Alex didn't get home until 2 am so I didn't get much sleep that night. I need this weekend to rest and fully recover from a cold that apparently has gotten too attached to me because it's just lingering.
I want to pray for everyone that is traveling this long weekend, especially Alex and his gang. May they arrive safely on Sunday and with plenty of time to connect to their London flight which is scheduled for just a few hours after they land. They have been planning this trip since they graduated from high school. It's their college graduation present. Please, allow them to have a safe flight and an awesome time. Wednesday was just the dress rehearsal. Let the show go on tomorrow. And please, keep them safe in Europe.
Please give us a peaceful summer. You are in full charge of our lives. Lead the way.
I love You, Jesus!!!
Friday, May 19, 2017
Letters to Heaven during the Easter Season: Life is a Gift
"I always find a way of being happy..." St. Therese of Lisieux
May 2, 2013
Dear Jesus:
I began this year by praying to You to please give us a good and peaceful 2013. I have to tell You, it's been pretty tough. As You well know, we had to say good-bye to Rafael, my father-in-law, on January 17th, and to Dora, my mother-in-law, on March 14th. They are up there with You now but it's been very tough for us.
When Rafael passed away, all the grandchildren were very affected. For the first time, they had to say good-bye to a grandparent. And then, when Dora passed away just two months later, it was horrible. We had not quite recovered from losing him, and once again we were dealing with funeral homes and cemeteries. Losing both parents so close together was really tough for Rafe and his sisters. Rafe told me that he felt hollow inside. I hope, Jesus, that You fill up this hole with your love.
The day before Dora's viewing, we spent it together as a family. We took out all the old photo albums and we prepared a video. Seeing through pictures what a beautiful life she lived was very helpful for all of us. We buried her on the day that she would have celebrated her 85th birthday. We were consoled in knowing that she was celebrating it with You.
Do You know Jesus that this year we have gone to one funeral per month? Enough is enough. We need a break. This year thus far has been very rough. Give us a respite so that we can start enjoying the great events that are coming up.
Our little Alex is graduating from Belen this month. It seems like his seven years in Belen just came and went in the blink of an eye. I'm so proud of him. He was accepted to eight wonderful universities. He picked the University of Connecticut. And he received scholarships from almost all of them. We prayed to You to lead him where he was meant to be, so we have to trust that UConn is where You want him to go.
As he graduates and heads off to college, please keep him safe. Now he has two grandparents looking out for him from heaven.
I love You, Jesus!!!
May 19, 2017
Dear Jesus:
I have stopped counting funerals. Either I know too many people or I'm getting old, but I feel like my social life revolves around funerals. I used to complain when the kids were little and every weekend was absorbed by birthday parties. I would give anything to rewind the clock and return to those days. Now it seems like every month we have to attend at least one funeral.
That year, 2013, was a very tough year. Not only did we bid good-bye to two grandparents, but my dad's health began to deteriorate that year as well. My days in 2013 revolved around funerals and hospitals. And in the midst of it all, I also felt and fractured my knee.
During mass on Sunday, the priest said: "Pain can make you better or it can make you bitter." In 2013, I could have chosen to stay in the pain. If I had, today I would probably be a bitter old lady. Instead, I chose to get to the other side of the pain. I like to believe that it made me a better person. Yes, it was a rough year, but it was also sprinkled with many happy occasions: two graduations, trips, birthday celebrations, family gatherings and time. Yes, time. My fractured knee gave me a lot of time that I normally would not have had. And it gave me a lot of time to spend with my dad. Time and memories that I cherish now that I no longer have him with me.
Life is a mixture of happy days and sad days. Every day, I must make a conscious choice to be joyful, no matter what the day brings. I can choose to find the joy in the midst of the pain or I can choose to stay in the pain. So even when I find myself attending one too many funerals, it makes me appreciate even more that life is a gift. And I choose to celebrate life: mine and the life of the person that has completed his/her journey here on earth. May he/she Rest In Peace in your Kingdom.
I love You, Jesus!!!
Sunday, May 14, 2017
LTH during the Easter Season: Finding the Roses amongst the Thorns
"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses." Abraham Lincoln
May 9, 2010
Dear Mary, my Blessed Mother:
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Today is your day. You are Jesus' Mother and He gave You to us, so You are our Mother too. Thank You for being such an integral part of my life.
I feel so happy today. What a difference a year makes. Last year, I didn't even want to celebrate Mother's Day. I was so sad. I felt as if my perfect little world had ended. It did end, but we learned to adapt to our new normal. We learned to live with the illness. We learned to find the roses amongst the thorns. Even though it took four months to find the right treatment, we found it and life is pretty back to normal.
I woke up and the first thing I got was a text message from Rafi: "Happy Mother's Day, mom. I love you!!!" How sweet those words. He sent it at 12:15 am so he was the first one to tell me "Happy Mother's Day." Since Rafi is not an emotional child and he doesn't usually express his feelings, this was doubly sweet. Not only did he remember but he said "I love you."
Chabeli and Alex are still sleeping. Yesterday, all four of us went to mass together at Belen. They are such good kids. They have been so supportive throughout their brother's illness. Not once have they complained. I know that in this past year, I have given more thought and attention to Rafi than to them, but they have not shown one ounce of jealousy. They have been great troopers, and all three of them have a beautiful relationship amongst themselves. There is nothing that brings greater joy to a mother's heart than to know that her children love each other and they get along so well.
Mama Mary, I know that You are as happy today as I am. We have come a long way as a family. And You have walked by our side every step of the way.
I love You, Madrecita.
Happy Mother's Day!!!
May 14, 2017
Dear Mama Mary:
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Yes, we definitely have come a long way. And You have witnessed every tear, every smile, every struggle, every milestone, every painful moment and every joyful accomplishment.
The biggest gift that I will receive today is seeing my children healthy, loving each other, seeing them happy and knowing that they have turned into good, productive, independent adults. Once again, as I did seven years ago, I will only have Chabeli and Alex with me on this day. But knowing that Rafi is doing so well living in New York and working for a company that he enjoys so much, is the best gift ever, even if I don't have him near me.
On this Mother's Day, I will celebrate them. I will celebrate the persons that they have become. I will celebrate their joys and their health. I will enjoy the music of their laughter. I will dance to the beat of their company. And I will cherish the gift of them.
Thank You Mama Mary for teaching me how to be the best mom that I could be. And thank You for holding my hand when it became too painful. And thank You for drying my tears when I had to shed them. And thank You for laughing with me on all those moments when I couldn't contain the joy within my heart. And thank You for sharing with me all the happy moments, which are too many to recount.
Motherhood has been the best gift that God has given me and I would not change one minute of it. Even the painful moments have been better than not having experienced this incredible GIFT. And for every minute of pain, there have been countless hours of joy. In order to enjoy a rose, we need to search for her amongst the thorns. I am thankful for the painful thorns that have opened my eyes to appreciate the beautiful gift of motherhood.
I know Mama Mary that You also carry many roses and thorns within your heart, but You cherish them both. You enjoy the beauty of the roses in spite of the thorns. You chose to celebrate all the joyful moments with Jesus, even though You knew that a thorn would one day pierce your heart.
Help me to enjoy the beauty in my life, even on those days when I have to struggle to see the roses among the thorns. I know that the thorns exist, but today, I choose to ignore them and I choose to celebrate the beauty around me. Today, I choose to be thankful because thorn bushes have roses.
I love You, Mama Mary.
Happy Mother's Day!!!
May 9, 2010
Dear Mary, my Blessed Mother:
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Today is your day. You are Jesus' Mother and He gave You to us, so You are our Mother too. Thank You for being such an integral part of my life.
I feel so happy today. What a difference a year makes. Last year, I didn't even want to celebrate Mother's Day. I was so sad. I felt as if my perfect little world had ended. It did end, but we learned to adapt to our new normal. We learned to live with the illness. We learned to find the roses amongst the thorns. Even though it took four months to find the right treatment, we found it and life is pretty back to normal.
I woke up and the first thing I got was a text message from Rafi: "Happy Mother's Day, mom. I love you!!!" How sweet those words. He sent it at 12:15 am so he was the first one to tell me "Happy Mother's Day." Since Rafi is not an emotional child and he doesn't usually express his feelings, this was doubly sweet. Not only did he remember but he said "I love you."
Chabeli and Alex are still sleeping. Yesterday, all four of us went to mass together at Belen. They are such good kids. They have been so supportive throughout their brother's illness. Not once have they complained. I know that in this past year, I have given more thought and attention to Rafi than to them, but they have not shown one ounce of jealousy. They have been great troopers, and all three of them have a beautiful relationship amongst themselves. There is nothing that brings greater joy to a mother's heart than to know that her children love each other and they get along so well.
Mama Mary, I know that You are as happy today as I am. We have come a long way as a family. And You have walked by our side every step of the way.
I love You, Madrecita.
Happy Mother's Day!!!
May 14, 2017
Dear Mama Mary:
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Yes, we definitely have come a long way. And You have witnessed every tear, every smile, every struggle, every milestone, every painful moment and every joyful accomplishment.
The biggest gift that I will receive today is seeing my children healthy, loving each other, seeing them happy and knowing that they have turned into good, productive, independent adults. Once again, as I did seven years ago, I will only have Chabeli and Alex with me on this day. But knowing that Rafi is doing so well living in New York and working for a company that he enjoys so much, is the best gift ever, even if I don't have him near me.
On this Mother's Day, I will celebrate them. I will celebrate the persons that they have become. I will celebrate their joys and their health. I will enjoy the music of their laughter. I will dance to the beat of their company. And I will cherish the gift of them.
Thank You Mama Mary for teaching me how to be the best mom that I could be. And thank You for holding my hand when it became too painful. And thank You for drying my tears when I had to shed them. And thank You for laughing with me on all those moments when I couldn't contain the joy within my heart. And thank You for sharing with me all the happy moments, which are too many to recount.
Motherhood has been the best gift that God has given me and I would not change one minute of it. Even the painful moments have been better than not having experienced this incredible GIFT. And for every minute of pain, there have been countless hours of joy. In order to enjoy a rose, we need to search for her amongst the thorns. I am thankful for the painful thorns that have opened my eyes to appreciate the beautiful gift of motherhood.
I know Mama Mary that You also carry many roses and thorns within your heart, but You cherish them both. You enjoy the beauty of the roses in spite of the thorns. You chose to celebrate all the joyful moments with Jesus, even though You knew that a thorn would one day pierce your heart.
Help me to enjoy the beauty in my life, even on those days when I have to struggle to see the roses among the thorns. I know that the thorns exist, but today, I choose to ignore them and I choose to celebrate the beauty around me. Today, I choose to be thankful because thorn bushes have roses.
I love You, Mama Mary.
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Letters to Heaven during the Easter Season: I Believe in Miracles
"I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth." Genesis 9:13
May 22, 2012
Dear Jesus:
A lot has happened in this past month. I'll start with my Chabeli who graduated summa cum laude on May 11th. We are so proud of her. It was a beautiful ceremony and then we went to lunch. Unfortunately Rafi couldn't come because he is in the middle of finals. But Alex took the day off and came with us. My parents also joined us in such a special occasion.
Alex has been very busy. He got involved with the production of "The Sound of Music" at Belen helping out with the lights. This required a lot of nights at Belen but he was committed and responsible to his assignment. He also got his driver's license and is driving on his own already. This past Saturday, he went to the Lourdes Junior prom. He looked very handsome. His junior year is almost over. In the fall, he will start the application process to the universities. Please Jesus, help him to get accepted into one of the universities that he wants, as long as it will be the right one for him.
Rafi will be graduating two weeks from today. I'm sad that neither Chabeli nor Alex will be able to attend. Alex will be in the middle of finals and we thought it was more important for him to concentrate on studying since this is such an important year for him. And Chabeli starts her internship that week so she can't be absent. But my parents will be traveling with us. They are so proud to see two of their grandchildren graduating from college within a month of each other. This is the crowning glory to all the sacrifices they made when they left country and family behind to give us a better future.
I finished the Bible classes. Thank You for choosing St. Paul to be your apostle. He was truly amazing and his letters are still bearing fruit 2,000 years later. Now I'm hosting a book study, "Roses and Thorns." Your Mother was one extraordinary woman. Thank You for giving her to us as our Mother. Thank You for all the miracles that we have witnessed in the past century through her apparitions.
I love You, Jesus!!!
May 13, 2017
Dear Jesus:
Today we are celebrating the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima. Your Mother, our Queen, keeps showing up in the most unexpected places and to the most unexpected people. One hundred years ago today, she showed up in a tiny village in Portugal. The village of Fatima was not known then but is well known today. She appeared to three little shepherd children between the ages of six and nine: Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. Hundreds of pilgrims will make their way to Portugal this year to commemorate her centennial. And She will be honored all over the world.
Your Mother appeared to them with this message: "I come from Heaven." She asked them to "say the Rosary every day for the peace of the world and an end to the war." She would appear to them a total of six times, on the 13th of each month. On her last apparition on October 13th, she revealed her name: "I am the Lady of the Rosary." By that time, the news had spread and 70,000 people showed up to witness her apparition. Witnesses said that they saw the sun make three circles and move around the sky in an incredible zigzag which left no doubt in anyone's minds that the children were speaking the truth. Children don't lie, so why would anyone not believe them is beyond me.
Jesus, I'm not sure why I'm sharing this with You since You know what happened better than me. In one hundred years, your Mother has appeared many more times, in many more places. In the past thirty years, since I became a mother myself, my devotion to her has grown by leaps and bounds. The rosary has become my most powerful weapon in my times of trouble and pain. She has become my ally, my friend, my confidante, my Mother in Heaven. I hold the warnings and promises that she shared with the children at Fatima, deep within my heart. And I believe in her declaration that "Her Immaculate Heart will triumph."
Five years ago, we did a book study where we learned about the "roses and thorns" in her heart. This week, we start a book study: "Meet Mary: Getting to Know the Mother of God." And in September, the theme for our Bible study this year will be all about Mary. This is the year of your Mother, Jesus. I am so looking forward to getting to know her more clearly, love her more dearly and follow her more nearly. Thank You for sharing her with us.
As I was writing this letter to You from the beach, I looked up to the sky and there's this beautiful rainbow around the sun. Yes, scientists will have a good explanation for it: it's the ozone layer. But I have never seen this before. And since I believe in miracles, I know this is not a coincidence. Thank You for letting me witness this miracle, today of all days, on the centennial of your Mother's apparition. Thank You for allowing me to take this beautiful pictures:
I would like to pray for my three children. May they have an open heart like the three shepherd children that met your Mama at Fatima. May they be open to witnessing the miracles that You provide for us each and every day. May they live their lives with a heart full of faith. And may they make choices that will lead them to spending eternity with You.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us and guide all of us to your Son.
I love You, Jesus!!!
May 22, 2012
Dear Jesus:
A lot has happened in this past month. I'll start with my Chabeli who graduated summa cum laude on May 11th. We are so proud of her. It was a beautiful ceremony and then we went to lunch. Unfortunately Rafi couldn't come because he is in the middle of finals. But Alex took the day off and came with us. My parents also joined us in such a special occasion.
Alex has been very busy. He got involved with the production of "The Sound of Music" at Belen helping out with the lights. This required a lot of nights at Belen but he was committed and responsible to his assignment. He also got his driver's license and is driving on his own already. This past Saturday, he went to the Lourdes Junior prom. He looked very handsome. His junior year is almost over. In the fall, he will start the application process to the universities. Please Jesus, help him to get accepted into one of the universities that he wants, as long as it will be the right one for him.
Rafi will be graduating two weeks from today. I'm sad that neither Chabeli nor Alex will be able to attend. Alex will be in the middle of finals and we thought it was more important for him to concentrate on studying since this is such an important year for him. And Chabeli starts her internship that week so she can't be absent. But my parents will be traveling with us. They are so proud to see two of their grandchildren graduating from college within a month of each other. This is the crowning glory to all the sacrifices they made when they left country and family behind to give us a better future.
I finished the Bible classes. Thank You for choosing St. Paul to be your apostle. He was truly amazing and his letters are still bearing fruit 2,000 years later. Now I'm hosting a book study, "Roses and Thorns." Your Mother was one extraordinary woman. Thank You for giving her to us as our Mother. Thank You for all the miracles that we have witnessed in the past century through her apparitions.
I love You, Jesus!!!
May 13, 2017
Dear Jesus:
Today we are celebrating the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima. Your Mother, our Queen, keeps showing up in the most unexpected places and to the most unexpected people. One hundred years ago today, she showed up in a tiny village in Portugal. The village of Fatima was not known then but is well known today. She appeared to three little shepherd children between the ages of six and nine: Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. Hundreds of pilgrims will make their way to Portugal this year to commemorate her centennial. And She will be honored all over the world.
Your Mother appeared to them with this message: "I come from Heaven." She asked them to "say the Rosary every day for the peace of the world and an end to the war." She would appear to them a total of six times, on the 13th of each month. On her last apparition on October 13th, she revealed her name: "I am the Lady of the Rosary." By that time, the news had spread and 70,000 people showed up to witness her apparition. Witnesses said that they saw the sun make three circles and move around the sky in an incredible zigzag which left no doubt in anyone's minds that the children were speaking the truth. Children don't lie, so why would anyone not believe them is beyond me.
Jesus, I'm not sure why I'm sharing this with You since You know what happened better than me. In one hundred years, your Mother has appeared many more times, in many more places. In the past thirty years, since I became a mother myself, my devotion to her has grown by leaps and bounds. The rosary has become my most powerful weapon in my times of trouble and pain. She has become my ally, my friend, my confidante, my Mother in Heaven. I hold the warnings and promises that she shared with the children at Fatima, deep within my heart. And I believe in her declaration that "Her Immaculate Heart will triumph."
Five years ago, we did a book study where we learned about the "roses and thorns" in her heart. This week, we start a book study: "Meet Mary: Getting to Know the Mother of God." And in September, the theme for our Bible study this year will be all about Mary. This is the year of your Mother, Jesus. I am so looking forward to getting to know her more clearly, love her more dearly and follow her more nearly. Thank You for sharing her with us.
As I was writing this letter to You from the beach, I looked up to the sky and there's this beautiful rainbow around the sun. Yes, scientists will have a good explanation for it: it's the ozone layer. But I have never seen this before. And since I believe in miracles, I know this is not a coincidence. Thank You for letting me witness this miracle, today of all days, on the centennial of your Mother's apparition. Thank You for allowing me to take this beautiful pictures:
I would like to pray for my three children. May they have an open heart like the three shepherd children that met your Mama at Fatima. May they be open to witnessing the miracles that You provide for us each and every day. May they live their lives with a heart full of faith. And may they make choices that will lead them to spending eternity with You.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us and guide all of us to your Son.
I love You, Jesus!!!
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Letters to Heaven during the Easter Season: A Strong Family Legacy
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise. Bind them as a sign on your hand, fix them as an emblem on your forehead, and write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:5-9
April 29, 2012
Dear Jesus:
Today we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Romero-Navarro family which was established on April 22, 1912, when Matias and Candita got married. I am blessed to have married into such a beautiful, united, faith-filled family. Right now, counting all the spouses, we are 246 family members.
On a different note, two of my babies will be graduating next month from college. I'm so proud of them. Rafi will be starting a new job with Facebook in September and Chabeli will go on to obtain her MBA. She got accepted into Fairfield University. We went to visit last week, just the two of us. It's a Jesuit university. I found it to be very peaceful. There's a chapel in the middle of the campus, and every corner reflects Your Holy presence. While Chabeli met with the dean, I went to explore on my own. In one corner, I found a cross. In another little nook, I found a statue of our Blessed Mama Mary. There were religious symbols everywhere. It gave me a tremendous sense of joy. I would be very happy if Chabeli chooses to go there. But Chabeli left more confused than before she arrived. Her meetings with the dean and career counselor did not convince her. She felt that the university was more geared to the undergraduate program than to the masters program. Most of the students in the masters program are part-time so they don't live in the university. Most of the master classes are at night. She could try to find a day job, but the career counselor did not provide a lot of assurance. She left feeling that maybe that would not be the best program for her. So now, she's planning to apply to UM and Fordham. Once again, Jesus, I leave this in your hands. Please, lead her towards the university where she will be the happiest and where she will obtain the best education.
During the family reunion, they mentioned the achievements that some of its members have accomplished. Most of the grandchildren and great-grandchildren have graduated from college, many of them with honors. I have to thank Matias and Candita for all the sacrifices they made in moving to this country. Even though they are no longer with us, they live on through their legacy. Their sacrifice was definitely worth it. The new generation is living proof of that as they continue to honor their great-grandparents' legacy. I pray that they also honor the legacy of faith that is also such a big part of the Romero-Navarro Family.
Papa Matias and Mama Candita, continue to guide and protect your family from up above.
I love You, Jesus!!!
May 10, 2017
Dear Jesus:
Since we had that reunion five years ago, we have lost various members from the Romero-Navarro family: Papa Rafael, Mama Dora, Tio Jose, Tia Calila, Tia Carmen, Lulu... They are all now reunited in Your Kingdom. There have also been many more births so the family keeps growing. We are going to have to do another reunion so we can get a new count.
This month a lot of Alex's friends are graduating. Alex has one semester to go and I'm sad because UConn does not celebrate graduations in December. This means that he would need to return next May to be able to participate in the graduation ceremonies. Most likely, that's not going to happen, so we are going to have to plan our own private graduation in Miami.
I'm very proud of him because he finished this semester with straight As. That is a huge accomplishment for my Alex. He is also honoring his great-grandparents' legacy. Tomorrow he'll get home and he has a job for the summer, so I will get to enjoy having him home for more than three months. Best Mother's Day gift ever.
I think of my husband's grandparents often. They had twelve children. They lost one at the tender age of two. In spite of carrying that pain in their hearts forever, they managed to provide a good, faith-filled life for the other eleven. The younger ones all received an equivalent of a college education. Then, they had to leave their country, their home and most of their family to move to the United States in search of freedom and a brighter future. By this time, most of their children were married so they knew the risk they were taking that they might not be able to see them again. Nine of them were able to follow them, but two stayed behind. Today, only two of their daughters remain with us, tia Viro in Cuba and tia Dulce here in Miami. But the values they instilled are being carried on by their grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. I am sure, they are looking down from heaven, and are feeling very proud that their strong family legacy lives on.
Papa Matias and Mama Candita, continue to guide and protect your family from up above.
I love You, Jesus!!!
April 29, 2012
Dear Jesus:
Today we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Romero-Navarro family which was established on April 22, 1912, when Matias and Candita got married. I am blessed to have married into such a beautiful, united, faith-filled family. Right now, counting all the spouses, we are 246 family members.
On a different note, two of my babies will be graduating next month from college. I'm so proud of them. Rafi will be starting a new job with Facebook in September and Chabeli will go on to obtain her MBA. She got accepted into Fairfield University. We went to visit last week, just the two of us. It's a Jesuit university. I found it to be very peaceful. There's a chapel in the middle of the campus, and every corner reflects Your Holy presence. While Chabeli met with the dean, I went to explore on my own. In one corner, I found a cross. In another little nook, I found a statue of our Blessed Mama Mary. There were religious symbols everywhere. It gave me a tremendous sense of joy. I would be very happy if Chabeli chooses to go there. But Chabeli left more confused than before she arrived. Her meetings with the dean and career counselor did not convince her. She felt that the university was more geared to the undergraduate program than to the masters program. Most of the students in the masters program are part-time so they don't live in the university. Most of the master classes are at night. She could try to find a day job, but the career counselor did not provide a lot of assurance. She left feeling that maybe that would not be the best program for her. So now, she's planning to apply to UM and Fordham. Once again, Jesus, I leave this in your hands. Please, lead her towards the university where she will be the happiest and where she will obtain the best education.
During the family reunion, they mentioned the achievements that some of its members have accomplished. Most of the grandchildren and great-grandchildren have graduated from college, many of them with honors. I have to thank Matias and Candita for all the sacrifices they made in moving to this country. Even though they are no longer with us, they live on through their legacy. Their sacrifice was definitely worth it. The new generation is living proof of that as they continue to honor their great-grandparents' legacy. I pray that they also honor the legacy of faith that is also such a big part of the Romero-Navarro Family.
Papa Matias and Mama Candita, continue to guide and protect your family from up above.
I love You, Jesus!!!
May 10, 2017
Dear Jesus:
Since we had that reunion five years ago, we have lost various members from the Romero-Navarro family: Papa Rafael, Mama Dora, Tio Jose, Tia Calila, Tia Carmen, Lulu... They are all now reunited in Your Kingdom. There have also been many more births so the family keeps growing. We are going to have to do another reunion so we can get a new count.
This month a lot of Alex's friends are graduating. Alex has one semester to go and I'm sad because UConn does not celebrate graduations in December. This means that he would need to return next May to be able to participate in the graduation ceremonies. Most likely, that's not going to happen, so we are going to have to plan our own private graduation in Miami.
I'm very proud of him because he finished this semester with straight As. That is a huge accomplishment for my Alex. He is also honoring his great-grandparents' legacy. Tomorrow he'll get home and he has a job for the summer, so I will get to enjoy having him home for more than three months. Best Mother's Day gift ever.
I think of my husband's grandparents often. They had twelve children. They lost one at the tender age of two. In spite of carrying that pain in their hearts forever, they managed to provide a good, faith-filled life for the other eleven. The younger ones all received an equivalent of a college education. Then, they had to leave their country, their home and most of their family to move to the United States in search of freedom and a brighter future. By this time, most of their children were married so they knew the risk they were taking that they might not be able to see them again. Nine of them were able to follow them, but two stayed behind. Today, only two of their daughters remain with us, tia Viro in Cuba and tia Dulce here in Miami. But the values they instilled are being carried on by their grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. I am sure, they are looking down from heaven, and are feeling very proud that their strong family legacy lives on.
Papa Matias and Mama Candita, continue to guide and protect your family from up above.
I love You, Jesus!!!
Saturday, May 6, 2017
LTH during the Easter Season: Life is Better in Community
"As in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us." Romans 12: 4-6
April 28, 2012
Dear Jesus:
I'm at Casa Manresa spending some time with You in the Blessed Sacrament. It's 4:30 in the afternoon and Emmaus #18 is taking place. I pray to You, Jesus, for Alina and Roxana that are co-facilitating the retreat. I also pray for the team and for the women that are walking the Emmaus. I pray that they may open their hearts to You. I pray that they encounter You on the road to Emmaus and that they will always walk with You.
I want to pray for the future of the Emmaus retreats at Belen because Jesus, I am a bit worried. I was part of the original team that brought Emmaus to Belen. I truly believe that bringing Emmaus to Belen was a great idea. A lot of men and women have benefited from it. However, something is happening lately and I'm concerned that it may put its future in jeopardy. There is a lot of division between some Emmaus sisters, and this is causing chaos and turmoil, thus creating a separation and resentment within their hearts. I want to pray to You, Jesus, for unity.
I'm not sure what role You want me to play in all this. I hear St. Paul's message in his letter to the Romans telling them to stay away from those that are creating division and giving false testimony. He says "avoid them." It's not that they don't know the Truth, it's simply that they don't want to accept it.
Please guide me, Jesus, because I'm a bit confused as to what You want from me. But one thing I know for sure is that I can't sit idly and do nothing. I know the Emmaus has helped many parents and I just can't allow it to be destroyed.
My purpose in life is to love and serve You. I know Jesus that our journey on this earth is very difficult without You. And I just read in "My Daily Bread" that hell is even worst. Jesus, please, don't ever let me fall off the path that takes me to You. Please, if I ever fall, do whatever You can to bring me back. One day, I want to meet You face to face in heaven. That is my dream. That is my biggest desire. You guide my steps, Jesus. Wherever You need me, I will go.
For now, I'll leave Emmaus in your hands. I know that You will take care of it. I know that in due time, if it's for your glory, things will fall into place because "not a thing escapes (your) eye." Sirach 39:19. Yet, if You need me to add my grain of salt, I'm available.
I love You, Jesus!!!
May 6, 2017
Dear Jesus:
I was blessed to participate in the Emmaus retreat one more time this past December. And I'm happy to report that Emmaus is alive and strong at Belen. We celebrated Emmaus #23. There is a team of new moms taking care of things and they are doing an awesome job. Some of the oldies are still around. It was good to return to serve in this community of faith that has been such a critical part of my journey.
When You are at the center, things fall into place. Anything that comes from You, that is being done for your glory and honor, will overcome any obstacles along its path. "Goodness will never be cut off and justice endures forever." Sirach 40:17.
This past week, my sister in Christ, Lupe, shared this beautiful meditation:
"A mosaic consists of thousands of little stones. Some are blue, some are green, some are yellow, some are gold. When we bring our faces close to the mosaic, we can admire the beauty of each stone. But as we step back from it, we can see that all these little stones reveal to us a beautiful picture, telling a story none of these stones can tell by itself.
That is what our life in community is about. Each of us is like a little stone, but together we reveal the face of God to the world. Nobody can say: 'I make God visible.' But others who see us together can say: 'They make God visible.' Community is where humility and glory touch." Henry Nouwen
This is what Emmaus has been to me. A community made up of different people who individually are beautiful, but together, as a community of faith, they reveal your face, Jesus. On my own, I would have never gotten to know You as deeply as I have gotten to know You through my community of faith.
Please, keep our little community strong so that we may continue revealing your face to the world.
I love You, Jesus!!!
April 28, 2012
Dear Jesus:
I'm at Casa Manresa spending some time with You in the Blessed Sacrament. It's 4:30 in the afternoon and Emmaus #18 is taking place. I pray to You, Jesus, for Alina and Roxana that are co-facilitating the retreat. I also pray for the team and for the women that are walking the Emmaus. I pray that they may open their hearts to You. I pray that they encounter You on the road to Emmaus and that they will always walk with You.
I want to pray for the future of the Emmaus retreats at Belen because Jesus, I am a bit worried. I was part of the original team that brought Emmaus to Belen. I truly believe that bringing Emmaus to Belen was a great idea. A lot of men and women have benefited from it. However, something is happening lately and I'm concerned that it may put its future in jeopardy. There is a lot of division between some Emmaus sisters, and this is causing chaos and turmoil, thus creating a separation and resentment within their hearts. I want to pray to You, Jesus, for unity.
I'm not sure what role You want me to play in all this. I hear St. Paul's message in his letter to the Romans telling them to stay away from those that are creating division and giving false testimony. He says "avoid them." It's not that they don't know the Truth, it's simply that they don't want to accept it.
Please guide me, Jesus, because I'm a bit confused as to what You want from me. But one thing I know for sure is that I can't sit idly and do nothing. I know the Emmaus has helped many parents and I just can't allow it to be destroyed.
My purpose in life is to love and serve You. I know Jesus that our journey on this earth is very difficult without You. And I just read in "My Daily Bread" that hell is even worst. Jesus, please, don't ever let me fall off the path that takes me to You. Please, if I ever fall, do whatever You can to bring me back. One day, I want to meet You face to face in heaven. That is my dream. That is my biggest desire. You guide my steps, Jesus. Wherever You need me, I will go.
For now, I'll leave Emmaus in your hands. I know that You will take care of it. I know that in due time, if it's for your glory, things will fall into place because "not a thing escapes (your) eye." Sirach 39:19. Yet, if You need me to add my grain of salt, I'm available.
I love You, Jesus!!!
May 6, 2017
Dear Jesus:
I was blessed to participate in the Emmaus retreat one more time this past December. And I'm happy to report that Emmaus is alive and strong at Belen. We celebrated Emmaus #23. There is a team of new moms taking care of things and they are doing an awesome job. Some of the oldies are still around. It was good to return to serve in this community of faith that has been such a critical part of my journey.
When You are at the center, things fall into place. Anything that comes from You, that is being done for your glory and honor, will overcome any obstacles along its path. "Goodness will never be cut off and justice endures forever." Sirach 40:17.
This past week, my sister in Christ, Lupe, shared this beautiful meditation:
"A mosaic consists of thousands of little stones. Some are blue, some are green, some are yellow, some are gold. When we bring our faces close to the mosaic, we can admire the beauty of each stone. But as we step back from it, we can see that all these little stones reveal to us a beautiful picture, telling a story none of these stones can tell by itself.
That is what our life in community is about. Each of us is like a little stone, but together we reveal the face of God to the world. Nobody can say: 'I make God visible.' But others who see us together can say: 'They make God visible.' Community is where humility and glory touch." Henry Nouwen
This is what Emmaus has been to me. A community made up of different people who individually are beautiful, but together, as a community of faith, they reveal your face, Jesus. On my own, I would have never gotten to know You as deeply as I have gotten to know You through my community of faith.
Please, keep our little community strong so that we may continue revealing your face to the world.
I love You, Jesus!!!
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Letters to Heaven during the Easter Season: A Family Journey
"Live for the rest of your earthly life no longer by human desires but by the will of God. Maintain constant love for one another... Be hospitable to one another without complaining... Serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God; whoever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ. To him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 2, 8-11
April 27, 2015
Dear Jesus:
What a wonderful weekend this has been. Two different families. Two different events. One common link. Two families that have soared high in spite of the pain of losing a child. Two families that have chosen the path of keeping their child's memory alive by helping others.
The first event took place on Saturday. It was in memory of Danny Pino. Danny was one of Alex's best friends in middle school. He joined You in heaven last September. Danny's dream was to join the army to serve his country. Since he was not able to fulfill his dream, his family is keeping his dream alive by helping troops that are now serving our country overseas. Over 600 soldiers have received a care package in Danny's name through an organization known as HeroBox.
The second event took place on Sunday and it was in memory of Nico Hernandez. Nico passed away just three months after he was born. His family has created an organization, "Nico's Promise," to help family's that have lost a child find help and support in their grief. Yesterday they had a fashion show and a luncheon to raise funds for their cause. Over 300 people came together to support this amazing family in their mission of love.
Many people, when faced with grief, tend to isolate themselves from the world. The Hernandez and the Pino families have turned their grief into kindness and they have been able to soar high above their sorrow. They are walking, as a family, in a journey of love and service for others.
I pray for them all. Jesus, please continue to give them the strength and courage to keep going, and to keep making this world a better place in spite of their pain. I know there are two angels in heaven smiling today.
I love You, Jesus!!!
May 2, 2017
Dear Jesus:
This past weekend was also wonderful. The Key Clubhouse had its second fundraiser and it was quite a success. I have seen this organization grow from a dream to a reality, from a living room hope into a full fledge organization that is helping hundreds of people living with mental illness achieve stability in their lives.
I feel very humbled, Jesus, that You led me to help out this cause back in 2009. When a person gets diagnosed with a mental illness, it not only affects the person, but the whole family. That is why this year, the theme for the event was: "A Family Journey: Facing Mental Illness Together." It was an inspirational and emotional event. But most important, it left us with a sense of hope. Mental illness has always been misunderstood, stigmatized and misjudged. A lot of people were educated this weekend. Mental illness is not a choice. It doesn't discriminate. It can affect the rich as well as the poor. It attacks all races, all nationalities and all genders. The onset can start in early childhood, in adolescence or in adulthood. Even though it's supposed to be genetic, I have seen many in this generation be affected by mental illness without having a history in their family. Mental illness can be triggered by lack of sleep, by drugs or by trauma. But there is hope because today there are organizations like the Key Clubhouse sprouting everywhere. And there is a gamma of new medications that are helping people living with a mental illness be able to live normal, independent lives. I met a psychiatrist back in 2009 who told me: "Mental illness is never good, but if you are going to be diagnosed with it, better in this century than in the last one."
May is mental illness awareness month. Let's all make it a point to reach out to someone that we know that suffers from this illness. One of the testimonies we heard this weekend was from someone that is dealing with both mental illness and cancer. She said that people always tell her: "I'm praying that you get better from the cancer." But no one ever tells her: "I'm praying for your mental illness." Today, let's pray for all those people that we know that suffer from mental illness. Let's push the stigma aside and let's connect with someone that has become isolated because of this illness.
We also need to educate ourselves about what mental illness really is. I used to think that when someone said "he or she is bipolar" that it meant they had two personalities. Nothing can be further from the truth. Being bipolar means that the person suffers from an illness known as "manic-depression." They have mood swings caused by a chemical misbalance in their brain. It is treatable, but it can only be controlled with the proper medication. There are many articles and books written on the subject. Before we judge someone, let's find out what is really happening in their lives. And let's get involved. One person can make a difference in someone's lives. Thousands can change the world.
Jesus, please give me the strength, the courage and the means to continue helping this wonderful cause and any others that You place on my journey.
I love You, Jesus!!!
April 27, 2015
Dear Jesus:
What a wonderful weekend this has been. Two different families. Two different events. One common link. Two families that have soared high in spite of the pain of losing a child. Two families that have chosen the path of keeping their child's memory alive by helping others.
The first event took place on Saturday. It was in memory of Danny Pino. Danny was one of Alex's best friends in middle school. He joined You in heaven last September. Danny's dream was to join the army to serve his country. Since he was not able to fulfill his dream, his family is keeping his dream alive by helping troops that are now serving our country overseas. Over 600 soldiers have received a care package in Danny's name through an organization known as HeroBox.
The second event took place on Sunday and it was in memory of Nico Hernandez. Nico passed away just three months after he was born. His family has created an organization, "Nico's Promise," to help family's that have lost a child find help and support in their grief. Yesterday they had a fashion show and a luncheon to raise funds for their cause. Over 300 people came together to support this amazing family in their mission of love.
Many people, when faced with grief, tend to isolate themselves from the world. The Hernandez and the Pino families have turned their grief into kindness and they have been able to soar high above their sorrow. They are walking, as a family, in a journey of love and service for others.
I pray for them all. Jesus, please continue to give them the strength and courage to keep going, and to keep making this world a better place in spite of their pain. I know there are two angels in heaven smiling today.
I love You, Jesus!!!
May 2, 2017
Dear Jesus:
This past weekend was also wonderful. The Key Clubhouse had its second fundraiser and it was quite a success. I have seen this organization grow from a dream to a reality, from a living room hope into a full fledge organization that is helping hundreds of people living with mental illness achieve stability in their lives.
I feel very humbled, Jesus, that You led me to help out this cause back in 2009. When a person gets diagnosed with a mental illness, it not only affects the person, but the whole family. That is why this year, the theme for the event was: "A Family Journey: Facing Mental Illness Together." It was an inspirational and emotional event. But most important, it left us with a sense of hope. Mental illness has always been misunderstood, stigmatized and misjudged. A lot of people were educated this weekend. Mental illness is not a choice. It doesn't discriminate. It can affect the rich as well as the poor. It attacks all races, all nationalities and all genders. The onset can start in early childhood, in adolescence or in adulthood. Even though it's supposed to be genetic, I have seen many in this generation be affected by mental illness without having a history in their family. Mental illness can be triggered by lack of sleep, by drugs or by trauma. But there is hope because today there are organizations like the Key Clubhouse sprouting everywhere. And there is a gamma of new medications that are helping people living with a mental illness be able to live normal, independent lives. I met a psychiatrist back in 2009 who told me: "Mental illness is never good, but if you are going to be diagnosed with it, better in this century than in the last one."
May is mental illness awareness month. Let's all make it a point to reach out to someone that we know that suffers from this illness. One of the testimonies we heard this weekend was from someone that is dealing with both mental illness and cancer. She said that people always tell her: "I'm praying that you get better from the cancer." But no one ever tells her: "I'm praying for your mental illness." Today, let's pray for all those people that we know that suffer from mental illness. Let's push the stigma aside and let's connect with someone that has become isolated because of this illness.
We also need to educate ourselves about what mental illness really is. I used to think that when someone said "he or she is bipolar" that it meant they had two personalities. Nothing can be further from the truth. Being bipolar means that the person suffers from an illness known as "manic-depression." They have mood swings caused by a chemical misbalance in their brain. It is treatable, but it can only be controlled with the proper medication. There are many articles and books written on the subject. Before we judge someone, let's find out what is really happening in their lives. And let's get involved. One person can make a difference in someone's lives. Thousands can change the world.
Jesus, please give me the strength, the courage and the means to continue helping this wonderful cause and any others that You place on my journey.
I love You, Jesus!!!
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