I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Saturday, May 6, 2017

LTH during the Easter Season: Life is Better in Community

"As in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us." Romans 12: 4-6

April 28, 2012

Dear Jesus:

I'm at Casa Manresa spending some time with You in the Blessed Sacrament. It's 4:30 in the afternoon and Emmaus #18 is taking place. I pray to You, Jesus, for Alina and Roxana that are co-facilitating the retreat. I also pray for the team and for the women that are walking the Emmaus. I pray that they may open their hearts to You. I pray that they encounter You on the road to Emmaus and that they will always walk with You.

I want to pray for the future of the Emmaus retreats at Belen because Jesus, I am a bit worried. I was part of the original team that brought Emmaus to Belen. I truly believe that bringing Emmaus to Belen was a great idea. A lot of men and women have benefited from it. However, something is happening lately and I'm concerned that it may put its future in jeopardy. There is a lot of division between some Emmaus sisters, and this is causing chaos and turmoil, thus creating a separation and resentment within their hearts. I want to pray to You, Jesus, for unity.

I'm not sure what role You want me to play in all this. I hear St. Paul's message in his letter to the Romans telling them to stay away from those that are creating division and giving false testimony. He says "avoid them." It's not that they don't know the Truth, it's simply that they don't want to accept it.

Please guide me, Jesus, because I'm a bit confused as to what You want from me. But one thing I know for sure is that I can't sit idly and do nothing. I know the Emmaus has helped many parents and I just can't allow it to be destroyed.

My purpose in life is to love and serve You. I know Jesus that our journey on this earth is very difficult without You. And I just read in "My Daily Bread" that hell is even worst. Jesus, please, don't ever let me fall off the path that takes me to You. Please, if I ever fall, do whatever You can to bring me back. One day, I want to meet You face to face in heaven. That is my dream. That is my biggest desire. You guide my steps, Jesus. Wherever You need me, I will go.

For now, I'll leave Emmaus in your hands. I know that You will take care of it. I know that in due time, if it's for your glory, things will fall into place because "not a thing escapes (your) eye." Sirach 39:19. Yet, if You need me to add my grain of salt, I'm available.

I love You, Jesus!!!

May 6, 2017

Dear Jesus:

I was blessed to participate in the Emmaus retreat one more time this past December. And I'm happy to report that Emmaus is alive and strong at Belen. We celebrated Emmaus #23. There is a team of new moms taking care of things and they are doing an awesome job. Some of the oldies are still around. It was good to return to serve in this community of faith that has been such a critical part of my journey.

When You are at the center, things fall into place. Anything that comes from You, that is being done for your glory and honor, will overcome any obstacles along its path. "Goodness will never be cut off and justice endures forever." Sirach 40:17.

This past week, my sister in Christ, Lupe, shared this beautiful meditation:

"A mosaic consists of thousands of little stones. Some are blue, some are green, some are yellow, some are gold. When we bring our faces close to the mosaic, we can admire the beauty of each stone. But as we step back from it, we can see that all these little stones reveal to us a beautiful picture, telling a story none of these stones can tell by itself.

That is what our life in community is about. Each of us is like a little stone, but together we reveal the face of God to the world. Nobody can say: 'I make God visible.' But others who see us together can say: 'They make God visible.' Community is where humility and glory touch." Henry Nouwen

This is what Emmaus has been to me. A community made up of different people who individually are beautiful, but together, as a community of faith, they reveal your face, Jesus. On my own, I would have never gotten to know You as deeply as I have gotten to know You through my community of faith.

Please, keep our little community strong so that we may continue revealing your face to the world.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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