I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, May 26, 2017

Letters to Heaven during the Easter Season: Lead the Way

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." —Proverbs 3:5–6

May 26, 2011

Dear Jesus:

A lot has happened since I last wrote to You. First of all, this week, Gaby was in an accident with a bb gun. He almost loses his life. I want to pray to You, Jesus, for his prompt and full recovery. I also want to pray for Felix and America. Allow them to feel your presence. May they trust You completely. Don't let their faith waver. May they find peace within their hearts in the knowledge that You are in control and You are taking care of Gaby.

Last week we went to Princeton to help Rafi move out of his dorm room. We helped him sort out all his things. He shipped two large boxes to Seattle where he will be spending his summer doing an internship with Microsoft. The rest, we placed in storage. We also took all his dirty clothing to a laundromat where they wash and fold everything for $1 per pound. He had SIXTY-FIVE pounds of dirty clothing plus the shirts and suits that we took to the dry cleaners. I don't think this kid had washed his clothing in three months. 

It was good to spend a few days with him. We met Emily. I have no doubt that You hand-picked her for him. We went out one night with the two of them, and another night with them and four of his friends. Two of them we already knew, and the other two were new. One of them is a girl who will also be doing an internship in Seattle. Emily will be doing an internship with Facebook in Palo Alto.

He is now in Seattle, already working with Microsoft. He's sharing a two-bedroom apartment with a guy from Canada. And he's sharing a rental car with his roommate and the girl from Princeton. He seems happy thus far. Please, Jesus, protect him while he's in Seattle. My heart needs a little bit of dullness, no more excitement.

Chabeli is doing an internship with Deloitte. She is super happy. And Alex is applying to work at the Belen Summer Camp. Later in the summer, we are all planning to meet up with Rafi in Seattle and enjoy a family vacation.

Please give us a peaceful summer. You are in full charge of our lives. Lead the way.

I love You, Jesus!!!

May 26, 2017

Dear Jesus:

I'm at the beach. It's the start of the Memorial Day weekend and just like I did six years ago, I'm praying for dullness. My heart cannot take any more excitement.

Our family must be the masters of flight cancellations, delays and deviations. I could write a book on how many times we have gone through this drill. This week, it happened to Alex and Chabeli on the same day but on different flights. Chabeli was returning from New York on Wednesday and Alex was leaving to Europe with six friends. Alex's flight had mechanical issues and after hours of telling them "it's fixed," "no, it's not," "we are moving you to a different aircraft," they cancelled the flight. He spent ten hours at the airport and didn't go anywhere. But I'm thankful to You that the problem was discovered while still on the ground and not during flight. Now, if it's Your will, they will depart tomorrow. Unfortunately, they missed the entire Barcelona portion of their trip, and the airline is giving them a hard time about refunding them the hotel and all the attraction tickets that they had pre-booked.

Chabeli's flight was supposed to land around 7:15 but was delayed one hour, not a big deal. At 8:20, I get a text message from her: "Landed." I was just telling You, "thank You" when I get her next text: "in Tampa." Her flight was diverted because of the bad weather here in Miami. She ended up landing in Miami four hours late, but safely. Thank You, Jesus!

Alex didn't get home until 2 am so I didn't get much sleep that night. I need this weekend to rest and fully recover from a cold that apparently has gotten too attached to me because it's just lingering.

I want to pray for everyone that is traveling this long weekend, especially Alex and his gang. May they arrive safely on Sunday and with plenty of time to connect to their London flight which is scheduled for just a few hours after they land. They have been planning this trip since they graduated from high school. It's their college graduation present. Please, allow them to have a safe flight and an awesome time. Wednesday was just the dress rehearsal. Let the show go on tomorrow. And please, keep them safe in Europe.

Please give us a peaceful summer. You are in full charge of our lives. Lead the way.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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