I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, May 19, 2017

Letters to Heaven during the Easter Season: Life is a Gift

"I always find a way of being happy..." St. Therese of Lisieux
May 2, 2013

Dear Jesus:

I began this year by praying to You to please give us a good and peaceful 2013. I have to tell You, it's been pretty tough. As You well know, we had to say good-bye to Rafael, my father-in-law, on January 17th, and to Dora, my mother-in-law, on March 14th. They are up there with You now but it's been very tough for us.

When Rafael passed away, all the grandchildren were very affected. For the first time, they had to say good-bye to a grandparent. And then, when Dora passed away just two months later, it was horrible. We had not quite recovered from losing him, and once again we were dealing with funeral homes and cemeteries. Losing both parents so close together was really tough for Rafe and his sisters. Rafe told me that he felt hollow inside. I hope, Jesus, that You fill up this hole with your love.

The day before Dora's viewing, we spent it together as a family. We took out all the old photo albums and we prepared a video. Seeing through pictures what a beautiful life she lived was very helpful for all of us. We buried her on the day that she would have celebrated her 85th birthday. We were consoled in knowing that she was celebrating it with You. 

Do You know Jesus that this year we have gone to one funeral per month? Enough is enough. We need a break. This year thus far has been very rough. Give us a respite so that we can start enjoying the great events that are coming up.

Our little Alex is graduating from Belen this month. It seems like his seven years in Belen just came and went in the blink of an eye. I'm so proud of him. He was accepted to eight wonderful universities. He picked the University of Connecticut. And he received scholarships from almost all of them. We prayed to You to lead him where he was meant to be, so we have to trust that UConn is where You want him to go.

As he graduates and heads off to college, please keep him safe. Now he has two grandparents looking out for him from heaven.

I love You, Jesus!!!

May 19, 2017

Dear Jesus:

I have stopped counting funerals. Either I know too many people or I'm getting old, but I feel like my social life revolves around funerals. I used to complain when the kids were little and every weekend was absorbed by birthday parties. I would give anything to rewind the clock and return to those days. Now it seems like every month we have to attend at least one funeral.

That year, 2013, was a very tough year. Not only did we bid good-bye to two grandparents, but my dad's health began to deteriorate that year as well. My days in 2013 revolved around funerals and hospitals. And in the midst of it all, I also felt and fractured my knee. 

During mass on Sunday, the priest said: "Pain can make you better or it can make you bitter." In 2013, I could have chosen to stay in the pain. If I had, today I would probably be a bitter old lady. Instead, I chose to get to the other side of the pain. I like to believe that it made me a better person. Yes, it was a rough year, but it was also sprinkled with many happy occasions: two graduations, trips, birthday celebrations, family gatherings and time. Yes, time. My fractured knee gave me a lot of time that I normally would not have had. And it gave me a lot of time to spend with my dad. Time and memories that I cherish now that I no longer have him with me.

Life is a mixture of happy days and sad days. Every day, I must make a conscious choice to be joyful, no matter what the day brings. I can choose to find the joy in the midst of the pain or I can choose to stay in the pain. So even when I find myself attending one too many funerals, it makes me appreciate even more that life is a gift. And I choose to celebrate life: mine and the life of the person that has completed his/her journey here on earth. May he/she Rest In Peace in your Kingdom.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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