I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Happy Birthday to my Hubby

"No matter how important the real world seems, you always have to remember who you are doing this for." Chesapeake Shores in the Hallmark Channel

November 28, 2009

Dear Jesus:

It's midnight and I cannot sleep. Rafi went out clubbing tonight. I wish I could control the worrying with a switch. Yes, I trust You. I have prayed. I know that You are protecting him. And yet, I still cannot sleep. So here I am, "Sleepless in Kendall."

This has been quite a busy week. The two biggest events this week were Thanksgiving and Rafe's 50th birthday. We celebrated Thanksgiving in our house. It's a lot of work, but I love it. I love preparing all the food, the smells in the kitchen, the hustle and bustle... I was exhausted at the end, but it's good to test my strength once in a while. I am still a strong woman, and after a good night sleep, and a massage from Rafe on my lower back, I was good as new.

I have a lot to be thankful for. Yes, it's been a tough year, a hell of year to be exact, but I have gained in inner strength, in spirituality, and in wisdom. Rafi is fine now, thanks in part to his doctor and the medication, but mostly, thanks to You. Thank You, Jesus, for leading us in the right direction.

Today, (or yesterday because it's past midnight now), we celebrated Rafe's birthday. Well, actually, we have been celebrating since Thursday. We cut a cake and sang him "Happy Birthday" on Thanksgiving Day with the whole family. We went out to eat on Friday night with the Ingelmo's. And tonight, we took him to Capital Grille. I think that he's a bit depressed that he's 50... but he will get over it and he will be fine. Thank You, Jesus, for Rafe, for his life and for placing him in my life. We have been married for exactly half of his life.

Jesus, I'm going to try to get some sleep now. Please, protect Rafi. He's the designated driver tonight.

I love You, Jesus!!!

November 28, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Today we are celebrating Rafe's 58th birthday. And as usual, we have been celebrating for a few days already. On Saturday night, we took him to Son Cubano, a restaurant in the Gables. Unfortunately, he got food poisoning from a tuna taco that he ate for lunch, so he couldn't enjoy his birthday dinner. I wanted to postpone it, but he didn't let me because otherwise, Alex would not be present since he had to return to UConn. He said that just being with us was good enough, but I felt bad for him because he didn't eat or drink anything. We will have to repeat it. We are going out again tonight but this time, it will be just the two of us.

I want to thank You, Jesus, for my hubby. Thank You for crossing our paths. He is an amazing father, always placing our kids' needs ahead of his own. He has always worked very hard but he never forgot who he was doing it for. He always places family first, and he always made sure to make time for the important things. He never missed a kid's baseball or basketball game, he was always present at all the karate competitions, he was always at the ballet recitals (even though he really, really dislikes ballet), and he always found time to play with the kids. He's also the perfect partner for me. We are as different as can be, but we complement each other quite well. Life has been so much better because he has been by my side. Please, grant him many more years of health and life.

I love You, Jesus!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart

“As you go through this day, look for tiny treasures strategically placed along the way. I lovingly go before you and plant little pleasures to brighten your day. Look carefully for them, and pluck them one by one. When you reach the end of the day, you will have gathered a lovely bouquet. Offer it up to Me with a grateful heart. Receive My Peace as you lie down to sleep, with thankful thoughts playing a lullaby in your mind.” Sarah Young in “Jesus Calling” November 23 Reflection

Most of my journals are filled with letters of gratitude on Thanksgiving week. Instead of choosing one, here's a potpourri of letters from different years.

Dear Jesus:

2006: On this Thanksgiving Day, I want to start by thanking You for this beautiful day. I'm sitting by the pool enjoying the early morning sunshine and the bright blue sky. I can hear the birds singing, and there's a squirrel running down the palm trees. I want to thank You for all your blessings. You give me so much, and sometimes I wonder what I have done to deserve so much. I will accept your blessings and cherish them...

2008: Thank You for my grandparents. They are no longer here on earth but I know that they are with me in spirit. They were my first teachers. My grandfather taught me by example the importance of silence. My grandmother taught me everything else. Thank You for keeping her in my life for as long as You did. Everything I am today, I owe to her.

2009: Thank You for my parents, all three of them. Dad #1 was in my life for the first seven years, and then we were apart for the next twenty-five. Thank You for giving him back to me. Dad #2 always gave me unconditional love, and for that I will forever be grateful. Thank You for bringing him into my life when I most needed him. I have learned a lot from him, but especially patience. I have never met anyone more patient than him. Thank You for my mom. Now that she's retired we have a wonderful relationship. We talk every morning and we spend time together. I owe her my life and for that I am thankful. She has taught me a lot, but one of the most important things I have learned from her is to enjoy life to the fullest.

2010: Thank You for choosing Rafael for my husband. I, alone, would not have been able to pick a better man. He is a wonderful husband, hard working, an awesome father, and the love of my life. You know that our 26-year journey (or 30 if we start counting from the day we met), has not been an easy one. Yet, You have been with us every step of the way, and that is why we are still together. I have learned a lot from him, but especially honesty. I have never met someone more honest than my hubby. Thank You, Jesus, for choosing such an honest man for me.

2011: Thank You for Rafi. He is everything we could have ever hoped for and more. We have received great joys through Rafi. Thank You for placing your trust in us. We feel blessed that You chose us to be Rafi's parents. I know that You had to give it some careful thought, and that is why You made us wait so long for him. You had to prepare us first. If You had asked me 24 years ago, when I was in the midst of all the infertility treatments, if I would be willing to take a wonderful boy but that the boy would be diagnosed with a very serious illness at the age of 20, I would have answered YES. I would have given You the same answer that Mama Mary gave the angel when She was asked if She would be willing to be Your Mother. In spite of all the pain, the joys surpass the pain. I would not trade my son Rafi for anyone else. Thank You for trusting Rafael and me with your beautiful creation. I have learned acceptance from him. He has never asked, "why me?" He has always accepted your will for him.

2012: I want to thank You for Chabeli. I want to thank You for her sweetness, her kindness, her happiness, her wit, and her love. She was a surprise gift You sent our way 23 years ago. After so long trying to conceive, we never expected that it would be so easy the second time around. I was still breastfeeding Rafi when he was three months old, and I became pregnant. Oh, what a welcome gift. I knew she was a girl way before the sonogram confirmed it. How happy I was. I knew she would be soft and gentle since I had her in my womb. Thank You, Jesus, for my baby girl. Thank You for entrusting her to us. She brought spice to our life.

2013: Thank You for our Alex. Thank You for entrusting one more child to us. You truly have a lot of faith in us. He was so unexpected but so welcomed. You gave us a huge surprise when we found out we were going to be a family of five. He was the best Christmas present ever. Thank You for sending him to us, and allowing him to be born on December 24, 1994. Alex is all sweetness, gentleness, and love. He has a pure heart. He is full of love and compassion. At one point, I thought that You would call him to follow You. But right now, I'm not so sure. He's at UConn in Pre-Pharmacy. What do I know of your plans for him? Polish him and prepare him to whatever You call him to do. Don't ever let him lose the "joie de vivre" that he always carries around with him.

2014: Here we are. You and I, alone in the Blessed Sacrament. What an honor and what a privilege to be able to spend a few minutes in silence in Your Presence. Thank You for loving me so much. Thank You for placing Your Eyes upon me and for giving me the gift of faith... Thank You for my extended family. I always wanted to be part of a big family. Since my two brothers lived so far away from me, You made sure that I married into a huge family. Thank You for the Romero family who always made me feel like I was one of them.

2016: Thank You for the gift of so many friends. Unfortunately, my two besties live far away so I don't get to see them as often as I would like. But I have a ton of other "best" friends: my Emmaus sisters, my Bible study friends, the STS moms, the Belen moms, the Lourdes moms, a few friends from my school days that are still in my life, my work friends, my Facebook friends... There are a lot of people in my life. All sent by You at different stages. Some have stayed in my life for a little while. They had a purpose, and when their purpose was fulfilled, they moved on. Some have stayed in my life for a season. The friends in my spring season were the friends of my childhood and my youth. When my summer arrived, most of them moved on. My summer friends were the moms I met when my children were born, and all through their school years. Most were only meant to stay for the summer days so we could compare "growing pain" notes. Now, I'm in the autumn of my life. Most of my friends are from my faith communities. But I still have friends from the earlier seasons that have sticked around. Each person that You have sent me has a purpose and a reason to be in my life. Some will still be around when the winter days arrive. And those, I will know were the true friends because they will have been with me for a lifetime. Jesus, I know that You are one of my "lifetime" friends. Thank You for being My Friend when I needed to vent. Thank You for being an older Brother when I needed advice. Thank You for being My Father when I needed a shoulder to cry on. Thank You for being My Mentor, My Guide, My Teacher, and My Everything.
2017: Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because there is no gift giving, no rush, no shopping... even though little by little the stores have been trying to steal Thanksgiving from us, opening earlier and earlier. Today, they will open from 10 to midnight, even longer than any regular day. I will not be there. I will not allow them to take away this time with my family. If other people are dumb enough to allow the stores to control their lives, that's their problem. There are plenty of days in the year for shopping. Thanksgiving is a day to be with family, and to thank You for all our blessings. Thank You, Jesus, for all the blessings that You bestow upon us each and every day. Thank You for the gift of this very peaceful year for our family. We are blessed.

I love You, Jesus!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and family. May you have a blessed day surrounded by the love of family and friends. And remember, NO shopping today!!!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Letters to Heaven: It is a Privilege to Serve You

"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin." 
— St. Mother Teresa 

November 19, 2009

Dear Jesus:

I am here with You in the Blessed Sacrament. I was very tempted not to come tonight. I honestly forgot completely that today was the third Thursday, and that I had made this commitment. I even put on my PJ, and that's when Rafe reminded me. I told him: "Forget it, I'm not going." Sorry, Jesus.

As I was sitting down in front of the computer checking my emails, I felt very guilty. Of course, by that time, Rafe had changed into his PJ, so he didn't want to get dressed again. So here I am, alone. Well, not alone. You are here with me in the Blessed Sacrament.

It's been one busy week. Last week, we celebrated two sacraments in our family. Norlys did his Confirmation, and Rafe was his sponsor. Adrian was baptized, and I am his godmother. We also met to start planning the next Romero Family Reunion.

Last night, we attended a meeting for the Key Clubhouse. I once more received confirmation that is there where You want us to serve You. We are going to write letters to request donations. This will be hard as I don't like to ask, but it's for a good cause so You will give me the courage.

Jesus, I would like to pray in a very special way for all the people that suffer from mental illness, and for their family members. Please bring them hope, and place the right people in their path that will help them on their road to recovery. Give us the necessary tools to help the Key Clubhouse open its doors in South Florida. An organization like that could make a huge difference in our community.

Today in the Bible class we had a fellowship, a Thanksgiving lunch. I have a lot to be thankful for, and that is why I am here tonight. Thank You, Jesus, for everything. Thank You for my life, for my family, for our health, for being where we are today. Thank You for loving me so much, for creating me, for taking such good care of me and my loved ones.

Thank You for Rafi's health. Thank You because he's doing so well. I place Princeton in your hands. If he should return, let it happen. If he should stay here, place whatever obstacles You must in his path so he can't go back.

Good night, Jesus. I'm going home.

I love You, Jesus!!!

November 19, 2017

Dear Jesus:

I thank You, Jesus, for the gift of my family. I thank You for our health, for our jobs, for our home, for our community of faith, for our friends, and for carrying us so many times. Thank You for the gift of faith. Our lives would not be what they are if You were not part of them.

Thank You for leading Rafi back to Princeton, for taking care of him and protecting him, and allowing him to graduate. Thank You for Chabeli who has always been our anchor. And thank You for Alex, who will graduate in less than a month with your help. Please keep all three of them safe, and on the path that will one day lead them to You.

Thank You for leading us to the Key Clubhouse, where we have been able to help out in a very special way. People that suffer from mental illness should not be stigmatized. Key Clubhouse is doing a great job to end the stigma, and to help people that suffer from this debilitating illness to be able to get reintegrated back into society as active and productive members. It has been an honor to serve this ministry for the past eight years. We have received, as a family, many more blessings than what we have given them. We have learned than when we place ourselves at Your service, You pour Your blessings upon us in a very profound way. And even though when we give, we give from our heart, without expecting anything in return, You have taught us that You are a very generous and thankful God. Even though, at first, we did not understand why You wanted us to help You in the ministry of mental illness, we did not question You, and it has been a privilege to serve this wonderful people who have an illness of the mind, but who also have a very big heart. Every milestone they reach, gives You great joy, and in turn, it gives those of us that are serving in this ministry, a bigger desire to open our hearts, and continue spreading the Good News.

Thank You, Jesus, for all your blessings.

I love You, Jesus!!!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Letters to Heaven: It's Better to Love than to Hate

"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Luke 23:34

November 13, 2008

Dear Jesus:

I remember when Rafe and I were preparing to get married, one thing they told us was "Do not go to sleep angry with each other. If you have a fight, make-up before you go to sleep."

I cannot say that we have followed this advice during all the years that we have been married. But definitely, on those times that we have gone to sleep upset at each other, I have felt a heavy weight within my heart.

Jesus, You were scourged, whipped, blasphemed, laughed at, and crucified. Instead of getting angry at us, You loved us so much that You asked God to forgive us. You taught us that it was better to love than to hate. You told us that in order to experience Your Love, we need to remove anger from our hearts.

We need to look inside our hearts before we get angry at others. But many times we are afraid to examine our consciences deeply, lest we may not like ourselves very much. We don't like silence and being by ourselves because we come face to face with our weaknesses. We hide behind the curtain of noise, amusements, and distractions. If we met ourselves in others, would we like them?

If we recognize our faults and our short-comings, we would not be so quick to point fingers. The harder we are on ourselves, the easier we will be on others. Unless we discipline ourselves, we will never be able to feel compassion and love for others. Our selfish self is what causes us to be unkind to others. Once we realize the magnitude of our sins, and we recognize that You love us in spite of our sins, and You truly forgive us, we would pardon others that have done something to hurt us.

There is no limit to forgiveness. In the 33 years that Rafe and I have been married, we have had to forgive each other countless times. If we hadn't, our marriage would have ended a long time ago. You also forgive us over and over, because in Your Eyes, forgiveness is infinite. Thank You, Jesus, for loving us so much, and teaching us that is better to love than to hate.

I love You, Jesus!!!

November 13, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Last week, I was selected to be a juror in a "road rage" case. The defendant got upset at another driver simply because the other driver cut in front of him. He was driving "too slow" on the left lane of the turnpike. Since he did not move out of the way, the other driver passed him, and cut in front of him. This made him upset, so he began to flash the lights at the other driver. When the other driver began to brake instead of getting out of his way, he drove beside him and shot at his car. He missed hitting the wife who was asleep on the passenger seat by two inches. His uncontrolled anger will now land him in jail. He destroyed his life, as well as the life of his wife, his three children, and the rest of his family.

Excessive anger without control can get us in serious trouble. We cannot live our lives with the idea of "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." Revengeful anger can destroy our lives. We may not end up in a real jail cell like the defendant in my jury duty case, but we may end up locked up within an inner jail cell that we have built inside our hearts. Anger that we carry with us for a long time, little by little will suffocate us. And it will eventually isolate us from You. We simply cannot love You if we hate one of Your children. We need to remove anger from our hearts in order to be able to make room for love.

Jesus, I would like to pray for the victims in my jury duty case, to find it in their hearts to forgive so they can live in peace. I would like to pray for all drivers so that we can control ourselves when someone is driving too slow or when they cut in front of us. May we never find ourselves in such a predicament. I would like to pray for the defendant so the time in jail will help him turn his heart from hate to love. I would like to pray for his family so they can accept and forgive. And I would like to thank You because the case was resolved without us jurors having to give our verdict. Even though the defendant was clearly guilty, I'm so thankful that I did not have to make that call.

Jesus, help me to always fill my heart with love so that there is never any room for hate.

I love You, Jesus!!!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

LTH: Life is a Series of Complications Sprinkled with Blessings

"It’s not all about being pious or reverent. It’s about reaching out to others in genuine concern and compassion. It’s about offering to help someone with a problem. It’s about accompanying someone through a difficult time without expecting any reward or any thanks. These 'door openers' help place the love of Christ and the fruit of the Spirit front and center." The Word Amongst Us June 13, 2017

November 9, 2007

Dear Jesus:

I'm home alone this weekend with Chabeli & Alex. Rafe is doing the Spiritual Exercises. He left last night. I want to pray for him, Jesus. I would like so much for him to get closer to You. I feel as if he has wandered away from You in the past few years. The pressures of the world, and his sense of responsibility towards us, are drowning him, and they are not leaving him much time for You. Yes, he goes to mass every Sunday, but that's about it.

Jesus, I would like for him to receive the message that he needs to receive from You. Of course, there's the possibility that he may not receive a message. Maybe he just needs this weekend to stop, reflect, and meditate on your word. It may just be a quick stop on his journey. It doesn't need to be a life changing experience.

Whatever You have in store for him this weekend, Jesus, please help him to open up his heart to accept You, to listen to You, to feel You, to relax, to put aside the stress, and help him to come back renewed and refreshed.

Life is one complication after another. Help Rafe to learn to deal with all these complications in a calm manner. Help him to be more patient and more understanding.

Jesus, he is yours this weekend. Do with him what You know is best.

I love You, Jesus!!!

November 9, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Little did I know when I wrote You that letter ten years ago, that Rafe would not be able to complete the Spiritual Exercises. On Saturday night, November 10th, I would receive a call that Rafi was in ICU at Princeton Medical Center fighting for his life.

I almost lost him, Jesus. I almost lost him. Our perfect little world was rocked to the core of our foundation. Our life was turned upside down, and we began an intense roller coaster ride. Yet, that experience brought me closer to You and to Your Mother.

As I reflect on that difficult episode, I can't help but think of Mama Mary. She had a tranquil and peaceful life until she received a message from an angel that would forever alter it. In her case, She had a choice. She could have said "No," but She didn't. She said "Yes," and She embarked in the scariest but most divine roller coaster ride.

Life is like that. It's a series of complications sprinkled with blessings. We plan and organize, and all of a sudden, something happens that sends our plans out the window. All our organization crumbles, and we find ourselves in total chaos and turmoil. And then we have no choice but to turn to You.

The end of 2007 was like a tornado, but it taught me to place my trust on You. It also taught me that when I ask, You answer. I asked You, Jesus, to take care of Rafi and protect him until I could reach him, and You did. You sent Mama Mary to be with him, and She was by his side every second. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Mama Mary.

I also learned to believe in angels because You sent us many angels to help us through the ordeal. We were surrounded by angels that weekend. When I received the call, my house was filled with Emmaus sisters that carried me, and helped me make all the arrangements to get me to Princeton as soon as possible. They also drove me to break the news to Rafe. I believe that You use people and angels to help those in need at the precise moments that they are most needed.

It was a bad and terrifying incident, but we survived, and we became more united as a family. We realized what was truly important. Even though Rafe was not able to complete his Spiritual Exercises, somehow that experience got him closer to You. Through the moments of difficulty and distress, we held on to You, and we saw your hand at work in our family.

Thank You, Jesus, for the mercy that You have always shown me and my family. Even during the hardest moments, You have stayed at the center of our lives. Yes, life is a series of complications, but as long as You are at the helm, we can overcome anything.

Thank You for keeping Rafi alive, and for helping him see what truly matters.

Thank You for keeping our family united through every complication that we have encountered during our life journey. You have taught me that life is a series of complications, but it's also sprinkled with many blessings.

I love You, Jesus!!!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Letters to Heaven: I don't want to crawl, I want to fly

“The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. The Lord protects the simplehearted; when I was in great need, he saved me. Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.” —Psalm 116:5–7

November 5, 2009

Dear Jesus:

Last weekend, I attended the Spiritual Exercises. Father Llorente is truly a saint. What a holy man he is. I truly felt your presence in him. Thank You for helping me to understand. Thank You for opening up my heart. Thank You for talking to me so clearly.

Jesus, I have been a crab during the past six months. I have been hiding in a hole. Well, I'm out of the hole now. I'm a butterfly once more. I don't want to crawl anymore. I want to fly. I want to soar high above the clouds. I want to be able to see your face. I want to feel your embrace. I can't do that if I'm hiding in a hole.

Today, I shared a meditation with my Emmaus sisters. It was long overdue. You gave me this talent and I need to share it. I need to spread your message to those that need to hear it. Enough of feeling sorry for myself. The pity party is over. After all, it's not like You asked me to carry this cross alone. You have been carrying it for me. You were the one who received the whipping upon your body. You were the one who wore the crown of thorns. You are the one with the scars on your back and the holes from the nails on your hands and feet. What do I have? I have no marks upon my body. Yes, my heart has been bleeding but it's still intact. I survived the journey and now, I am spiritually stronger.

Last night, Alex asked me to listen to the introduction for a retreat that he is leading today. He talked so beautifully about You, and our journey through life that he made me cry. Chabeli donated blood, a decision she made on her own. I was concerned that she would faint since we found out two years ago that she suffers from hypoglycemia. But she did great. And Rafi was at UM helping to build a float for homecoming week. They are all doing something for their community, and I couldn't be prouder.

As for me, I am your instrument. Do with me as You see fit. Mold me and use me. I don't want to crawl anymore. I want to fly.

I love You, Jesus!!!

 November 5, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Thank You for the opportunity that You gave me to attend the Spiritual Exercises led by Father Llorente. He passed away a few months later, and I have no doubt that today he is in your presence. He was such a holy man, and he helped me so much at a time in my life when I was literally crawling. He helped me to open my eyes, and put things in perspective. What a difference he made in helping me crawl out of the hole. Thank You for placing him in my path.

As hard as 2009 was for our family, it helped me to grow and mature spiritually in ways that I would have never dreamed possible if I had not crossed the ring of fire. We need to place our hearts inside the oven once in a while to purify them. That year, was certainly a year of purification.

One thing that remained a constant, Jesus, was my love for You. As angry as I was at You, my love for You grew twice as much. The harder the road got, the more I had to rely on You, and the more I had to place my trust on You. I had to learn to trust You with all my heart. And as my anger subsided, You showed me that something great would come out of all the pain we had to endure.

You pulled me out of the hole, and showed me how to fly once more. Thank You for your guidance. Today, I still place all my trust on You, Jesus. "Give me only your love and your grace, that's enough for me," St. Ignatious of Loyola

I love You, Jesus!!!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Letters to Heaven: We Need a Miracle

"The Creator of the universe awaits the prayer of one poor little person to save a multitude of others, redeemed like her at the price of His Blood." — St. Therese of Lisieux

November 3, 2008

Dear Jesus:

I have been reading the scriptures every night with Rafe, and we discuss them in the morning when we walk. You would think that this should bring me joy, and yet, I feel desolation in my heart. Why? I don't know. I can't put my finger on it.

It may be the somber mood of the nation with the upcoming elections. I'm being bombarded daily with a bunch of emails about the culture of death, and all these negative feelings about the state of the economy. I guess all this puts me in a very desolate mood.

Jesus, please, help our nation. The people are desperate because the economy is in bad shape, but honestly, are we truly that bad? How about India, Darfur, Cuba, Haiti, and all the third world countries? We are just a very ungrateful society. We are never satisfied with what we have. We have turned into a greedy bunch of human beings. We are spoiled, ungrateful, and self-centered.

Please, Jesus, put your hand on this election because we need a miracle.

I love You, Jesus!!!

November 3, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Today, I have also been feeling a bit of desolation, and just like nine years ago, I'm not sure why. There is no reason for me to feel this way. Everyone in my family is in a good place right now. I have a lot to be thankful for. And yet, my heart feels sad.

In Bible class, our topic this week was our Lady of Lourdes. I learned things that I did not know. I had never heard France being referred to as the "Eldest Daughter of the Church" because "few countries have set more jewels in the Church's crown than France." France was a land made holy by all its saints: St. Joan of Arc, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, St. Francis de Sales, St. Louis de Montfort, St. Catherine Laboure, St. John Vianney, King Louis IX, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Bernadette Soubirous...

Our Lady came down from heaven at a time when France's Church was fiercely attacked by evil forces that threatened to tear it apart. Both the French Revolution and the Enlightenment savagely assaulted the Church. At the end of the 18th century, hundreds of priests and nuns were executed. There was a movement known as the dechristianization of France. At the heart of the Enlightenment was an attitude of "we must be able to understand it or it's not true." Mankind didn't need You, God. France, the eldest daughter of the Church, violently attacked those who professed their love of You, Christ.

Jesus, I think that my heart today is sad because I see so many similarities with what is happening in our world today. Society, in general, is turning its back on You, and as John Paul II said: "The presence of Satan becomes all the more acute when man and society depart from God." We are seeing the presence of the evil one all around us. All the terrorist attacks that are happening around the world have the signature of the evil one imprinted in each act. The universities remind me of the Enlightenment. They are teaching the new generations to question whether You truly exist. "If they cannot understand You then You must not be true." I see kids that have been brought up in Christian homes and schools, turning their back on You during their college years. I have hope that the seeds planted in their formative years will eventually bear fruit, and that they will return to You. I pray incessantly for this miracle.

Jesus, I am truly worried. I know that the Church will survive, just like it has overcome all the attacks it has endured through the centuries. But I think that You need to intervene. Maybe it's time for Our Lady to come down from heaven and pay us another visit in a supernatural way, just like she did in Mexico, in France, and in Portugal. Hopefully, the world will listen and return to You.

Please, Jesus, put your hand on your world because we need a miracle.

I love You, Jesus!!!