I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Letters to Heaven: I don't want to crawl, I want to fly

“The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. The Lord protects the simplehearted; when I was in great need, he saved me. Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.” —Psalm 116:5–7

November 5, 2009

Dear Jesus:

Last weekend, I attended the Spiritual Exercises. Father Llorente is truly a saint. What a holy man he is. I truly felt your presence in him. Thank You for helping me to understand. Thank You for opening up my heart. Thank You for talking to me so clearly.

Jesus, I have been a crab during the past six months. I have been hiding in a hole. Well, I'm out of the hole now. I'm a butterfly once more. I don't want to crawl anymore. I want to fly. I want to soar high above the clouds. I want to be able to see your face. I want to feel your embrace. I can't do that if I'm hiding in a hole.

Today, I shared a meditation with my Emmaus sisters. It was long overdue. You gave me this talent and I need to share it. I need to spread your message to those that need to hear it. Enough of feeling sorry for myself. The pity party is over. After all, it's not like You asked me to carry this cross alone. You have been carrying it for me. You were the one who received the whipping upon your body. You were the one who wore the crown of thorns. You are the one with the scars on your back and the holes from the nails on your hands and feet. What do I have? I have no marks upon my body. Yes, my heart has been bleeding but it's still intact. I survived the journey and now, I am spiritually stronger.

Last night, Alex asked me to listen to the introduction for a retreat that he is leading today. He talked so beautifully about You, and our journey through life that he made me cry. Chabeli donated blood, a decision she made on her own. I was concerned that she would faint since we found out two years ago that she suffers from hypoglycemia. But she did great. And Rafi was at UM helping to build a float for homecoming week. They are all doing something for their community, and I couldn't be prouder.

As for me, I am your instrument. Do with me as You see fit. Mold me and use me. I don't want to crawl anymore. I want to fly.

I love You, Jesus!!!

 November 5, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Thank You for the opportunity that You gave me to attend the Spiritual Exercises led by Father Llorente. He passed away a few months later, and I have no doubt that today he is in your presence. He was such a holy man, and he helped me so much at a time in my life when I was literally crawling. He helped me to open my eyes, and put things in perspective. What a difference he made in helping me crawl out of the hole. Thank You for placing him in my path.

As hard as 2009 was for our family, it helped me to grow and mature spiritually in ways that I would have never dreamed possible if I had not crossed the ring of fire. We need to place our hearts inside the oven once in a while to purify them. That year, was certainly a year of purification.

One thing that remained a constant, Jesus, was my love for You. As angry as I was at You, my love for You grew twice as much. The harder the road got, the more I had to rely on You, and the more I had to place my trust on You. I had to learn to trust You with all my heart. And as my anger subsided, You showed me that something great would come out of all the pain we had to endure.

You pulled me out of the hole, and showed me how to fly once more. Thank You for your guidance. Today, I still place all my trust on You, Jesus. "Give me only your love and your grace, that's enough for me," St. Ignatious of Loyola

I love You, Jesus!!!

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