I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Letters to Heaven: It is a Privilege to Serve You

"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin." 
— St. Mother Teresa 

November 19, 2009

Dear Jesus:

I am here with You in the Blessed Sacrament. I was very tempted not to come tonight. I honestly forgot completely that today was the third Thursday, and that I had made this commitment. I even put on my PJ, and that's when Rafe reminded me. I told him: "Forget it, I'm not going." Sorry, Jesus.

As I was sitting down in front of the computer checking my emails, I felt very guilty. Of course, by that time, Rafe had changed into his PJ, so he didn't want to get dressed again. So here I am, alone. Well, not alone. You are here with me in the Blessed Sacrament.

It's been one busy week. Last week, we celebrated two sacraments in our family. Norlys did his Confirmation, and Rafe was his sponsor. Adrian was baptized, and I am his godmother. We also met to start planning the next Romero Family Reunion.

Last night, we attended a meeting for the Key Clubhouse. I once more received confirmation that is there where You want us to serve You. We are going to write letters to request donations. This will be hard as I don't like to ask, but it's for a good cause so You will give me the courage.

Jesus, I would like to pray in a very special way for all the people that suffer from mental illness, and for their family members. Please bring them hope, and place the right people in their path that will help them on their road to recovery. Give us the necessary tools to help the Key Clubhouse open its doors in South Florida. An organization like that could make a huge difference in our community.

Today in the Bible class we had a fellowship, a Thanksgiving lunch. I have a lot to be thankful for, and that is why I am here tonight. Thank You, Jesus, for everything. Thank You for my life, for my family, for our health, for being where we are today. Thank You for loving me so much, for creating me, for taking such good care of me and my loved ones.

Thank You for Rafi's health. Thank You because he's doing so well. I place Princeton in your hands. If he should return, let it happen. If he should stay here, place whatever obstacles You must in his path so he can't go back.

Good night, Jesus. I'm going home.

I love You, Jesus!!!

November 19, 2017

Dear Jesus:

I thank You, Jesus, for the gift of my family. I thank You for our health, for our jobs, for our home, for our community of faith, for our friends, and for carrying us so many times. Thank You for the gift of faith. Our lives would not be what they are if You were not part of them.

Thank You for leading Rafi back to Princeton, for taking care of him and protecting him, and allowing him to graduate. Thank You for Chabeli who has always been our anchor. And thank You for Alex, who will graduate in less than a month with your help. Please keep all three of them safe, and on the path that will one day lead them to You.

Thank You for leading us to the Key Clubhouse, where we have been able to help out in a very special way. People that suffer from mental illness should not be stigmatized. Key Clubhouse is doing a great job to end the stigma, and to help people that suffer from this debilitating illness to be able to get reintegrated back into society as active and productive members. It has been an honor to serve this ministry for the past eight years. We have received, as a family, many more blessings than what we have given them. We have learned than when we place ourselves at Your service, You pour Your blessings upon us in a very profound way. And even though when we give, we give from our heart, without expecting anything in return, You have taught us that You are a very generous and thankful God. Even though, at first, we did not understand why You wanted us to help You in the ministry of mental illness, we did not question You, and it has been a privilege to serve this wonderful people who have an illness of the mind, but who also have a very big heart. Every milestone they reach, gives You great joy, and in turn, it gives those of us that are serving in this ministry, a bigger desire to open our hearts, and continue spreading the Good News.

Thank You, Jesus, for all your blessings.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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