I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Happy Birthday to my Hubby

"No matter how important the real world seems, you always have to remember who you are doing this for." Chesapeake Shores in the Hallmark Channel

November 28, 2009

Dear Jesus:

It's midnight and I cannot sleep. Rafi went out clubbing tonight. I wish I could control the worrying with a switch. Yes, I trust You. I have prayed. I know that You are protecting him. And yet, I still cannot sleep. So here I am, "Sleepless in Kendall."

This has been quite a busy week. The two biggest events this week were Thanksgiving and Rafe's 50th birthday. We celebrated Thanksgiving in our house. It's a lot of work, but I love it. I love preparing all the food, the smells in the kitchen, the hustle and bustle... I was exhausted at the end, but it's good to test my strength once in a while. I am still a strong woman, and after a good night sleep, and a massage from Rafe on my lower back, I was good as new.

I have a lot to be thankful for. Yes, it's been a tough year, a hell of year to be exact, but I have gained in inner strength, in spirituality, and in wisdom. Rafi is fine now, thanks in part to his doctor and the medication, but mostly, thanks to You. Thank You, Jesus, for leading us in the right direction.

Today, (or yesterday because it's past midnight now), we celebrated Rafe's birthday. Well, actually, we have been celebrating since Thursday. We cut a cake and sang him "Happy Birthday" on Thanksgiving Day with the whole family. We went out to eat on Friday night with the Ingelmo's. And tonight, we took him to Capital Grille. I think that he's a bit depressed that he's 50... but he will get over it and he will be fine. Thank You, Jesus, for Rafe, for his life and for placing him in my life. We have been married for exactly half of his life.

Jesus, I'm going to try to get some sleep now. Please, protect Rafi. He's the designated driver tonight.

I love You, Jesus!!!

November 28, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Today we are celebrating Rafe's 58th birthday. And as usual, we have been celebrating for a few days already. On Saturday night, we took him to Son Cubano, a restaurant in the Gables. Unfortunately, he got food poisoning from a tuna taco that he ate for lunch, so he couldn't enjoy his birthday dinner. I wanted to postpone it, but he didn't let me because otherwise, Alex would not be present since he had to return to UConn. He said that just being with us was good enough, but I felt bad for him because he didn't eat or drink anything. We will have to repeat it. We are going out again tonight but this time, it will be just the two of us.

I want to thank You, Jesus, for my hubby. Thank You for crossing our paths. He is an amazing father, always placing our kids' needs ahead of his own. He has always worked very hard but he never forgot who he was doing it for. He always places family first, and he always made sure to make time for the important things. He never missed a kid's baseball or basketball game, he was always present at all the karate competitions, he was always at the ballet recitals (even though he really, really dislikes ballet), and he always found time to play with the kids. He's also the perfect partner for me. We are as different as can be, but we complement each other quite well. Life has been so much better because he has been by my side. Please, grant him many more years of health and life.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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