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I'm a little pencil

Sunday, December 1, 2024

25 Days with St. Joseph: From Nazareth to Bethlehem-Day 2

“God chose to make Joseph his most tangible image on earth, the depository of all the rights of his divine paternity, the husband of that noble Virgin who is Mistress of angels and men.” — Blessed William Joseph Chaminade

Good morning Lord. Today, I woke up thinking about my engagement to Mary, which took place six months ago. I know that she missed having her parents, Anna and Joachim, by her side. I remember them as being a humble and gentle couple. They were both called by You when Mary was still very young. 

I was remembering the words that I said to Mary immediately after our betrothal took place: “My spouse and Lady, I give thanks to the Lord most high God for the favor of having designed me as your husband without my merits, though I judged myself unworthy even of thy company; but His Majesty, who can raise up the lowly whenever He wishes, showed this mercy to me, and I desire and hope, relying on thy discretion and virtue, that thou help me to make a proper return in serving Him with an upright heart. Hold me, therefore, as thy servant, and by the true love which I have for thee, I beg of thee to supply my deficiencies in the fulfillment of the domestic duties and of other things, which as a worthy husband, I should know how to perform; tell me, Lady, what is thy pleasure, in order that I may fulfill it.” (1)

In retrospect, I know Lord that You were the one that placed those words in my heart. I am a man of few words, and I would have never been able to speak so eloquently had You not sent the Holy Spirit over me. I know that Mary was taken aback when she heard those words. And this is how she responded: “My master, I am fortunate, that the Most High, in order to place me in this state of life, has chosen thee for my husband and that He has given me such evident manifestation of His Will, that I serve thee.” (1)

I have engraved in my heart how the trees danced at that moment, and how the sun exploded in happiness at such humble manifestation of our commitment to each other. I looked into Mary’s eyes, and my soul was united to hers. It was just a second, but I knew in that instant that I loved her with all my heart. My hands found hers, and I knew that God had chosen for me the most humble and pure woman that He could find in the entire earth. And thus my heart accepted her as my spouse.

It is our Jewish custom for a betrothal to last a few months before the actual marriage takes place. In Israel, a marriage is more like a business between two families. If the two families are affluent, they would exchange jewelry, money, houses, and even slaves. The transaction between our families was more modest because we are very poor.

Once the arrangements were made, Mary came with her aunt and uncle to my house. I placed a coin in her hand, and I said these words: “With this coin, you are now my betrothed.” Then, my father blessed us in front of various witnesses, and he said to Mary: “You are now Joseph’s spouse.” From that moment on, the real wedding preparations began. This gives us an opportunity for us to get to know each other better before actually living together.

It is now midday, and I must get something to eat. Thank You Lord for this beautiful day. I offer You my labor and all my actions. Please guide my steps and actions so that I may be the man that Mary deserves.


Joseph was a man of few words but he trusted the Holy Spirit to give him the right words when he had to talk to Mary? How is my relationship with the Holy Spirit? During this Advent, it will be a good time to strengthen it. 

Copyright © 2024 Christy Romero. All rights reserved.


  1. The Mystical City of God: A Popular Abridgement of the Divine History and Live of the Virgin Mother of God by Venerable Mary of Agreda (Book 2, Chapter VII).

All Bible references are from the New American Revised Edition Bible (NAREB) unless otherwise specified.

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