I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Lent: Guide me

"He humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross." Philippians 2:8

Week 2: February 25, 2010

Dear Jesus:

By choosing the humiliation of the cross in reparation for pride, You taught us obedience. You spread out your arms for us and you are calling us to follow You. There is nothing we can't face that You haven't faced already. It's time to push our pride aside, take up our crosses, and obediently follow You wherever You want to lead us. It is in our weakness that You can make us strong.

I love You, Jesus. I'm sorry that You had to endure the humiliation of the cross for me. I'm sorry when I allow pride to blind me. Today, I humble myself in front of You. I will try to obey You. Lead me where You want me to go. Guide me.

I love You, Jesus!!!

Week 2: March 14, 2017

Dear Jesus:

The movie "The Passion" has always been very tough for me to watch. I saw it twice in the movies when it first came out, then I bought the DVD, and I have never been able to watch it again. Now, I'm doing a study on the movie so every week, I get to watch about twenty minutes. Watching it in small doses makes it a little bit easier, but I'm dreading this week because I'm pretty sure the next part of the movie will include the scourging at the pillar, one of the scenes that I recall being very difficult to watch.

Seeing Mama Mary by your side the entire time really touched me. She was first and foremost, your Mother. The pain that she had to endure by watching You suffer affected me tremendously. And to think that You went through it for us. The only thing I can compare that love to is the love that I feel for my own children. I guess that's the same kind of love that You feel for us. Probably, even bigger. And every time we sin, we nail You to the cross.

I'm sorry Jesus for all the times that I have failed to love You. I'm sorry for all the times that I have failed to do your will. I'm sorry Mama Mary that you also had to suffer so much because of me. Please forgive me.

Jesus, lead me in the path that I must follow. Guide my steps in the direction that will one day unite me to You. Walk beside me and take my hand. Jesus, guide me.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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