I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Lent: Let's Shake Things Up

"No matter how busy your are in life, with some greater awareness and new perspectives you can consciously pray, fast, and give of yourself this Lent—and you will be ready to celebrate when a joyful dawn breaks upon you Easter morning." Loyola Press

First Week of Lent: March 15, 2011

Dear Jesus:

We are one week into Lent. What have I done to get closer to You? Well, I am reading three different books: "Five Minutes with the Word," "The Magnificat Lenten Companion," and "The Little Black Book." And yet, I feel like I'm not doing enough. 

I gave up the mini cupcakes that I like so much but I haven't even been tempted with them. We haven't been walking so my prayers have been poor and scarce. I think I need to shake things up to get into the Lenten mood. 

Please Jesus, wake me up from my slumber. Help me to get closer to You so that on Easter Sunday I can experience your Resurrection in all its majesty. 

I love You, Jesus!!!

First Week of Lent: March 8, 2017

Dear Jesus:

I always feel that during Lent I have to do huge sacrifices, pray around the clock and give away half my savings in order to get closer to You. But I get the feeling that I'm getting it all wrong. This morning, I read an article in Loyola Press titled "How to Find Time in the Day for Lent."

Basically, it talks about weaving Lenten activities as part of our busy lives rather than adding more to our already hectic schedules. This makes a lot of sense. I've always disliked Lent because it stretches my time to the point of breaking. Lent always comes around during tax season, my busiest time of the year. It's hard to find time for extra activities when I'm at the office ten hours straight. The last thing I have the energy for when I get out of work at 7 pm is to go to church for a Lenten mission. But instead, I can shake things up by weaving extra praying time into my busy day, by saying a little prayer for the client that lost a job, for the co-worker that did me a favor or for clarity of mind when the numbers refuse to balance.

I can also shake things up by giving in a different way. I can give encouragement to a client that was expecting a refund and owes money instead. I can give a smile to someone I encounter on the hallway. I can give my love to my family by showing them in specific acts of kindness how much I care for them.

And instead of giving up things or food, I can shake things up by fasting from gossiping, by releasing my worries to You and by giving up a negative attitude.

So this Lent, I'm doing things a little different than I'm used to. I'm shaking things up and I'm liking Lent a whole lot more. And I know that on Easter Sunday I will celebrate your Resurrection with a huge smile, not only because tax season will be over but because I will have gotten a lot closer to You..

I love You, Jesus!!!

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