I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, March 3, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Lent: Lenten Commitments

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." —Proverbs 16:9

First Week of Lent 2008: Friday, February 8th

Dear Jesus:

During this Lent, I am trying to do three things. The first one is to abstain from nagging. I have this horrible habit of nagging. Either when I want something or when I don't like something, I nag incessantly, and it's truly bothersome to my hubby and my children, the direct victims of my nagging.

The second one is to pray more. I have committed my first half hour of the day to pray. I have not succeeded every day but I am trying. Sometimes I have prayed while walking, others I have done the daily reflection while sitting in front of the computer at work, others I have gotten up very early and prayed the rosary, and other times, like today, I have read a meditation and I have written You a letter. The additional thing that I'm trying to do within "the more time for prayer" is to attend one additional mass during the week.

The third thing that I want to do for Lent is "almsgiving." I am not sure yet if it's going to be with my time or with my treasure. My time at this time of year tends to be very limited, but I would love to volunteer my time to a good cause. You have been very generous with us, and I need to be very grateful and give back some of what You have given to us.

I love You, Jesus!!!

First Week of Lent 2017: Friday, March 3rd

Dear Jesus:

Yesterday, I tried to go to mass and everything conspired to make me late. Penny took longer than usual to do her morning necessities; while I was walking her, I ran into a neighbor that was in a chatty mood; and by the time I rushed back home with barely a minute to spare, I realized that I still had to wash the breakfast dishes. And for me, to leave the house with dirty dishes on the sink is simply unacceptable. So I gave up.

Many years, I have attempted to attend at least one weekly daily mass during Lent. And every year, I fail. That is the reason why I did not make that commitment this Lent.  This year, I'm leaving it to chance. If I can make it, I'll be ecstatic, but if I can't, I won't be disappointed. Yesterday, I couldn't get to mass on time but I went instead to the Blessed Sacrament, and I got to spend 45 minutes of quiet prayer time with You. And that was good enough for both of us.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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