I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Lent: You always Know Best

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” 
              —JOHN 14:1

Week 4: April 5, 2011

Dear Jesus:

Tomorrow, Alex is going on retreat. Perfect timing since we are right in the middle of Lent. I want to pray for him, Jesus. Help him to open up his heart. I've been a bit worried about him lately. I tried to talk to him and he told me that the reason he has not been going out is because at the parties there's a lot of drugs and alcohol, and he doesn't want to deal with that. If that is the reason, then I'm very proud of him for taking such a mature stand at sixteen. 

However, I'm still concerned. He could go to the movies or other type of outings. I am sure that there's more than just the parties taking place on the weekends. Yet, he's been staying home every single Saturday for at least three or four months. It is not normal and I need your guidance. 

I pray that this retreat helps him. Whatever is going on, I pray that it comes out to the light. Help him to be truthful to You, to us, and to himself. The group that is going is awesome. Most of his close friends will be there. Please help him to rekindle those friendships. If there is something that is bothering him, help him to open up. Please Jesus, help him get close to You, to be happy, and please, fix whatever is wrong. A mother knows when something is not quite right. 

On a different note, Rafi got an offer from Microsoft. He seems to like this company more than Bloomberg. But he doesn't want to make his final decision until he hears back from Google. I left this in your hands so I trust You fully. But, Seattle? Couldn't You find him something a little closer?

Oh well, the world fits in the palm of your hand so what for me seems a long distance, for You it 's just a walk in the park. 

Protect my family during this Lent and always. 

I love You, Jesus!!!

Week 4: March 28, 2017

Dear Jesus:

I never found out what was going on with Alex. But whatever it was, You fixed it. I never worried again on the social department. If anything, he went from one extreme to the other. He's a social butterfly. And I saw the proof this last spring break. Our house had a revolving door. Between the Miami and the Connecticut friends, it was non-stop. As he approaches his college graduation, continue to surround him with good friends. And help him to make always the right decisions, the ones that are aligned with your will.

Rafi ended up choosing Microsoft for his summer internship. And we got to spend a wonderful summer vacation driving up the Pacific coast from San Francisco to Seattle with Alex. There, we met up with Rafi and Chabeli, and we drove to the Olympic National Park. It was one of the last vacations we got to spend the five of us by ourselves, and I cherish the memories and the pictures.

You always know best. And that's why, I should always trust You. Worrying is so pointless when You are in control. So I keep walking on this Lenten journey, and attempting to leave worrying behind.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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