I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Letters to Heaven during Lent: I'm not Giving Up Chocolate

First Week of Lent: February 26, 2009

"Why do we and the Pharisees fast much, buy your disciples do not fast?" Matthew 9:14

Dear Jesus:

You were never in favor of doing sacrifices on the outside, like fasting, when there was no conversion on the inside. The Pharisees were all about customs and traditions but when they saw someone in need on the Sabath, they would not help because it was the Sabath.

Today, many of us are not much different than the Pharisees. We place more emphasis on the traditions than on our conversion. What do I gain by fasting if I don't improve my life? If I continue gossiping, lying, being selfish and self-centered, then what is the benefit of fasting?

I gave up reading the Nora Roberts' novels during this Lent in order to spend more time with You. If I use the time instead to watch TV or to do other useless activities, then I might as well continue reading the romances I enjoy so much.

Help me to get closer to You this Lent, Jesus.

I love You!!!

First Week of Lent: March 5, 2017

Dear Jesus:

This Lent, I have been reading in a lot of places messages like this one: "Don't give up chocolate this Lent." It was on my church bulletin today, I've seen it on Facebook and I have received it by e-mail. I remember one Lent that I gave up ice cream and it was quite difficult because I used to eat ice cream every single day. But I understand why giving up chocolate is pointless if we don't use these forty days to transform.

This year, one of the things I'm trying to give up is worrying. Why? Well, simply because I am a worrier and I should learn to trust You more. I have handed my children to You, I know You love them more than me, and yet, I am constantly worrying about them. I mentioned to Alex that this Lent I was giving up worrying. He laughed and told me, "let's see how you do when I'm in Miami for spring break." He's right. In five days he will arrive and will be here for ten days. My biggest test will be when he's out and about at 3 o'clock in the morning and I'm wide awake trying to stay away from checking his location in "find my friends."

I should have given up chocolate. It would have been a lot easier.

Help me to get closer to You this Lent, Jesus, by truly placing my trust in You.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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