I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, August 4, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Creating Perfect Babies

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you" Jeremiah 1:5

May 21, 2009

Dear Jesus:

I read something today in the book I've been reading about Rafi's illness. It talked about genetic studies they are doing to try to identify the gene that causes this illness. They may even be able to identify it in fetuses before they are even born. The positive is that treatment can start much earlier. The negative is that parents may choose abortion if they find out that their babies may suffer from this illness.

It made me think: what if I had known that Rafi was going to suffer from this illness when I was pregnant with him? Of course, I would have had him. No doubt in my mind about that. In all three of my pregnancies, I voluntarily chose not to go through with the testing that would determine if the babies would be born with a problem. I would have never chosen abortion over life just because one of my babies would be less than perfect. Therefore, the only difference in finding out twenty years ago and finding out now, is that I would have learned everything about this illness sooner, and I would have attempted to find the best treatment earlier.

I thank You Jesus for Rafi, for his life, for his love, for his kindness, for his mind, for his brain, for everything that makes him who he is. I place him in your hands once more, Jesus. Please enlighten him and us, to make the best choices for his future. Holy Spirit, please fill him with your fire and guide him towards making the right decisions. Please help him to make the right selections to finish his education and help us to guide him towards the right path.

Rafi is your sacred creation. I love him and care for him deeply. Please give me the energy and strength to stand by him in the good and in the bad. And allow me to step back when he needs to walk alone.

I love You, Jesus!!!

August 4, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Yesterday, it was all over the news and in the front page of many newspapers that "scientists for the first time have successfully edited genes in human embryos to repair a common and serious disease-causing mutation, producing apparently healthy embryos." (1)

"The new experiment used a powerful new gene-editing technique to correct a genetic defect behind a heart disorder that can cause seemingly healthy young people to suddenly die from heart failure." (2)

As You well know, my hubby has this genetic defect, known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), in his heart. It was discovered when he was in his 30s, and since it's hereditary, our children have all had echocardiograms to rule it out. They need to continue checking themselves because unfortunately, the fact that they don't have it today doesn't mean that they can't develop it in the future.

When I heard the news, I was happy because this means that if our future grandchildren have this gene, it can be repaired before they are even born. But it also worried me because this is just the beginning. If human genes can be edited, how far will we go? "Some might try to design babies with certain traits, like greater intelligence or athleticism." (1)

Just like many parents nowadays choose abortion when they find out that the baby they are expecting suffers from an incurable illness, like Down Syndrome, this may cause the total opposite, where people with means will try to create the perfect babies with enhanced traits. It may even create a great abyss between people with disabilities and "perfect" people. Will people with disabilities get rejected from society because they are less than perfect?

Oh Jesus, when God gave us intelligence and free will, did He know what He was getting into? I guess when we use it for good, all is well. But many humans sure love to play God and I'm very concerned about the ethical consequences that all this human genetic engineering may have in the future. Yes, we all want perfect babies, but how far will we go to create that "perfect" baby? God help us!!!

I love You, Jesus!!!


(1) New York Times 8-2-17 "In Breakthrough, Scientists Edit a Dangerous Mutation From Genes in Human Embryos"

(2) NPR 8-2-17 "Scientists Precisely Edit DNA In Human Embryos To Fix A Disease Gene"

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