I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Not My Will but Your Will

"Prayer is not sending God to get what you want, prayer is getting you ready to accept what God wants." Unknown Author

August 13, 2007

Dear Jesus:

I just returned from spending a very peaceful weekend in Naples with my hubby. No kids, just us. It was a mini-honeymoon.

I didn't spend too much time meditating. I did pray. I prayed in the car on our way to Naples and on our way back. I prayed for the kids so they would be safe since they stayed home by themselves. We went to mass yesterday, to St. Anne Catholic Church. But honestly, the rest of the time I spent it resting my body and my mind.

And yet, I began this letter with a quote which I received recently by email from an Emmaus sister. This quote made me think. I tend to pray to You with "requests." God help me... God protect the kids... God I need... I'm always asking You to give me what I think I need, but that's not what prayer should be. Prayer should be "God, not my will but your will." After all, You know what I need better than I do. I need to pray so I'm ready to accept your plan.

Jesus, prepare me.

I love You, Jesus!!!

August 13, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Little did I know when I prayed to You ten years ago to prepare me that I was going to go through the most turbulent decade of my life. My kids' college years have been rough on us. I just sent our last payment to UConn a few days ago, and I cannot begin to tell You what a huge relief that was. And I am not talking just financially, which it will be a huge respite for our pockets. I am talking emotionally. Ever since we began the college years in 2007, I feel like we have been riding a never-ending rollercoaster. And even though I'm supposed to be praying, "Not my will, Lord, but your will," I beg You to please protect Alex in his last semester. Allow us to finish our college years in peace because it's been one storm after another since we began ten years ago.

Thank You for carrying us through the worst part of the storms. And thank You for allowing us to grow and become better persons because of the storms.

May your will be done in our lives, Lord.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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