I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Monday, August 14, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Dolphins and Rainbows

"When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” Genesis 9:16

August 14, 2009

Dear Jesus:

This letter comes from Siesta Key. Rafi's doctor gave us the green light after his checkup last week. All his labs were fine, so Rafi is stable enough for us to take this trip as a family. 

While Rafi's checkup was perfect, Chabeli's wasn't so. Never a dull moment in our life. Her sugar was on the high side, as well as her cholesterol. Her iron was also low. She's taking an iron supplement and the doctor says that exercise should take care of the rest. Right now, she's running up and down the beach. There is always something going on to keep us on our toes. But we can handle it, as long as You are grabbing our hand. I know You are.

Thank You for the peace I've been feeling this week. The last five days have been absolutely wonderful. Rafi and Chabeli have been enjoying their time here with their friends, while Alex has been tagging along with the big kids. 

Yesterday, was a magical day. The ocean was full of dolphins and on the horizon, I could clearly see all the colors of the rainbow with the clouds as a backdrop. I wish all days could be just as magical. We have been coming to Siesta Key for 19 years. As I was walking by the seashore today, I was watching all the little children playing. It brought me memories of when we used to come with our own kids when they were little. Rafi and Chabeli were 2 and 1 the first year we came. Alex has been coming since he was just 7 months old. We all love it here. It's part of our life. They grew up spending their summers in Siesta Key. No matter where we traveled, we always tried to squeeze a week at Siesta Key.

Rafe is already snoring next to me. Please, Jesus, keep him strong and healthy. We need each other for support and love. Thank You for placing him in my life 29 years ago.

Thank You, Jesus, for happy, relaxing days in Siesta Key.

I love You, Jesus!!!

August 14, 2017

Dear Jesus:

That was truly a magical week at Siesta Key. You sent me so many signs, to let me know that You were in charge and that everything was going to be alright. I remember that on the last day, when I looked up at the sky, there was a cloud in the shape of a dolphin, and right above it, I once again saw the colors of the rainbow. Rainbows have always been a sign from You that everything is going to be fine. Every time I'm worried about something, You paint a rainbow in the sky to let me know that You are in control of the situation. Thank You, Jesus, for dolphins and rainbows.

That trip also marked the beginning of Rafi's healing. He had a few minor flares the following weeks, but by mid-September, I had my healthy boy back. Thank You, Jesus, because I know now that You were carrying him in the palm of your hand. Actually, You were carrying all of us.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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