I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Thank You for the Angels

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken."—Psalm 62:5–6

August 23, 2009

Dear Jesus:

Thank You for all the angels that You have sent us to help us deal with Rafi's illness. First of all, I want to thank You for leading me to the Bible class at St. Louis. They were total strangers when I walked in, but through the weeks, they turned into an amazing support group. They have been wonderful. They have been praying for Rafi and they seem to truly care. One of the ladies even introduced us to a parish family who have a daughter with the same illness. They provided us with very valuable information.

Thank You for my friend Elyna. Even though I had distanced myself from her through the years, she has turned out to be a great source of strength and support. She understands because she suffers from the same illness. She has given Rafi some very good tips which hopefully will help him in dealing with his illness.

My mom and my sisters-in-law have also been wonderful through this whole ordeal. They have been praying and supporting us every step of the way. My mom is constantly giving me "estampitas" or sending me prayers. One of my favorite is an "estampita" she gave me of You as a child, specifically from the "Infant Jesus of Prague Shrine." I'm saying the prayer every day:

"Jesus, you decided to become a child,
and I'm coming to You full of trust.
I believe that your attentive love 
forestalls all my needs.
Even for the intercession of your Holy Mother,
You can meet my necessities, 
spiritual as well as material, 
if I pray according to your holy will. 
I love You with all my heart, all my strength.
I beg your pardon if my weakness makes me sin.
I repeat with the Gospel
'Lord, if You want You can heal my son.'
I leave You to decide how and when.
I'm ready to accept suffering, if this is your will, 
but help me not to become hardened to it, 
rather to bear fruit.
Help me to be a faithful servant
and for your sake, holy Child, 
to love my neighbor as myself.
Almighty Child, unceasingly I pray You
to support me in my necessities
of the present moment.
Grant me the grace to remain in You,
to be possessed and to possess You entirely,
with your parents, Mary and Joseph,
in the eternal praise
of your heavenly servants.

My biggest strength has come from You, Jesus. We would not have been able to survive the past four months without You in our lives. You have pulled us, pushed us, carried us, dried our tears, listened to us and You have cried with us. You have led us to the right support groups, placed amazing angels in our path, and made us discover things that we would not have found otherwise.

My trust is on You, Jesus. You are the friend that will always be available for us. You won't let us down. You always have time for us. You are never too busy to lend us your ear. You are all the support we need to navigate our way back to health.

I love You, Jesus!!!

August 23, 2017

Dear Jesus:

As You know, I have the personality of a crab. I have gotten better at sharing, but in the past, whenever I used to go through something difficult, instead of opening up and sharing it with my friends, I used to hide like a crab in a hole inside the sand. That is what happened during Rafi's illness. Little by little, I began to isolate myself. I kept it hidden deep within my heart. I told some people, obviously, but for the most part, I didn't want to burden anyone with our pain.

But You kept sending us angels. Thank You because You knew exactly what we needed and whom we needed. You placed the right persons in our path, and You led us where we needed to go.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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