I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Letters to Heaven: I Will Cherish the Memories

"Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!" 2 Corinthians 9:15

August 26, 2008

Dear Jesus:

It's been more than a month since I've taken the time to share some written thoughts with You. I really need to do this more often. I have to get back in the habit of writing once a week like I used to. I feel You calling me to write more, yet I'm struggling and writing less.

Summer is officially over. Well, not officially. We still have another month of summer but once classes begin, it just feels like it's over. Alex returned to school last week. Chabeli began her orientation at UM five days ago. She starts classes tomorrow. And Rafi leaves in three days.

It's been a wonderful summer. My only regret is that it went by so fast... probably because we were all busy. We took two one-week vacations. The first one to Siesta Key was nice and relaxed. The five of us went and we had "togetherness" time. The kids also got to spend time with their friends. Fifteen teenagers coincided in Siesta Key at the same time.

The second vacation was a cruise to the Western Caribbean. This one was bittersweet since Rafi stayed behind by his own choice. I think it was good for him, though. It gave him a sense of responsibility. He stayed in charge of the house and the dog. He did an excellent job, especially making sure that all the empty beer bottles were well hidden at the bottom of the recycling bin. In turn, Rafe and I got to spend quality time with Chabeli and Alex. We also reconnected with Chabeli's godparents and their two kids who went with us. We have been friends forever but don't see each other enough since they live in Miami Lakes.

The rest of the summer was spent working... Four of us worked since Rafi and Chabeli both got summer jobs. Alex took classes for one month. The rest of the time he slept, watched TV and played video games. Que buena vida. I must make sure that he finds a job next summer.

This summer, I feel that we are more united as a family. The kids are growing and maturing right in front of our eyes, and it's such a good feeling seeing that they have turned out fine.

Thank You, Jesus, for my family. Thank You for giving me these wonderful three months to spend with them. I will cherish the memories in my heart forever.

I love You, Jesus!!!

August 18, 2012

Dear Jesus:

I'm writing this letter to You from Siesta Key. We had a small window of opportunity between Rafi's return from San Francisco and Alex's start of the school year to squeeze five days for the five of us to get away. And we all voted on Siesta Key, our perfect small piece of heaven here on earth. Here we can truly find quality time without interruptions.

We have been spending our days at the beach and our evenings either cooking or eating out. We tried to catch the sunset every night. A couple of times we went to St. Armand's to walk and eat ice cream at Kilwin's. Last night, we had dinner at a new restaurant that we had never tried before, Ophelia's on the Bay. It was delicious and the setting was perfect. It was right on the water. While we were there, we witnessed an incredible rain storm. This is definitely one restaurant to be repeated on future visits.

It was nice to end that summer in this fashion, sharing with one another, playing games and simply enjoying each other's company. It was the perfect gift before Rafi moves to California to start his new life as an official adult. I will forever cherish these memories in my heart.

I love You, Jesus!!!

August 26, 2017

Dear Jesus:

I will definitely cherish the memories of our Siesta Key vacations in my heart forever. Those were everyone's favorite vacations. Endless days of sun, beach and relaxation, followed by our evening strolls through St. Armand's Circle eating ice cream from Kilwin's. We have not returned since 2013. Now we spend our beach time in our Hallandale Beach bungalow. But Siesta Key will always hold a special place in my heart. We will return one day.

I had the gift of uniting my three kids in the same zip code two nights ago. This now happens so rarely that when it does, I truly treasure it. As my friend Lupe was telling me: "These moments are more precious than a diamond." I agree with her. Don't give me diamonds or gold, just give me memories to cherish.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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