I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, February 23, 2018

Step #11-Forgive

“Go first and be reconciled with your brother.” Matthew 5:24

Friday of the First Week of Lent (March 6, 2009)

This journey has not been too difficult so far, but now the road is beginning to get a little rough. Why? I just spotted in the same road that person… I don’t even want to mention the name…

We all have someone in our lives whom we try to avoid. Someone that possibly hurt us very deeply. Someone that we simply dislike. Someone that is not living according to God’s ways or ours. Someone that blasphemed against us. Someone that is not very nice. Yes, we all know who that someone is.

What would you do if you see that person walking just a few steps ahead of you? Will you slow down to try to avoid walking beside him or her? Will you hide behind a tree to make sure that person does not notice you? Will you start walking very rapidly to pass this person and create a huge distance between the two of you? Will you ask Jesus, “What is this person doing in this journey with me? ……… does not deserve to be walking this road because he or she is not a good person.”

Jesus does not want us to continue on this journey until we reconcile with this person. He wants us to stop right now, look within our hearts and seek for forgiveness. He wants us to let go of all past hurts. He wants us to remember a time when we did something that hurt Him deeply. Did He forgive us? Yes, He did. He wants us to do the same. We need to forgive the person that is creating a wall between Jesus and us. Until we do, we cannot go on. We cannot find Jesus as long as we are carrying resentment within our hearts.

If you are having a hard time with this, sit under the tree with Mary, your Mother in Heaven. She understands. She also had a very hard time forgiving the people that crucified Her Son. Once She did, She was able to reunite with Her Son in all His glory. She will help us to find the grace to be able to forgive, so that we can encounter Jesus at the end of this journey.

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